Random Shopping System

Chapter 959: New world, new starting point!

"Master, get ready. In ten minutes, the space storm will hit the teleportation channel. Then you will be randomly teleported to other worlds, so that the genius of this world will not find you, master, or cause you to be discovered. You later angered your subordinates."

   At this time, the system broke out something that Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know.

   "What? After being discovered by Tiandao, he would still anger his subordinates? Isn't Tiandao the reincarnation of braids? Isn't it a mistake?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan felt that this heavenly way was too inhumane, and he would be like a certain braid country at every turn.

"Rafting, the space storm is coming soon, and I will leave soon, don’t worry, you are safe, don’t worry, I have arranged everything, you will be safely transported to the destination, they will leave it to you ." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Before the space storm came, Zhu Yuanyuan continued to talk a few more words.

   "Yes, son, your subordinates know, take care!"

   Although Li Fanzhou didn't know where his son would go, he still showed his concern.

   "Okay, time is up, I'm leaving."

  As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan finished speaking, his body disappeared in the same place.

Afterwards, a series of space storms hit Li Fanzhou's transmission channel, but strangely, this transmission channel was not destroyed by the space storm. After those space storms hit the transmission channel, there was only a ripple, and then there was no Now, these space storms seemed to be absorbed by the transmission channel, and disappeared after hitting the transmission channel. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Master, you have to have a good journey!" After Li Fanzhou saw his master disappeared, he also knew that his master must have left the Blu-ray world. As for whether he had reached other dimensions, he didn't know, but only silently blessed him. Own son.


   "My... my head hurts, this time the transmission is too bad, right? The system, did you deliberately?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan entered this world, he immediately discovered that all his power was gone, including spiritual power. Although spiritual power is his own, it should not be sealed, but spiritual power is actually in the soul. The power of birth, so if the spiritual power cultivated in other worlds is exposed in this world, then the heavenly path of this world will immediately find Zhu Yuanyuan, the light bulb in the darkness, just wait for the punishment of heaven!

The reason why Zhu Yuanyuan had a headache was when he was teleporting. He was simply guilty. He rolled and teleported directly. After arriving in this world, he bumped into the ground. Fortunately, the ground was grass and there were no stones. Otherwise, he had to knock His head was bloodied.

   "Master, because the teleportation distance is too far, that's why you have such a situation." Will the system apologize? can you? The system indicates that he is just a cold and ruthless tool, and the tool is not emotional!

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you. System, where is this place?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked around and found that there was a dirt road not far from him, and at the end of the dirt road, you could still see a city vaguely. Coming here is also an ancient time, and the building looks similar to that of the Song Dynasty.

   "Master, the system doesn't know where this is. You need to explore it yourself." The system was really ruthless, and now it refused to provide information to Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Oh? Forget it, I'd better go and take a look in the city in front."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard that the system said that he didn’t know, he didn’t continue to ask. He found out that everything needs reputation after the system is upgraded, and he rarely answers his questions, even if the system knows things. Without telling Zhu Yuanyuan, this is still the result of the inquiry.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan also discovered the reason why the system did this. The system is training him in disguise, and also training Zhu Yuanyuan not to rely on the system excessively. Even if the strength can be improved by the reputation value, Zhu Yuanyuan still has to do other things by himself. , You can’t ask the system for everything. Although the system is versatile, you can’t do that.

   It is impossible for the system to tell the origin of everything. It is cultivating Zhu Origin’s autonomy intentionally or unintentionally. It is better to ask for yourself than for others. For example, is the system unaware of this situation?

  How is it possible? Of course, the system knows it. The Ten Thousand Realms System knew the world clearly the moment it entered the world. The reason why it didn't tell Zhu Yuanyuan was because the system was designed to let Zhu Yuanyuan do his own thing.

   Along the way, Zhu Yuanyuan saw a lot of traces on this dirt road. There were wheels crushed, animal footprints, like horses, cows, and donkeys. It seems that this world is very similar to Aquastar.

   Of course, this is all Zhu Yuanyuan's guess, how about it, you have to go to the city in front to find out.

No one has seen this dirt road. Based on this, Zhu Yuanyuan knew that this road is probably not the main road of the city~www.ltnovel.com~ Maybe it is the road from some villages to the city, these villages will not go every day. In the city, it is usually half a month.

When Zhu Yuanyuan quickly walked to the gate of the city, he also found the main road. At the same time, he saw the people coming and going, and also found the clothes that people wore. Sure enough, they were a bit like the clothes of the Song Dynasty. They were very conservative. The women did not wear them at all. .

   In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan still thinks the clothes of the Tang Dynasty are good-looking, especially the women are very beautiful and sexy.

The clothes he wears now are the same as those of the Song Dynasty. They are both long robes, except that Zhu Yuanyuan wears a corset, which is very close to the body. This makes it easier to wear and move. Zhu Yuanyuan also saw that some people here also wear work. Tight clothes make it easier to move around.

   After arriving at the gate of the city, Zhu Yuanyuan discovered that the city was very small, probably a town, but why did a town build a city wall?

When he entered the city, he saw the three characters Mingye Town on the city gate. The three big characters were written very well. Judging from the calligraphy that Zhu Yuanyi promoted among the water blue stars, these three characters are already masters The level is still far away, but the master level is also very good.

At the same time, Zhu Yuanyuan also discovered that these three characters seemed to have an inexplicable aura. I don’t know if he felt wrong, but because he was entering the city and there were guards at the door, he didn’t stay at the door too much, just glanced at it. .

   After entering the city, Zhu Yuanyuan discovered a very strange thing. He found that most of the people along the way were scholars with books. Some people were still walking while reading. Is this really making a blind person?

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