"Not bad, the treatment of Tiandao Pavilion is not bad, I thought that after joining Tiandao Pavilion, what messy tasks should I do!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan joined the Tiandao Pavilion, he discovered that even the outer disciples didn’t need to do tasks. Tiandao Pavilion never forced the disciples. Even the supervisors and those who guarded the teleportation array went voluntarily in order to contribute points. , Also for resources.

   After thinking about these things, Zhu Yuanyuan was not entangled in the matter of joining the power to work for others.

   In fact, it seems that joining forces is also good. At least there is a backing behind it, and doing things will be easier. Tiandao Pavilion did not prevent disciples from creating their own forces, so for Zhu Yuanyuan, joining Tiandao Pavilion is a good thing.


After a night’s rest, Zhu Yuanyuan left the small yard. He does not have any yellow-order ingredients in his hands, so he is going to pick up the tasks. There are those cooking tasks in the Tiandao Pavilion, so he doesn’t need to pick up those who want to leave. It is impossible for him to go out for the mission of the far gate. Zhu Yuanyuan has not yet reached the level of Huang Tien. If he goes out to do the mission, he will die, and the people in Tiandao Pavilion will not be so reckless.

   Zhu Origin was teleported to the mountain where the mission hall of the outer gate was located according to the map in the booklet. This hall was named the Hall of Merit. Starting

   Now there are many people coming in and out of the Hall of Merit, which looks very lively.

Zhu Yuanyuan walked in directly, but no one took a second look at him. Now he changed into the uniform costume of Tiandao Pavilion, so he was not conspicuous. He was mixed in the crowd, that is, an ordinary disciple, and everyone could see through. His strength, his ninth-level nine-star strength is very low. Although there are ordinary people in the Blu-ray world, this may be the lowest in the heavenly pavilion. The disciple of the ninth-level nine-star is , It could only come from the White Light Realm. If you recruit disciples in the Blu-ray Realm, you will not be able to join the Tiandao Pavilion before the age of 20 before Huang Tier.

   "I took this task of searching for purple hemp."

   "Hand in task."

   "This junior, join us, we are going to hunt mammoths."


   After entering the Hall of Merit, Zhu Yuanyuan heard that there were those who took the task, those who handed in the task, and the team that brought people together to do the task.

   This is all normal. Every day in the Hall of Merit, countless people come to accept and hand in tasks. This is the normal state in Tiandao Pavilion.

   There are many types of tasks in the Hall of Merit. There are tasks for finding wild ingredients, tasks for hunting various beasts, and tasks for cooking dishes.

Of course, these are all required tasks, and some tasks are long-term, such as going to the White Light Realm to be a supervisor, which is once every 10,000 years, but as long as you do a 10,000-year supervisor, there is nothing in the middle. As long as you don't die, you will benefit greatly after returning, at least you will be able to reach the ninth level of the yellow rank nine stars. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   After reaching the yellow rank, whether it is a chef or another cultivator, his life span is far more than 10,000 years, so it is no problem to be a supervisor, and he will not die because of insufficient life span.

   In addition to going to the White Light Realm to be an inspector, there are also the guards of the Transboundary Star Teleportation Array, as well as the guards below Tiandao Mountain, all of which are in the task, and one completion can increase many contribution points.

   "Hello Brother Zheng, do you provide ingredients for this task of cooking dishes?" Zhu Yuanyuan finished reading the tasks that were scrolling in the hall, and then found a free counter to ask.

"This junior, are you just getting started? If you are just getting started, I suggest you use the monthly benefits to improve your own strength, and learn a few more dishes with the teachers in the open class before you challenge yourself. Otherwise, If you fail to complete the task, I am afraid you will have to compensate for the loss."

   Senior Brother Zheng raised his head and took a look at Zhu Yuanyuan, and then said that he didn't want the newcomer to suffer innocent disaster.

   "Senior Brother Zheng, please rest assured, the younger brother has a sense of measure. This is still certain." Zhu Yuanyuan raised his brows, and then continued.

"Oh? If you force it, then I won't stop it. But this cooking task can only provide five ingredients at a time, and five opportunities. If it is not successful, you will have to pay for five ingredients. I figured it out clearly."

   Brother Zheng frowned when he heard Zhu Yuanyuan's meaning, and then became a bit dissatisfied. But for the sake of this kid, why didn't he listen to him!

   "Yes, Brother Zheng, I have already figured it out clearly, I will take on the task of cooking dishes." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded with certainty, now disgusted with himself, this guy will definitely change after cooking the dishes.

   "Well, here are five ingredients. You have to use these five poems. You only need to cook once. After one time, the rest of the ingredients are your own."

   Senior Brother Zheng also said a hidden rule. This is something everyone knows. The cooking dishes are similar to alchemy, and they are all lossy. If they fail to succeed, all the ingredients will be destroyed.

   "Thank you Senior Brother Zheng." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then took out his disciple token and handed it to Senior Brother Zheng. He accepted this task and then received some ingredients.

   After receiving the task, Zhu Yuanyuan left immediately~www.ltnovel.com~ This task is not difficult to receive, only need to cook the yellow rank 1 and 1 star.

   "This is lotus root, this is corn, there are also eggplants, cucumbers, beans, and some meat."

   After seeing these ingredients, Zhu Yuan was very happy. These things look ordinary, but they are all yellow-level ingredients. As long as they make yellow-level dishes, they can get attention.


   This time, all the dishes cooked by Zhu Yuanyuan have appeared, and they have been cooked in the world of white light. Although the level of ingredients is different, the dishes cooked are the same, so they are not homemade.

  Why the materials are the same, but the things made are not self-created?

   This is because the way of heaven is the same way of heaven, in the world of white light it is the way of heaven, in the world of blue light it is still the way of heaven.

   So the dishes are the same, not homemade.

   After finishing the dishes, Zhu Yuanyuan found that he himself had reached the Yellow level, and his strength had risen by a large amount, and he had also earned a lot of reputation.

   "Level 1 prestige value: 39 trillion and 56.37 million."

   "Level 2 reputation value: 331.2 billion."

   "Level 3 reputation value: 68.4 billion."

   "Aquamarine Star World Combat Power: 2,000."

   "Magic world combat power: 2.61 million points.".

   "Combat power in the cook world: 2 million points."

   "Yes, I have earned a lot of reputation points during this time!"

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