Random Shopping System

Chapter 927: Cloud Capital (4)

In fact, when he came along this road, Zhu Yuanyuan was able to go to those businesses to order some treasures such as flying boats or flying boats, but he did not do it. He thought that he would fly over in the sky and could not see some of the things below. The scenery is more dangerous.

   For example, Yun Piaopiao was assassinated. It was not that there were no ninth-level powerhouses among the assassins this time, but all were killed.

If this is flying in the sky, if the assassin breaks the spaceship, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others will be fine, but it is estimated that many people who follow him will be killed. This is not what he wants to see. .

   In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan also has flying treasures in his hands, including flying boats and boats, and even a huge flying island. These things are treasures rewarded by heaven.

   During this period of time, Zhu Yuanyuan did not make a few homemade dishes by himself. He made all the recipes by hand. He has given out hundreds of dishes, so there are so many nine-level chefs.

Even Yun Piaopiao, the seventh princess, because of Zhu Jiti's relationship, Zhu Yuanyuan taught her a few recipes, so that Yun Piaopiao was promoted from a level 3 chef to a level 8 and 9 stars. Too fast, causing her to be unable to grasp such a powerful gas, she is estimated to have reached the ninth level.

   Although Zhu Yuanyuan made the recipes for others, he took away the treasures rewarded by those dishes, including the treasures rewarded by the dishes made by Yun Piaopiao.


   One night passed quickly, Zhu Yuanyuan woke up from a big bed, smelling a very comfortable fragrance, his head woke up from the confusion in an instant.

This scent is made of deep-sea fragrant wood, which can enhance people’s spiritual power and has a cleansing effect. It can prevent delusions during cultivation. This deep-sea fragrant wood is purchased by Zhang Liangtian and he acts as a housekeeper. , It is necessary to do what the owner likes, to arrange the owner's food, clothing, housing and transportation, including how to be a big man and how to enjoy all the good things.

"Steward Zhang, this double-tailed frosted shrimp is good. I am preparing one at noon." Zhu Yuanyuan exclaimed while eating breakfast. His breakfast is not steamed buns or something, but some good things, all containing All the dishes that breathe are in the level. Now these dishes are made by the chefs under his staff, and now those nine-level chefs take turns to cook for him.

   Although Zhu Yuanyuan itself is a ninth-level chef, the world is very weird. Even a ninth-level chef has to eat, and he won’t panic when he eats a meal.

   Maybe this is because the world itself is the world of chefs, so the rules of heaven are determined by chefs. If cultivators don't need to eat, is there a need for chefs?

   So it’s not surprising that a ninth-level chef will also be hungry.

However, the gas in the dishes is useless for the chef, and it is useless for the chef to eat the top-level dishes. Those gas cannot improve the realm of the chef. This is also the rule of this world. Heaven opens a door for you. Another door will be closed.

"Yes, son." Zhang Liangtian immediately wrote down what Zhu Yuanyuan had explained, and felt that this time the son was very satisfied with the ingredients he purchased. This double-tailed frosted shrimp went to a seafood shop early this morning. What I bought from the food shop was just an experiment. I didn't expect my son to like it.

Double-tailed Frost Shrimp, a level 7 marine creature, is a common marine prawn with dual properties of water and ice. It has a body length of two meters and two tails at the same time. It is delicious and has a cold feeling in the mouth. It is delicious.

   "My son, Zhang Huan's **** came over, saying that the seventh princess sent him over to give the title deed to Lixiangyuan and the restaurant."

   When Zhu Yuan had almost had breakfast, Zhu Ji Ti came over and said.

"This matter will be handled by you. From now on, you will have the final say in this cloud capital. I won't interfere too much." Zhu Yuanyuan put down the chopsticks in his hand and held up the milk that contains spiritual energy. Said while taking a sip of delicious milk.

This milk is the milk produced by the spirit beast cows. It contains spiritual energy. It is the cows that are fed in the Universe Immortal Sect. After these cows become spirit beasts, their bodies become larger, and they will live longer. As their strength improves, it will not be a problem to live for tens of thousands of years in the future.

The body of the spirit beast cow has become as tall as a building. It is more than ten meters high. It can be imagined how high the milk production of such a cow is. A cow produces 600 kilograms of milk a day, which is ten times higher. Yield is basically related to the growth of the cow's body.

In the Universe Immortal Sect, there are a lot of such spirit beast cows, which are increasing every year. Bulls are killed to eat meat, and the cows are left to produce milk. Now there are more than 100,000 spirit beast cows. You can harvest 60 million catties of milk alone, so much milk can’t be used up at all. Because many disciples don’t like to drink milk, most of the milk is stored in the warehouse of the martial system~www.ltnovel.com ~ Speaking of it, the disciples have to squeeze the milk. Milking is also a job. You can get ten sect contribution points for every cow you squeeze. This is a sect task with a high contribution point.

Of course, compared with selling a catty of milk to one contribution point to disciples, these ten contribution points do not seem to be too many, but there is not much that you can earn contribution points without going out to send a station. Unless it's those alchemists, tool refiners, and Fulu masters, otherwise many other tasks can only be earned by leaving the resident.

   Speaking of the martial art system, after people from different worlds joined the martial art, Zhu Yuanyuan was isolated. They could not contact people from other worlds. This was also set by Zhu Yuanyuan.

   For example, a group is divided into several groups. The members of each group can only see the members of their own group. They do not know that there are other groups, nor can they see the members of other groups.

The main reason why Zhu Yuanyuan wants to do this is that the time flow rate of each world is different. This communication is not feasible, and the evolution direction of civilization of each world is also different. If they are allowed to contact, it will not be possible. Fortunately, it would be misleading and cause the civilization of a certain world to shift, so Zhu Yuanyuan isolated them all.

   "Yes, son." After Zhu Jiti saw Zhu Yuanyuan's words, he also agreed and went to see Zhang Huan by himself. This matter had already been decided, and he had no objection. .

   Zhu Jiti went to handle the transfer of the house very quickly, and Zhang Huan followed him, and it was quickly handled.

   Zhang Huan was also very dedicated. He knew Zhu Jiti might be the husband-in-law of his princess in the future, so he was very kind to Zhu Jiti.

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