Random Stuff

Chapter 76 - Paradelle 9

Mutation Verse

By Aric Gles

This is awkward, unnatural and strange

This is awkward, unnatural and strange

As a jigsaw puzzle with no picture

As a jigsaw puzzle with no picture

Strange awkward jigsaw this is

And with no picture, a puzzle unnatural.

Forcing the square into the round

Forcing the square into the round

It is a mutation, as art for its own sake

It is a mutation, as art for its own sake.

Round as mutation into the square

It is forcing the art, a sake for its own.

Can we make sense of this hybrid verse,

Can we make sense of this hybrid verse,

Like a moronic building that one jumps to enter?

Like a moronic building that one jumps to enter?

Can we enter this moronic verse of hybrid sense

That one jumps like to make a building??

Forcing as with a picture of hybrid sake

This is a moronic verse, unnatural and a puzzle

Awkward, strange as a jigsaw building.

Can the square make sense like the mutation jumps?

Into the round art, it is this we enter

That to one, for its own.

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