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Chapter 938: Enter Tiandao Pavilion (1)!

Heavenly Dao Pavilion has resident sites in many places in the Blu-ray world, and cultivators can assess levels, and can also post and receive tasks in it, which is equivalent to the same function as a mercenary union.

There is a pavilion with three schools and nine gates in the Blu-ray world. Tiandao Pavilion will not take care of any disputes outside. They will not care about things like opening a restaurant, and there is no such rule as having to cook and fight within a year.

In fact, the rules of the True Water Continent's Kitchen God Association are all tricks performed by two supervisors boring, and Tiandao Pavilion does not have such rules.

Heavenly Dao Pavilion is actually just a neutral force in the nine dimensions. They themselves say that they represent the existence of Heavenly Dao, and they can perform things that Heavenly Dao cannot do, such as attracting the strongest strength in each dimension. People go to higher dimensions.

That is to say, Tiandao Pavilion does not care about the fights of various forces, nor the kitchen battles between those restaurants and restaurants. Even if it is the right to operate the restaurant and the restaurant, the owner of the restaurant and the restaurant must go to the local city lord’s mansion. Apply, of course, if you feel that you are better than the strong in this city, you don’t have to apply for the right to operate. After all, this is a world of cultivation and civilization, a world where the strong is respected. As long as you are strong, then I can completely ignore the rules.

Zhu Yuanyuan has just come to the Blu-ray world now, and he is not familiar with it, and the Blu-ray world may not be very friendly to casual repairers. If a casual repairer wants to open a restaurant, it is estimated that a lot of benefits will be given to the local forces. This is inevitable. .

So joining a force is a good thing. It’s a good thing to be backed by a big tree, and Tiandao Pavilion is the most powerful force in the kitchen world. Although they are neutral and do not participate in any power struggles, they will never allow anyone. Offending yourself, if someone dared to offend a disciple of Tiandao Pavilion, he would suffer tragic revenge.

There is a deep background for one reason, and another reason is that the Tiandao Pavilion did not prohibit the disciples from establishing their own influence. The power established by these disciples is also the strength of the Tiandao Pavilion. Therefore, the Tiandao Pavilion did not prohibit the disciples from establishing influence. This is why Zhu Yuanyuan changed his mind to join Tiandao Pavilion.


"Why are you still here? Is there something?" Dimension Teleportation Array guard Li Tianjin saw Zhu Yuanyuan still staying here, he asked a little puzzledly.

"Senior, I want to join Tiandao Pavilion. This is an invitation letter." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't say much, and directly took out the wooden invitation letter Fang Hongdao gave him.

"Oh? Is there an invitation letter? Yes, you can join Tiandao Pavilion, follow me, and this will take you to the cross-border Xingtiandao Pavilion resident."

After Li Tianjin took the invitation letter from Zhu Yuanyuan and checked it mentally, he found that it was a real invitation letter, including the codes belonging to Fang Hongdao and Tian Li, and then walked towards a place with Zhu Yuanyuan.

Zhu Yuanyuan followed Li Tianjin through many cross-border teleportation formations along the way, and there were guards who greeted Li Tianjin.

"Tianjin, is this bringing a newcomer? Did you join our Heavenly Dao Pavilion?"

"Old Li, you got lucky today, and you met a newcomer who had an invitation letter. I want to treat you!"

"Oh, I'm going, Li Tianjin, I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing!"

Some of the guards who said hello were serious questions, some were congratulations, and some were strange.

"Huh! It seems that there are fights everywhere, and the Heavenly Dao Pavilion is not calm. Although it is a neutral force, the internal fighting seems to be very serious!" Zhu Yuanyuan watched this scene, and he muttered a few words in his heart.

However, Li Tianjin didn't care. It is estimated that there were more such things, so he accepted these guards without changing his face, and walked out of the dimensional teleportation array area with Zhu Yuanyuan directly.

After leaving the area of ​​the dimensional teleportation array, Li Tianjin led Zhu Yuanyuan to a teleportation array.

"Old clothes, I'll take this kid to the resident." Li Tianjin said to the guards guarding the teleportation formation.

"Oh? It's Lao Li, did you meet a newcomer? Good luck!" Lao Yi took a look at Zhu Yuanyuan next to Li Tianjin, and said with envy.

"That's, hurry up, I'll take the kid to the station first, and then call my brothers to drink together."

With a triumphant smile on Li Tianjin's face, he urged Lao Yi to start the teleportation formation.

"Haole, that's it, let's go back and drink together." Lao Yi didn't forget to say when he started the teleportation array.

"No problem." Li Tianjin agreed, and then the teleportation array was opened. In an instant, he and Zhu Yuanyuan disappeared in the teleportation array.

"Good guy, I didn't expect that such a good thing would happen to Lao Li. Why didn't I encounter such a good thing when I went to the Dimension Teleportation Array?" Lao Yi is still very envious, but he knows it. A genius who joins Tiandao Pavilion, even if it is not the person who issued the invitation, just takes this genius to the station, and can get a lot of benefits~www.ltnovel.com~ Can he not be envious and jealous?


Cross-border star, Tiandao Pavilion resident, below Tiandao Mountain.

Zhu Yuanyuan and Li Tianjin were teleported to the teleportation array below Tiandao Mountain. After they walked out of the teleportation array, Zhu Yuanjin saw a mountain range. They were at the foot of the mountain. The front mountain was just a peak for receiving foreigners. The people outside are still Tiandao Pavilion's own people, and will only teleport to the foot of this mountain.

Speaking of it, the Tiandao Pavilion is also interesting. Their resident sites are all mountains. In any dimension, these mountains are called Tiandao Mountain.

However, there is only one station on a planet or a continent, that is to say, there is only one Tiandao Mountain on a planet and a continent, and the stations in the city are just like stores.

"Little Zhu, follow." Li Tianjin walked directly up the mountain after coming out of the teleportation formation, and found that Zhu Yuanyuan had not followed, he turned his head and called out.

"Hey, here it is." Zhu Yuanyuan was observing the surrounding environment, and almost forgot that he was here to join the Tiandao Pavilion, not to enjoy the scenery.

Following Li Tianjin, ascended the foremost mountain, Zhu Yuanyuan also encountered many people up and down on the road, hurriedly coming and going. Some of these people were disciples of Tiandao Pavilion and some were outsiders.

"Xiao Zhu, this is the entrance to the outer disciple hall. There are deacons who specialize in recruiting disciples, and there are also outer disciples. If you have just joined Tiandao Pavilion, you can only start with outer disciples, is that okay?"

Li Tianjin took Zhu Yuanyuan to the entrance of a large hall on the mountain. There was a deacon hall on the main hall. Tiandao pavilion has countless deacon halls, but they are also managed by others. For example, this outer deacon hall manages the outer disciples. Basically Everything will be taken care of, but the deacons are managed separately and will not be messy.

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