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Chapter 957: Space storm (3)

The people in the front teleported very quickly, and they teleported away in two waves, and then they arrived at Zhu Yuanyuan, and there was no one behind Zhu Yuanyuan. It is estimated that no one else was transmitting, or they were waiting to transmit together in other places. People, after all, this ultra-long-distance teleportation array can only be activated by 10,000 people. Of course, it is not impossible to teleport by one person. The premise is to pay 10 million gas coins so that you can use the teleportation array by yourself.

"You are not the ones who made an appointment for the teleportation formation? Where are you going?" After seeing Zhu Yuanyuan and the others, the people guarding the teleportation formation found that they didn't know each other, so they asked.

"We are going to the Qingyan Continent. This is 10 million gas food coins." Zhu Yuanyuan did not speak. Li Fanzhou stepped forward to negotiate with the guards, and then paid the gas food coins.

"Qingyan Continent, isn't it? You are all on the teleportation formation, immediately start teleportation." After the teleportation array guards received the gas food coins, they were also welcome, and asked Zhu Yuanyuan and the others to quickly go to the teleportation formation, and the teleportation was about to start.

After Zhu Yuanyuan and all of them were on the teleportation array, the guards opened the teleportation array, and then found the coordinates of the Qingyan continent for docking, and then activated the teleportation array to start the teleportation.

A blue brilliance floated above the entire ultra-long-distance teleportation array, and a blue photomask protected Zhu Yuanyuan and the others "swish" all of a sudden. The blue photomask and Zhu Yuanyuan and the 10,000 people disappeared without a trace.

After starting the transmission, Zhu Yuanyuan found that he had entered the transmission channel and began to transmit. The blue light shield protected them from the space energy. The outside of the transmission channel was colorful. Looking at the brilliance that flew by instantly, Zhu Yuanyuan knew , That is some matter in the interlayer of space, and some are very precious things, but these things are not available to him now. He does not have the strength to break the space, nor does he have the ability to break the space. Survive.


On the cross-border star, just after Zhu Yuanyuan and the others teleported away, something big suddenly happened.

"No, there is a space storm sweeping the space mezzanine, immediately stop all transmissions, all the transmission arrays are stopped, and they can no longer be transmitted."

The staff monitoring the space mezzanine in the Transboundary Star Teleportation area discovered the space storm, and then reported it to Zhang Qiang, the person in charge of the teleportation area, and Zhang Qiang immediately issued the order.

"Elder Zhang, but there are still many teleportation formations that are being teleported over. If we close the teleportation formations rashly, those people will get lost in the space. In that case, they will be dead."

A staff member said so.

"I said, close the teleportation array right away, don’t you understand? This is a space storm. Do you know what a space storm is? If the teleportation array is not closed, those space storms will erupt through the teleportation array. Transboundary stars will be finished, and even no grass will grow around them within dozens of hundreds of light years. Do you know what that means?"

"Space storms will destroy everything here, planets, continents, all will be destroyed, leaving no grain of sand, labor and management will control their teleporters to die, as long as we can live, it is enough to die them, Saved countless planets and continents, as well as countless lives on them, which one do you think is the best deal? Hurry up and close the teleportation array."

After Zhang Qiang heard this staff member's words, he immediately roared. When did he not even listen to his words, is it usually too good for you?

"Yes, yes, Elder Zhang, the subordinates are going to close the teleportation array now." Upon hearing such serious consequences, the staff member's expression became innocent, and he ran towards the teleportation area.

And Zhang Qiang also contacted the people at the Cross-Border Star Tiandao Pavilion and informed them to close the teleportation array.

"What? Turn off the teleportation array? No, I just teleported 10,000 people away. They are going to Qingyan Continent, and it will take at least an hour to teleport. You can't turn off the teleportation array, or they will die."

After the teleportation array guard heard what the staff said, his face suddenly became ugly, and he said with embarrassment, if this turns off the teleportation array, doesn't it mean that he killed 10,000 people himself?

It's not that the guards of the teleportation array have never killed people, but this has killed 10,000 people. He really has never done it, so he hesitated.

"Don't hesitate, do you know what a space storm is? If the teleportation array is still turned on, it will attract space storm invasion......." The staff flicked and said, he also knew things from Zhang Qiang, so he told them all.

"Ah? Is that true? Then I have to shut down the teleportation array." After hearing the staff's words, the teleportation array guard quickly agreed to close the teleportation array and had to do this because all his family members are on the crossover star. And he didn't want to die.

Although the guard has been in the Transboundary Star for a long time, he has never seen a space storm. This thing has only appeared in certain historical documents. It is also a natural crisis that occurs once in a million years. It's really unlucky to think of appearing in the crossover star where he is this time~www.ltnovel.com~!


When the ultra-long-distance teleportation formation on the cross-border star side was closed, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others had a problem.

"Warning! Warning! A space storm is coming!"

"Warning! Warning! A space storm is coming!"

"Warning! Warning! A space storm is coming!"

"What? Space storm? How could it be such a coincidence?"

The system interface in Zhu Yuan’s mind lit up in red, and he also found that the surrounding blue mask flickered. I don’t know what happened. It seems that the energy supply is not enough, so this is the case. Generally speaking, it’s not. It should be like this, there is only one reason, and that is to artificially close the teleportation array, so as to cut off the energy channel of Zhu Yuanyuan when they teleport.

"System, is there any way for me to avoid space storms." Zhu Yuanyuan couldn't wait to die, so he asked for a solution.

"Master, there is a solution. The system has 361780462 solutions. Which solution do you want?"

The system's answer was quick, but Zhu Yuanyuan almost vomited blood. The dog system actually gave such an answer, right?

"Ahem! System, you can choose the best way for me to hide." Zhu Yuanyuan is very depressed, but there is also a way to let the system choose one by himself. If he chooses it himself, when will he choose it? ?

Maybe after Zhu Yuanyuan made his own choice, they would have died a long time ago. It is estimated that there will be no dust left. Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan has a way to escape, but he can't abandon Li Fanzhou and leave them alone. It's too inhuman.

"Master, the best solution is......"

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