Random Shopping System

Chapter 861: Kitchen bucket (13)

"Ding Dong..."

After Zhu Yuanyuan picked up the four bell bracelets, the bells in his hand rang. The clear sound made people intoxicated. After hearing it, they wanted to listen again. Involuntary Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to shake this again. Bells.

"Eh..." There was a sudden surge of cool energy in Zhu Yuanyuan's mind, but it did not appear outside of the body. This is the mental power he originally possessed, and these mental powers were trapped in his mind. Cannot be used among them.

"I went and almost said, this bell bracelet is really evil." Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the bell bracelet stiffly. After he woke up, he found that there was a wave of mental power when the bell rang just now. , It seems because of this bell.

"I want to see what this bell bracelet is. It is so powerful without using the breath of the body. It doesn't look simple." Zhu Yuanyuan did not care about the envy, jealousy and hatred in the audience. I studied the four bell bracelets in my hand.

   Zhu Yuanyuan instilled his breath into the bell bracelet, and in a flash, a message appeared in his mind.

   ""Mother and Child Linking Heart Bell": Attribute (soul), 9-star special soul defense treasure, after wearing it, you can make heart calls in remote places, and it can also defend against 9-star and 9-star soul attacks."

Suddenly Zhu Yuan knew the purpose of this bell bracelet. He felt that this bracelet was like a mobile phone, and it could also defend against soul attacks. It was a very good treasure. He himself has no soul type. Defense treasures.

   "Good baby, and the functions of these four bracelets are all the same. It is equivalent to obtaining four soul defense treasures at once, yes, yes, it happened that I and Xiao Yuan had two little guys, one each."

   After Zhu Yuanyuan knew the effect of the son-mother Lian Xinling, he immediately became happy, and their family was just four people, isn't it right?

   After all the soaring gas poured into Zhu Yuanyuan's body, the real gas of this dish of four generations in the same house was also exposed, and it was immediately seen by everyone in the kitchen space.

"Oh my god...this...this is 81 inches of food, this is a nine-level nine-star dish, this Master Zhu turned out to be a nine-star nine-star chef, big brother!" And the loud audience screamed after seeing the breath of the four generations in the same room.

   "Fuck! It turned out to be a ninth-level dish, and Master Zhu turned out to be a ninth-level chef, worship!" A Xiqin town resident widened his eyes and burst into a swear word.

   "Nine-level chef, there is a ninth-level chef in Xiqin Town, it’s too awesome..."

   "The tickets are worth this time, and I saw the ninth-level chef cooking food with my own eyes. It's worth it."

   "Haha, this time the Zhang family has kicked the iron plate. Master Zhu is a ninth-level cook. This time the Zhang family is defeated." At first glance, it was what a person in Xiqin Town could not understand the style of the Zhang family.


"Haha, sister, look at the expressions of Zhang's family, it seems as ugly as the parents are all dead. It's too depressing and let them bully us." Xiangdong has been paying attention to Zhang's people, waiting for Zhu Yuanyuan's dishes to appear. He has been looking at Zhang's family, and now seeing the expressions of Zhang's family, Xiang Dong is extremely happy.

"That's because they deserved it, but even though we got a chance to breathe, we still can't relax. After this cooking fight is over, Mr. Zhu may leave Xiqin Town, brother, you have to work hard to improve your realm, only yourself Only when you are strong will you not be afraid of any enemies. From now on, Xiangmanlou will depend on your brother for support.

Although the Zhang family is already in a losing battle, Xiang Huiya still hasn’t relaxed. After all, this kitchen battle can be challenged every year. Maybe next year Zhang’s family will challenge them to Xiang’s family. Even if they win their recipes, next year will still be Go back.

"Yes, sister, I understand." Xiangdong heard what his sister said, and he felt very right. This time, if it weren't for the sudden appearance of Mr. Zhu, they would definitely refuse the kitchen bucket. In that case, Xiangmanlou Now that it is closed, it would be very difficult to regain the right to operate the restaurant. With the Zhang family on the side making trouble, the reopening of Xiangmanlou must be nowhere in sight.

   So Xiangdong is very grateful to Zhu Yuanyuan. If there is no Zhu Yuanyuan, Xiangjia would be finished. He felt that he hadn't worked hard enough before, and he would work harder to improve his cooking skills in the future.


   "It's over, our Zhang family is finished, and we have offended a ninth-level chef boss, Zhang Qiqi, it's all you."

   "Yes, no matter what ours is, Miracle Zhang, it is your fault, why should we take responsibility together."

   "Yes, Zhang miracle, it's all the ghosts of your father and son. I was opposed to the cooking and betting recipes. Now that's it, the recipes of our Zhang family will also be exported. Both of you did it.

   "Everyone listens to me, Zhang Shangming is no longer suitable to be the Patriarch of the Zhang Family. I think we need to choose another Patriarch."

   "Yes, yes, yes. The position of the Patriarch can't allow Zhang Shangming to take over~www.ltnovel.com~ Look at the great loss that brought us such a powerful enemy to the Zhang Family!"

  After the four generations in front of Zhu Yuanyuan's own gas was exposed, the place where the Zhang family was sitting suddenly exploded, all accusing Zhang Qiqi and Zhang Shangming.

This time, Zhang Shangming and Zhang Qiqi were indeed the first to propose the kitchen fight, but other members of the Zhang family did not object. They all agreed to it at the beginning, but now when something happens, they all throw the pot and throw the pot. It was thrown to Zhang Shangming and Zhang Qiqi.

   "You...you group of clowns, you all agreed when planning to go home, and now I blame my father and you..."

   Zhang miracle was so mad at the shamelessness of these people that he almost squirted out old blood. He didn't expect these family members to do this. Isn't this a stumbling block?

   "Big brother, why don't you speak? Do you blame me and father?" Especially Zhang Qidong, the eldest brother Zhang Qidong who saw one side was silent, Zhang Qidong looked at Zhang Qidong incredulously and asked. .

"Second brother, this time, it was my father who was discussing with you to challenge Xiang Jia, and you also dealt with Xiang Jia secretly. I didn't agree to anything and didn't do anything." Zhang Qidong didn't want to say anything anymore. He thought he was himself. The father is partial to the second brother, so now he doesn't speak for his father.

   "Big brother...that's our father, why are you doing this?" Zhang Qiqi looked at Zhang Qidong and said with an incredible expression. He never expected that his elder brother would not care about his father's life or death, and Zhang Qidong, who seemed to be the head of the family, would not want it either.

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