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Chapter 968: Child Health Test (1)

After getting the certificate of exam qualification, Zhu Yuanyuan went back to the restaurant where he was staying temporarily. Of course, it is the best restaurant to live in Mingye Town without lack of money. The food here is good, the accommodation is good, and it is convenient. The bath is delivered. Hot water, you don’t have to do it yourself. The chefs here are not bad. The dishes made are not much different from those made by Aquastar’s hotel. There are all kinds of seasonings. The cultural world is different from the kitchen world. Among them, there is the profession of a doctor, and it may be better to call it a doctor. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

  Doctors in the literature world can only be called doctors who are outside. Only doctors who have entered the Taiyuan Hospital are qualified to be called doctors.

  What is the relationship between the doctor and the chef?

In fact, it matters a lot, because those seasonings are actually herbal medicines that can treat some diseases. For example, garlic can be antibacterial, sterilize, anti-inflammatory, improve immunity, anti-tumor, protect cardiovascular, and protect liver. , Speed ​​up metabolism and other effects, of course, these are the sayings of Western medicine on Aquastar. The saying of Chinese medicine is to prevent foreign evils. In those zombie movies, zombies and vampires are afraid of garlic. In fact, they are borrowed from the sayings of Chinese medicine. First release https://https://

In addition to garlic, other ginger, spring onions, pepper, pepper, etc. can treat various diseases. Maybe people usually don’t feel it when they eat it, but people who eat regularly will definitely not get the diseases they can treat. Yes, but it also depends on the individual's physical fitness. People with poor physical fitness can still get various diseases.

Therefore, it is very likely that these condiments are first used as a kind of herbal medicine to treat diseases, and then the chef finds that some herbs have a peculiar taste and can be added to the dishes to make them taste better. It can be said that all dishes can be said to be medicinal diets, because various dishes Some have some healing effects, so medicated diets are not separated separately, but all dishes are medicated diets, so there is a complementary relationship between chefs and doctors.


In the next few days, Zhu Yuanyuan did not go around, but looked for some books. After all, he was afraid that the imperial examination would ask about history-related things. He didn’t know the history of the world, so it was necessary to understand it, otherwise it was true. If he doesn’t understand anything about historical events, wouldn’t he be caught blind?

   Fortunately, he found some books to read. In these books, Zhu Yuanyuan also learned a lot, from the history of Ji country to some miscellaneous things, and also saw things about imperial examinations.

   There is a record about the imperial examination topics in the history of Jiguo in a miscellaneous record of undergraduate examinations, including how many years a certain great scholar of Jiguo has repelled a monster outside a certain city.

   There is also a certain year and month, which emperor ascended the throne, and how many contributions he made after he became the throne.

   These major historical events basically have questions coming out of the imperial examination every year. This is a sub-topic. As long as it is a member of the country, no one may not know these things.

In the past few days, Zhu Yuanyuan has read hundreds of books and memorized all the things in these books. His memory is definitely superb. Originally, his mental power was very large, but he was just It's just sealed. This doesn't mean that memory will decline. Now he can still read page by page. It's just turning a book, not reading a book, like a scanner.

"Huh, after reading it, although this world does not have the saints in the history of Aquamarine, it is still very exciting. Certain theories still have it, but the content is different. The meaning is similar. Fortunately, the classics Poems and articles do not exist in this world, but there are also poems and articles that have been passed down forever."

   After Zhu Yuanyuan read all the books, he also had a general understanding of the literary world.

Although there are no poems and articles on the water blue star in the literary world, there are some things that are the same. For example, some idioms and fables have the same meaning in this literary world. After all, it is a world that respects literature. Basically, I have dug into literature very deeply. The only thing that made Zhu Yuanyi breathe a sigh of relief is that the poetry in this literary world is different from that on Aquastar. After all, many of the poetry on Aquastar are There is no place name on the water blue star in the literary world.

   As for the names of places and people in the poems, if Zhu Yuanyuan wants to use these poems, he can just change the place names.

For example, if Li Bai’s Yellow Crane Tower sends Meng Haoran’s Guangling Tomb, Zhu Yuanyuan can completely change it. For example, if there is a Minggui Tower in Mingye Town, he can change it to: the old man Xici Mingguilou, fireworks in March In Lower Jizhou, the lone sail is far away from the blue sky, and only the sky stream of Mingjiang is seen.

Mingguilou is a place where scholars often meet in Mingye Town. For example, now that the imperial examination is about to begin, many scholars gather there to discuss literature, and Mingguilou is not a brothel, but a restaurant. Elegant, and still the second tallest building in Mingye Town, it is said that there is a big figure in Ji country behind it.

   Jizhou is the state where the capital of Ji is located. The capital of Ji is located in Jizhou. Jizhou is in the south in the literary world. The environment is very good, similar to Yangzhou on the water blue star.

  Mingjiang is a canal. The source is not clear. The Terrans are surrounded by demons and they have never seen the sea. Mingjiang runs through several Terran countries ~www.ltnovel.com~ is the most important transportation channel between them.

Speaking of this Mingjiang, monsters sneak in from it every year. If the Human Race had not built a huge water fortress at the entrance on the border, the Human Race would be dangerous. Of course, the Monster Race itself would not want to. To annihilate the human race, they will have to flow long, otherwise the human race would have been taken down long ago.

After all, the demons, the demons, the gods, and the three tribes all want the cultural treasures of the human race, but they can’t cultivate in the three races. Even if they learn knowledge, they can’t do it. They are the offspring of the human race. It is also impossible. Only pure human races can practice literary cultivation and obtain cultural treasures.

   This is also the strange thing about the literary world. It stands to reason that they are all wise creatures. Why can a single human race be able to practice literary cultivation, but the other three races can't?

   This is not only because Zhu Yuanyuan found it weird after reading the books that the three tribes could not practice literary cultivation, people of all races found it strange, as if Tiandao deliberately favored the human race.


   "You can't bring these things in, stay with us, or give it to your own relatives and friends."

   "No problem, let's go in.".


Soon, it was the day of the child student test. After Zhu Yuanyuan came to the entrance of the Xuegong on that day, he found that there was already a crowd of people here. Although there were very few people who really wanted to take the test, many people came to send him off. Children, or friends, so many people are here.

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