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Chapter 920: Kitchen tomb (seven)

   Eggplant lotus root slices are simple to say, but they are actually very simple to make.

  A purple eggplant is used for eggplant, because the color is better and the taste is longer.

   First steam the eggplant, mash it into a puree after steaming, then add seasoning, salt, vinegar, oil consumption, and then add some garlic and stir well.

Then wash the lotus root, put a whole piece in the pot and cook it. Take out the cooked lotus root and cut one end, then pour the eggplant puree in with a spoon. When filling, use chopsticks to gently stuff the hole of the lotus root. After filling up like this, Zhu Yuanyuan put the lotus roots in a refrigerator made of ice cubes to freeze them, so as to freeze the eggplant puree inside and prevent the eggplant puree from falling out when it is cut.

This eggplant lotus root slice can be eaten as a cold dish after being frozen, or it can be re-steamed after freezing, and then cut out. This is also a hot dish, while the lotus root also maintains the original flavor, and there are various seasonings in the eggplant puree. The taste will not tasteless.

   There are many ways to make this eggplant lotus root slice. This time Zhu Yuan made one. This one is eaten with honey at the end, also called honey lotus slice.

   The honey lotus root slices have a layer of honey on the outside, but the eggplant inside is salty. The two are actually not mixed together. After eating it, they will complement each other. It is a strange delicacy.

   "The name of this dish is "Honey Lotus Root Pieces"!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan named this dish, a gas of food filled the room. Since the size of the room was less than ten meters, the whole room was filled with gas of food, and because it was surrounded by formations Therefore, the energy of eating did not rush up straight up like before, but was confined in the tomb, but Zhu Origin did not know all this.

   "Honey lotus root tablets, heaven rewards "Hive": attributes (summoning), nine-star special treasures, can summon a 1-9 bee colony (more than 10,000) to attack the enemy randomly, and use it once every 24 hours."

After the qi of food disappeared, a beehive appeared on the table, which was rewarded by God. Zhu Yuanyuan picked it up and identified it, and he saw the properties of this thing. It was really a good thing, with more than 10,000 bees. This level 1 is okay. If there are 10,000 bees in the ninth level, then who else is his opponent?

   "Congratulations on successfully passing the test, you can take away the treasure, you can choose to continue to challenge the test, or you can go out the same way."

After    made this dish, there was a sound in the room.

   Zhu Origin is no surprise this time. This is the sound of the formation. As long as someone passes the test, this sentence will be heard.

   "A kitchen knife, I want to see how powerful it is."

   After Zhu Yuan passed his postgraduate entrance examination, he walked to the middle of the room, and then reached out and grabbed the kitchen knife in the light ball. After the kitchen knife was taken out, the light ball disappeared.

   Only those who have passed the postgraduate entrance examination can get things, otherwise the light ball will be blocked, and brute force is not acceptable. Even if the light ball is cracked by force, the formation will be triggered and then sent out.

   "Ice knife, heavenly treasure, attribute (ice), ninth level 1 star ice treasure, using this knife to cut vegetables can keep the ingredients fresh and make the ingredients more delicious..."

   After Zhu Yuan got the knife, he used the Ten Thousand Realms system to appraise it, and a series of materials appeared.

   Bing Li Knife is also a treasure rewarded by Heaven. This kitchen knife has many functions, such as keeping fresh, and it has more benefits.

   "The ice knife, a good kitchen knife, can even lock the freshness of the ingredients, not bad."

After Zhu Yuanyuan got this kitchen knife, he was still very happy. Although he came to this world where chefs are respected, the kitchen knife is really not so good. When he held this knife, he felt very cold. The result of not using the gas for refining is quite normal, as long as the cold air of this knife can't hurt him after refining.

   "I can't take the ingredients here. Go ahead. This tomb is really interesting. It allows people to cook something."

   Zhu Origin feels quite interesting. Is this the owner of the tomb too boring?

   Then Zhu Yuanyuan pushed open the door to the next room and walked in.

Then there are a series of tests. These tests are very weird. Some tests the skill of the knife, some tests the identification of ingredients, and even the heat. These are the basic skills of a chef. I don’t know why this chef will test the level 9 chef. s things.

   After passing these tests, Zhu Yuanyuan got a wide variety of things, from kitchen knives to pots and pans, as well as ingredients, basically everything the chef needs.

   He completed nine tasks along the way, and also obtained nine chefs’ kitchen utensils and ingredients.

   "Congratulations on passing the test of the Holy Chef. Please go to the main tomb to worship the Holy Chef."

Zhu Yuanyuan had just passed the ninth test, and then this voice appeared. Unlike the previous one, he can go directly to the main tomb~www.ltnovel.com~ It seems that nine is the most extreme number, so this holy chef Only nine levels have been set for the test! "

   Zhu Yuanyuan thought this Chef Sage was a bit interesting, and he had nine levels, which was not very difficult for him.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan had misunderstood. Among these nine tests, the last one needs to create a dish. If so suddenly, creating a dish is not a true god, who can create it in such a short time. A dish out?

   This is not Aquastar. The food culture on Aquastar has matured. Various seasonings are better than one.

   If you are in Aquastar, even if ordinary people want to create a dish, it is easy, but it is undoubtedly difficult in this chef world.

   "Is this the main cemetery? It's really magnificent! What's more, he is indeed a kitchen sage. He turned his cemetery into a kitchen style, cow!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan entered the main tomb, he almost thought he had gone to the wrong place. There was a coffin in the middle of the tomb, and it was still a red wooden coffin. It looked like the wood was very good, and the smell from the coffin was A light fragrance, these are not the main problems. .

As long as there is a stove in this tomb, the surrounding walls are filled with ingredients. This time Zhu Yuanyi can see it. The formations are used on the walls, so there are no ingredients at all. Rotting, the entire wall of the main tomb is full of food.

   Zhu Yuanli saw this situation, in fact, his forehead was about to take a black line. These other people's tombs are filled with antique jade, jewelry, and so on. This chef is good, and has collected so many ingredients.

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