Random Shopping System

Chapter 858: Kitchen bucket (10)

"Which one should I choose? There are so many ingredients in this world, and it really deserves to be a world where the profession of a chef is the cultivation system."

After Zhu Yuanyuan went around in the food area, he found that there were too many foods in this world, and there were countless things to eat. There were some on the Aqua Star, and there were none in this world.

"I don't know what kind of dish is the most famous in this world. Forget it, I will make a famous Chinese dish Buddha jumps over the wall, and then come with a four generation family (set of four treasures), and finally a vegetarian stir-fried three silks, three The dishes are alive, there are meat dishes and vegetarian dishes."

After Zhu Yuanyuan went around the ingredients area for a while, he found a lot of ingredients that he could use, and then thought of these dishes.

"Go pick dry goods first." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at his location, the closest to the dry goods area, so he went to pick dry goods first.

"This shark fin is good, big, strong, fragrant, and fresh." After Zhu Yuanyuan pushed the car to the dry goods area, he saw a lot of big shark fins on the wooden shelf where the shark fins were placed. The smallest of these shark fins is one meter. More than five, the largest can even reach 4-5 meters. You can imagine how big this shark is.

In fact, such a big shark fin is still small. Now the animals and plants on Aquamarine have been watered by the blood of the three magic blacks, so their body has become huge. Of course the sharks on Aquamarine have also become bigger. Don’t say shark fins. 4-5 meters, 10 meters are normal, and there are even 20-30 meters.

Since what Zhu Yuanyi was going to do was the Buddha jumping over the wall, he didn't take a lot of shark fin, so he took a shark fin about 2 meters high. He planned to cook the Buddha jumping over the wall in a jar that was as high as one person.

"Let me go, this abalone is so big, and the dried products are all one meter in size. If this is alive, wouldn't it be more than two meters? The fragrance is also good, just one word fresh. Good stuff!"

Zhu Yuanyuan also found the area for dried abalones. At first glance, they are all huge dried abalones, which are basically 1 meter in size. They are all processed and dried abalones. The fresh ones will definitely be bigger.

After finishing the abalone, Zhu Yuanyuan found sea cucumber, fat hen, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, trotters tendon, pork belly, pork belly, lamb knuckle, Jinhua ham, scallops, fish lips, duck, pigeon eggs, and the ingredients for Buddha jumping over the wall. It's alive. As for the seasoning, Zhu Yuanyuan has all the seasonings here, so I don't need the seasoning here.

In fact, there are some ingredients, Zhu Yuanyuan also uses ingredients in the warehouse of the martial system, such as Jinhua ham, which is not available in this world.

"The ingredients for the Buddha jumped over the wall are all, and the ingredients for the four generations (set of the four treasures) are also all. If you cook three shreds of vegetables, I think about it, should I use carrots, lettuce, and potatoes? It looks a bit simple, and they are all Remove the roots, lettuce and potatoes, and replace them with celery and bamboo shoots."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked through the ingredients in the cart and found that the ingredients were almost the same. The fried three silks at the back. There are also various ingredients here. Originally, he wanted to use various fungi instead of the three silks. Green vegetables, but he has been searching for a long time. Although he found more than three kinds of mountain products and fungi, the colors are all the same, there are duplicates, and they don’t look good together, or they become poisonous when mixed together, which is definitely not good. of.

Every food not only tastes good, but also has a good color and shape. This is a good food. Otherwise, even if the taste is top notch, it is estimated that not many people like it, let alone poisonous.

The reason why I choose carrots, celery, and bamboo shoots is mainly because their colors are very good, red, green and white. The three colors look good, and the taste is also very good. All kinds of nutrients are rich. Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan The world that I traversed doesn’t look at the richness of nutrition. It is mainly gas. The more gas after making a dish, the better the dish.


"Hello everyone, everyone, this time the chef is Zhangjia Restaurant challenged Xiangmanlou. Zhangjiajia recommends Shangming to play in the Zhangjia Restaurant. The Master Zhang is a Level 2 8-star chef in Xiqin Town. That is the top chef."

"And on the other side? The one who accepted the challenge from the kitchen bucket in Xiangmanlou was Mr. Zhu Yuanyuan Zhu. Mr. Zhu is very mysterious and has not been assessed by the God of Cooking Association, so no one knows what level Mr. Zhu's chef level has reached. It's very mysterious!"

An employee of the God of Kitchen Association stood on a wooden platform outside the competition venue and enthusiastically presided over the kitchen fight this time, but his voice only spread to the stands. Below, Zhu Yuanyuan and Zhang Shangming did not hear the sound. Also in order not to disturb the chefs in the kitchen battle, there are soundproof formations on the stands. These formations are all set by the formation masters.

"Okay, let's get back to the subject, now the chefs of both sides are choosing ingredients, and the ingredients selected by both sides are different. It seems that they are planning to make their best dishes. It seems that this time we are blessed."

The staff of the God of Kitchen Association is also right. They only have eye blessings. There are no judges in this world of kitchen fighting. Well, if you insist, the judges should be Tiandao. The height of the gas given by Tiandao is the score.

Moreover, the dishes cooked by each chef can be taken away by themselves. After all, the dishes cooked by the chef may have a high level, which leads to its high value and it is impossible for people to taste it casually.

It stands to reason that the kitchen fighting looks very simple~www.ltnovel.com~ You only need to look at the gas level to tell the winner, so why are so many viewers coming to watch the kitchen fighting?

In fact, the audience is mainly to join in the fun, and to watch the chefs’ various cooking techniques. After all, this is a world where chefs are respected. If you want to learn a higher level of cooking, you have to observe how others are How to cook, so the kitchen bucket has always been a hot spot in this world.

For example, now, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others in this kitchen space have at least tens of thousands of people sitting on the stand, and people have gradually entered the kitchen space. This is not only Xiqin Town, but people from other places can also pass through. Chudao Ling enters the kitchen space of their kitchen bucket. As long as you pay, you can come in and watch. This can be set to allow only people from a certain place to come in, or openly let everyone come in and watch.

The kitchen space is an independent space, which is attached to the outside of the world, so you can enter from wherever you go. It's just where you come in and where you go when you go out. It is impossible to say from the distance to the kitchen space After the owner came in thousands of miles away, it was with the person who opened the kitchen space.

This kitchen space is very similar to Aquastar’s online game. At home, you can enter the game through a computer and play games with many friends from all over the world. The kitchen space is to watch the kitchen battle with people from all over the mainland.

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