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Chapter 915: Kitchen tomb (2)

   Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan did not fool these tomb thieves. He would indeed consider letting go of those who cooperated well, but it also depends on the performance of these people. If the performance is good, then he doesn't mind letting them go.

But all this is only under the premise that this tomb is not so important. If this tomb is very important and precious, then Zhu Yuanyuan will not let these people go. After all, if they get down this tomb, they will get something. In terms of treasures, these people are still alive, so Zhu Yuanyuan will definitely be advertised everywhere that they have obtained the treasures. At that time, I am afraid that the people of Quanzhen Water Continent will chase them.

Zhu Yuanyuan would not tell these tomb robbers that he would not let them go. Tomb robbers had heard a lot of rumors when they were in Aquastar. These tomb robbers did not have a good thing. For the sake of profit, even father and son could turn against them, so kill Without these people, Zhu Yuanyuan would not feel guilty at all.

   "How is it? Don't you tell me, this is the last chance, a chance to live."

   Zhu Yuanyuan sat on a chair by the river, swaying a glass of blue sweet yogurt, watching the blue liquor slowly sliding down the glass, while speaking to the tomb thief who was kneeling down not far away.

"Zhu Gongzi, what kind of wine is this? It's delicious, with a hint of coolness in the sweetness. After drinking it, there is a cool feeling. Although the taste of the wine is not great, it is very good! I have not drunk this kind of wine. Wine, I don’t know what its name is, where is it produced?"

Yun Piaopiao did not care about the tomb robbers, but was very curious about the wine. Although she had been with Zhu Yuanyuan for more than a month, she really didn't know a lot of things. After talking, she only knew all day. It adhered to Zhu Ji's hoof, so it was normal for Zhu Yuanyuan to have something she didn't know, and it was impossible for Zhu Yuanyuan to take out anything to her.

   "Seven princesses, this is Lan Tian Niang, a kind of fine wine in my hometown, not bad?"

   Zhu Origin did not lie. Compared to countless worlds, the entire universe on the Aqua Star is his hometown, so Blue Shrimp is also his hometown. There is nothing wrong with it!

   "Blue sweet rice noodles? Blue liquor, with sweet taste, good name."

   After a cloud fluttering muttered, he took another sip of wine.

   However, Zhu Yuanyuan did not say what Lan Tian Niang was brewed from, otherwise he guessed that Yun Piao Piao would definitely spit it out.

   Lan Tian Niang is brewed with the blood of countless blue shrimps. Except for the sweet waterweed, there is no water mixed in it. It can be said that this wine is the blood of blue shrimp.

"Come on, smell, this is spicy chicken wings, how about it? Does it smell good? Do you want to eat it? As long as you tell the location and information of the tomb, then I will let you go and let you eat as much as you want, how about? Is there anything you want to say?"

Zhu Yuanyuan then ignored the clouds, but he brought up a plate of spicy chicken wings and asked the tomb thief. This was what he said to Zhang Huan. Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to try Aquastar on TV. The torture method used in it.

Zhu Yuanyuan said while holding the spicy chicken wings, grabbing a chicken wing with his hands and starting to nibble, while gnawing, he said, "Hmm! It's really fragrant and delicious. The chicken wings are charred on the outside and tender on the inside. The taste is just right and refreshing." !"

While eating, Zhu Yuanyuan also held up the plate and approached the held tomb robbers. The spicy chicken wings in the entire plate were even more fragrant, making each of the tomb robbers blue eyes and staring at the plate. The chicken wings inside just swallowed.

   "You want to eat it? Just say it if you want to. Just say it, then let you have a way of life. Those who don't say it will only die in the end."

   Zhu Yuan gnawed chicken wings on his own, while threatening these people, giving a red date with a stick.

"You..." Just when someone couldn't help but wanted to speak, suddenly a man with a beard stared at him with blood red eyes, and the person who wanted to speak closed his face in fear. Own mouth.

"Oh? It seems that you are the boss of the tomb thief, right? Okay, just let someone who specialize in torture ask you. It seems that I am too kind, if you don't want to be cruel, just I don’t know if the pot is made of iron."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the boss of the tomb thief and shook his head. Now he can't say anything. It seems that this group of tomb thief is not simple. It must not be a small group temporarily together. This is probably a group of special tomb robbers. Simple!

   "Zhang Huan, these people are handed over to you. Be sure to give me an answer by tomorrow. Can you do it?"

   Zhu Yuan did not want to spend time with the tomb thief here, so he married Zhang Huan directly.

"My lord, please rest assured, it will be done next." Zhang Huan directly agreed. He has many methods. Even the elite soldiers of the enemy country will be tortured from the 18th generation of the ancestors after they fall into his hands. The tomb thief!


   Zhu Yuanyuan ordered Zhu Jiti to camp and rest on the spot, and then waited.

   Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t make a tent~www.ltnovel.com~ His carriage was very large, with a bed, bathroom, and kitchen. It was very convenient, so he didn’t make a tent and slept directly in the carriage.

   The next day, after eating breakfast, Zhu Yuanyuan got good news from Zhang Huan.

   "His Royal Highness the Seventh Princess, my lord, which tomb thieves have already received information from, have all been recorded on paper, please look at them."

   After Zhang Huan got to Zhu Yuanyuan's side, he took out two pieces of paper and handed it over, one for Zhu Yuanyuan and the other for Yun Piaopiao.

   "Okay, well done, butler, take Zhang Huan down to receive the reward."

   Zhu Yuanyi didn't read the content first, but instructed Zhang Liangtian to take Zhang Huan down to receive the reward. Since others have done such a good job, of course he has to do something good.

"Master Xie, but I can't ask for your things." If Princess Seven is not here, Zhang Huan would dare to accept some gifts, but Princess Seven is right in front of him. How dare he accept gifts from others? This is a big mistake. , May be decapitated.

   "Well, since Young Master Zhu rewards you with something, then the next step is, this princess will not blame you." Yun Piaopiao impatiently asked Zhang Huan to roll away to receive the reward, where is so much nonsense.

   "Yes, Your Highness the Seventh Princess, your subordinates will go down here." Zhang Huan was taken aback, and quickly agreed, and then followed Zhang Liangtian to receive the reward. .

   Zhu Yuanyi didn't care about these things, but picked up this piece of paper and looked at it. It was the confession of the tomb robber.

   It turns out that the ancestors of these tomb robbers were specialized in tomb robbers, or a family of tomb robbers, who specialized in digging out those tombs that no longer had their masters, usually without descendants, so the tombs also disappeared in the torrent of history and were forgotten.

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