Although the ambushers are also very strong, most of them are level 5-6, and some of the bosses are level 7-8, but Zhu Jihu can't stop the use of these soya beans, which are summoned by the ninth-level breath. Bing, except for the few bosses, all the others were killed.

   "Surrender! Don't resist, if you surrender, you can still have a way to survive, otherwise there is only a dead end."

   Zhu Jitai saw that the last 600 soya bean soldiers left behind attacked these three bosses desperately, and loudly persuaded them to surrender.

These three bosses are totally exhausted. Although they can kill a soy soldier from time to time, it is useless. All of these soy soldiers have a level of 7-8 strength. If it weren't for these soy soldiers, they would only simply hack and kill. They were all killed long ago.

   "I would rather die than surrender, come and kill me."

Among the three people, one of them seemed to be the real leader. This person was wearing an iron mask and shouted loudly. Although he was not afraid of death, he was still desperately resisting the hacking of the bean soldiers. It's still a pity.


   Seeing that there were only three people, Zhu Jiti directly let the Soybean Soldiers hug him, and directly slammed into them with his body. Then the three people were directly caught by the Soybean Soldiers into dumplings, and they couldn't move at once.

   "If you don't surrender? If you don't surrender, do you think I can't help you? How good is it to go back with me obediently?"

Zhu Jiji used his own breath to seal the fighting spirit of the three people, and then asked the Soybean Soldier to deal with the dead bodies on the scene, and they were quickly cleaned up. All the bodies were thrown into the forest. It must take only a day. These corpses will all be eaten by the beasts.

   "Let's go!"

   After Zhu Jitai tied the three people with a rope, he dragged them to the side of the convoy, and refused to go? It doesn't matter, Zhu Jiho is riding on a horse. If anyone doesn't leave, he will only be dragged away, which is very miserable.

   Soon Zhu Jiti took these three people to the convoy.

   "My son, the ambushers have already been dealt with. They are here for the seventh princess. I don't know who it is, but the three bosses have been caught. Are you bringing them here for questioning now?"

   After arriving at the team, Zhu Jiti reported the incident, and also said that three people were arrested.

   "Oh? Is it for the seventh princess? I won't ask these three people. You hand them to the seventh boy's guard and let them interrogate. I only need the result."

   Zhu Yuanyuan heard that he was heading towards the clouds, so he didn't bother to bother at once. Since he didn't come for himself, then what would it cost him?

   "Yes, son."

   Zhu Jitai agreed, and then took the three people to the Yunpiaopiao carriage.

Afterwards, Zhu Yuanyi got the answer. These people were from Jingguo. They were to assassinate Yun Piaopiao. As long as Yun Piaopiao dies, then Yun Country and Lin Country will definitely be in conflict, and Jing Country can benefit from it. It's really beautiful to think about it.

However, if there is no Zhu Yuanyuan, it is estimated that Yun Piaopiao would have been killed. Although Yun Guo may not be at war with Lin Guo, the relationship is deteriorating, but Jing Guo's conspiracy is definitely unable to succeed. Yes, no one is a fool. If you don't see such an obvious trick to sow discord, then you should be an official or an emperor, so just go home and have your wife and have children!


   After some twists and turns, after walking on the road for half a year, passing through seven cities, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others are finally going to Yundu.

   And the people of the original family have also been released, not for nothing, but the original family later found the door and took out abundant resources to redeem the people.

The Yuan family is not stupid either. They did not rush to send someone to forcibly rescue the people. Instead, they secretly investigated Zhu Yuanyuan and their identities, and then discovered that Zhu Yuanyuan was a ninth-level cook. Zhu Jiti did not go to the God of Cooking. Association assessment, so no one knows his level yet.

The Yuan family not only discovered that Zhu Yuanyuan was a nine-star chef, but also discovered the identity of Yun Piao Piao, so he didn’t dare to do anything indiscriminately. The original family members discussed for several days, and then the original family’s head Yuan Ling He personally visited Zhu Yuanyuan and Yun Piaopiao to accompany him, and then showed great sincerity.

   Just gold coins, the price is one million gold coins per person, and then the three levels of 7-8-9 ingredients are added for each one thousand catties. It can be said that the original family has lost the money.

   After the original family showed such sincerity, Zhu Yuanyuan and Yun Piaopiao released those people and let Yuanling take away.


   "Zhu Gongzi, there are clouds in front of him, isn't it big?" Although Yun Piaopiao was talking to Zhu Yuanyuan, what makes Zhu Yuanyuan speechless is can you not always look at Zhu Jiti?

   Zhu Yuanyuan felt that he was just a big light bulb, and he also ate a mouthful of dog food. It is estimated that he would not have to eat lunch after he entered the city for a while.

   "It is very big, and there are many people, yes, the clouds are very prosperous!"

   Zhu Yuan also feels that clouds are very prosperous, and now there are five teams in line to enter the city.

There are several gates on one side of the city wall of and one side is the gate to enter the city, and the other is out of the city. They are not related, and there is a bigger gate in the middle. It is said that this gate will only be opened during war. Of course, the emperor will open it. At other times, whether you are the prince or the prime minister, this gate cannot be opened.

   This is also a rule, a rule laid down by the ancestors of the country of Yun, and should not be violated.

It is estimated that this is also for the order of traffic. The gate in the middle will only be opened during war. This is also for national security. It is not possible for officials to walk inside. In that case, in case of war, if there is still someone occupying the road. , Isn’t that a delay of the fighter?

   That's why I made such a rule.

   "Zhu Gongzi, the clouds are not visible from the outside, the inside is more prosperous, there are more people, and there are more fun, after entering the city, I will arrange for someone to take you around the clouds!"

   Yun Piao Piao said so.

   "Okay, then there will be Princess Lao Qi." Zhu Yuanyuan knew what Yun Piao Piao meant, didn't he just want to hang out with Zhu Ji Ti? The things he collected along the way were almost the same. Basically, the things on the True Water Continent were all collected, so there was nothing to go shopping, but in order for Zhu Ji Ti to get a good marriage, he still agreed. .

   Speaking of it, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that even if he didn't have himself now, Zhu Jiti could marry Yun Piao Piao, and he could match Yun Piao Piao the seventh princess.

Zhu Jiti now has the strength of level 9 and 6 stars, and this is the result of Zhu Yuanyuan asking him to practice more first, otherwise I am afraid that there will be a level 9 nine stars already, this is Zhu Yuanyuan, and it has given countless resources. With the recipe, can his subordinates be strong?

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