Random Shopping System

Chapter 975: Visual Crayfish will be online soon!

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"Um... the old man doesn't suspect that the little friend is going to be poisoned and murdered, the old man also tastes this beer."

Liang Youwei was also very embarrassed after seeing Zhu Yuanyuan first drank beer into his stomach. He quickly denied suspicion. Then he picked up the beer and took a sip. After drinking it, he felt something in his mouth. It was like jumping, scared him enough, and wanted to vomit, but seeing Zhu Yuanyuan poured another glass of beer and drank it, he could only harden his heart and swallow it directly.

With this beer, Liang Youwei felt a burst of frosty taste in his heart, which seemed very refreshing.

"Little friend, this beer is very good, very good, with a wheat aroma, it seems that it should be brewed from wheat?"

Liang Youwei gave a compliment, and also said the main ingredients of beer brewing. He seemed to be a person who can eat.

"Xuezheng is right. This beer is brewed from wheat. Xuezheng is really a good taster." Zhu Yuanyuan confirmed what Liang Youwei said.

This beer is brewed by a disciple of Qiankun Xianzong with Lingmai. The aroma of the wheat is much higher than the beer on the water blue star, the taste is also very good, and there is no bitter taste, it tastes very good, drink a lot It will not gain weight, especially the belly will not grow, because it contains aura, drinking it will only be good for people, without any side effects.

"Haha! That is, the old man has traveled all over the country of Ji, but I have tasted all the delicacies in the country of Ji." Liang Youwei smiled happily when he heard Zhu Yuanyuan praise him as a good taster.

"Xuezheng, this crayfish can also be eaten, eat this crayfish with beer, then it will be perfect, please!"

While talking, Zhu Yuanyuan first caught a crayfish with chopsticks, and then asked Liang Youwei to eat the crayfish.

This is also a kind of etiquette. If the host invites to eat, he does not move his chopsticks, and the guests are embarrassed to move. Therefore, please pay attention to the dinner. The host moves the chopsticks first, and then invites the guests to eat and drink. This is the order That's right, this is what the guest can do.

And if the host invites the guests to eat first, doesn't this become anti-guest?

It is a derogatory term to oppose the guest. This is to make the guest become an unrighteous person. This is absolutely not allowed.

Of course, ordinary people on Aquastar don’t pay attention to this anymore, but those aristocratic people still maintain these etiquettes. In fact, although Aquamarine can already be learned by everyone, everyone has a chance. To become a master, but piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, riding and shooting, etiquette, these are still not something ordinary people can learn, and they can't afford it. It seems that chess, books, paintings, it seems that everyone can learn it, and ordinary people can buy it. Of things.

But these things require a lot of time to learn. It is impossible for ordinary people to have so much time to learn. Even children cannot have time to learn. Most ordinary people cannot afford to send children to learn. These things, and the concept of ordinary people is very old, they only know what is for children to study and study at school, they think that things like piano, chess, calligraphy and painting should not be studied at all, and they are useless.

But actually?

In fact, Qinqi calligraphy and calligraphy are very useful. On Aquastar, students who have studied Qinqi calligraphy and calligraphy will have an additional means of earning a living, whether they want to work and earn money during school or find a job after graduation. What's more, you can have one more choice, so that you can't find the right job after graduating from university and do things you don't know well.

For example, if you learn etiquette, you can be natural, regular, and elegant when you are in contact with people, and you will not do things that are disgusting. In this way, it will be easy to get the goodwill of others and at work. It is also very useful. A good etiquette will be recognized by colleagues, leaders, and customers. Fanshu Novel Network

Closer to home!

"Since the little friend has invited, the old man is not polite." Liang Youwei has also been greedy for this crayfish. Now Zhu Yuanyuan has invited him to eat, then he will start unceremoniously and use the public chopsticks first. A crayfish was placed in the bowl, and then learning Zhu Yuanyuan directly used chopsticks to get the crayfish's stomach pouch out and throw it away, then broke the lobster's upper body and tail, and finally ate the delicious shrimp and shrimp.

"Um... the yellow prawns of this crayfish are still delicious, fresh, tender and tender, delicious, and supremely delicious. I didn't expect the crayfish that flooded the river to be so delicious, and they were usually ignored by people. , It seems that nothing can be seen from the appearance, the old man is really taught."

After Liang Youwei ate the crayfish, he felt the deliciousness of the crayfish. He couldn't help but sigh, and even thought he had learned something from the crayfish.

In fact, what Liang Youwei said is not unreasonable. You can't look at the appearance of anything. This crayfish can't think that they are poisonous by eating rotten things. This is just appearance.

For example, on the road, I saw an aunt and a young man pulling and pulling, and then the aunt yelled at the young man to bully and yelled. Maybe everyone took it for granted that it was the young man’s fault and would gossip around. , This is just appearance.

Sometimes what you see with your eyes and what you hear with your ears may not be facts. What the facts are like can only be discovered by touching them.

This is what detectives usually say: what the eyes see and what the ears hear is not necessarily the truth!

"Xuezheng, crayfish and beer are more suitable. A bite of crayfish and a sip of beer will make it comfortable."

Zhu Yuanyuan saw that Liang Youwei was addicted to crayfish again. He reminded him, and then started eating, eating crayfish and drinking beer.

"Okay, my little friend, I toast you a glass, thank you for inviting me to eat such delicious crayfish today."

Liang Youwei raised the cup and bowed to Zhu Yuanyuan and said~www.ltnovel.com~ Xuezheng is polite, and it is an honor for students to invite a big person like Xuezheng to have a meal. Come, come, learning is continuing to eat. "

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to say anything like this, so he made a difference and asked Liang Youwei to continue eating.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan saw Liang Youwei's continuous eating of lobsters, and he also knew that the lobsters by the river would definitely suffer after Tongsheng's exam was over.

Not only is Liang Youwei eating, Liang Youwei also has a family. He has been in Mingye Town for 20 years, so his own wife and children have come here, but this is not Liang Youwei’s family. Liang’s family belongs to the Ji country. A big family, Liang Youwei is just a branch of the Liang family.

It is foreseeable that Liang Youwei will definitely teach how to eat crayfish, and the crayfish in the world of literature will suffer!

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