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Chapter 961: Literary World (2)

Therefore, if Zhu Yuanyuan wants to awaken his literary spirit, the easiest and most effective way is to go to the children’s test. This is the most direct way. However, the scholars who take the test have letters of recommendation and also have their own identity posts. OK, these things must be kept for the record, so that we can find out the identity background, so as not to be mixed into the examination room by some gangsters.

"How to do it?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan waited until the food and beverages were on the table, he did not think of a way. If he wants to get the exam qualifications, he must have an identity. Even if he has not gone to a college or a private school, he must have an identity, such as You need to find out where you live, who else is at home, and what friends you have.

Because this is actually more than one country, Zhu Yuanyuan now lives in the country of Ji, which was established by the descendants of a Confucian sage, and the country of Ji has lasted for 100,000 years. The saints have left this world, or the planet, but the background of Ji is still very deep. There are more than ten or twenty great Confucians on the bright side, and the great Confucians are the highest strength below the saints.

There are other countries, so there will be fights, and at the same time, they will send spies to sneak into the country to deal with. This is actually an unspoken rule. If you send spies, I will send spies, and they will not detect each other. In this way, a balance is maintained, and false news is spread outside through these spies.

Therefore, although the cities of various countries are smooth, there is no need to check which identity information, but if you do something first, you will be checked.

For example, doing business, such as taking an exam, these are all to verify the identity, otherwise it is found out that the identity is fake, then the final outcome is very miserable.

"It may be impossible to steal an identity document. I don't know what some of the methods in this literary world are. If someone sees through it, I am afraid it will be bad."

Zhu Yuanyuan really thought about stealing. He found someone who looked like him and tied him up, and then he took the test on behalf of the other party. This way, he can solve the test. It's only the test. He also studied on Aquastar. He has studied some things in the Department of History, and he likes to read some literary works, so the exam is not a problem for him at all. Even if he wants to take math, physics and chemistry, Zhu Yuanyuan feels that he can handle it, let alone this ancient one. Take the exam.

"MMP, the system depends on what you are doing well, Xiaoye is now a black house, and you can't find a way to take the exam. Do you want to make up for it?"

After thinking for a long time, Zhu Yuanyuan found that the methods he thought were useless, such as tying someone and letting him replace it. This was a bad idea, because sooner or later they would be discovered, and it would be useless to steal an exam voucher. If someone makes trouble, he It will be discovered by others, so it will not work.

There is also buying people from a certain village. He joins the village and then takes the exam. This is not appropriate, because there are too many people in the village. Zhu Yuanyuan joins rashly. If some people want to curry favor with those who are officials, If he went to inform him, he couldn't tell after ten mouths, and he might be regarded as a spy.

Suddenly at this time he heard another good news.

"Hey! Brother Wang, I don’t know if you have heard of it. Just last night, a monster that slipped through the net escaped from the front line all the way to the vicinity of a village, and the village was all killed by this monster. None of the living people remained, but in the end this monster beast was also killed on the spot by a Juren who rushed past. Unfortunately, it was a bit late, otherwise the innocent villagers who died tragically could be saved."

Wei Zidao said in a sorrowful tone, as if he was there at the time.

"What? There is such a thing? How could this monster suddenly break in, can't the front line stop it?"

When Wang Qihuan and the other two scholars heard about it, they were also confused. They didn't know what to do. They hadn't been admitted as a child student yet, and they didn't have any literary spirit, so they couldn't help with this kind of thing at all. It is resentment, hate those monsters.

"Hey, the front line is too long, and it's normal to have some mistakes for a while. Isn't this someone chasing it all the way? The only thing that feels good is that the monster beast has finally been killed, otherwise it is estimated that the village will suffer. "

Wei Zidao said with worry.

The countries on this planet are all close together, as if a piece of pizza is cut into triangles with a knife. A triangle is a country, and then there are monsters on the periphery, which are surrounded by monsters.

But generally speaking, they can still resist monsters.


"Huh? Monster beasts, have any villages been slaughtered? It seems that the timing is not calm, there are even monsters fighting against humans. However, my business has fallen apart!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard what Wei Zidao said, he thought of one thing. He was going to see this slaughtered village. Generally, no one would dare to go to such a village, because it might not be. The slaughtered villagers will have deep grievances, causing all to become ghosts, then this village is very dangerous.

At the same time, Zhu Yuanyuan also thought that there must be something for identity information in this village. He only needs to make a copy of the information in this village, and then he can participate in the child birth test.

The people in this village are dead anyway, it is better to fulfill themselves, and the monsters have solved their problems.

"Well, this dish is not bad, about the same level as on Aquastar, and it also has the flavor of various seasonings."

After Zhu Yuanyuan solved the trouble, he was in a good mood, so he started to eat. The taste is much higher than that of Aquastar, but it may be related to the ingredients. The dishes in Wenjie are better than those on Aquastar. A little bit taller~www.ltnovel.com~ After eating, Zhu Yuanyuan went to the guest room of this restaurant. He didn't wait much, and he quickly closed the door and went out.

"Master, do you know about the murder of monsters some time ago?"

Zhu Yuanyuan found a person carrying candied haws, then he bought some candied haws and said.

"Oh, boy. Just ask me about this. I have a lot of things here."

The old man agreed with a little secret.

"Young man, I still know about this monster slaughter. This monster doesn't know the reason. After crossing the river, it kills the people in the village. The people in the village have no cultivators, so they can't resist it."

After hearing what the old man said, Zhu Yuanyuan knew it was true.

"Lao Zhang, where is the road to the village?"

"Young man, you can reach that village by walking from there."

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