Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 487: On the moonlit night, send you 0 miles

Talking with Lee Soo Man, he didn't really experience the stage of Girls' Generation, but from the overwhelming cheers and applause, Ahn Jung Hoon knew that their performance was perfect.

Quan Baoer's inheritance was also half successful.

Japan, I came, I saw, I conquered, it belongs to the spirit that Girls' Generation should have. Against the background of this special situation, it seems that people can already see a red sun rising on the coast of Japan.

"Girls' Generation's road to Japan will be more magnificent than s*m's original plan." Li Xiuman sighed, and then smiled again: "Fortunately, these two years, they still belong to s*m."

An Zhengxun didn't answer. Regarding the fight for Girls' Generation's ownership, his starting point was completely different from that of Lee Soo Man and Kim Young Min. His eyes once again turned to Quan Baoer, who was back on stage.

In the second half, the style of the song changed abruptly, from the dance music in the first half to lyrical, as if to revive the lingering thoughts in people's hearts.

The fact is, no one can continue to dance hard for more than an hour... In the stage design, only soothing songs are destined to be sung in the second half, which is destined to stir people's hearts.

Someone else started to cry.

Quan Baoer also worked very hard in this concert. The Korean version, the Japanese version, and various songs were sung separately, as if to show all the songs of the past ten years.

The people who were immersed in the sadness of parting didn't even notice that Quan Baoer was already a little weak from exhaustion. The pitch has begun to drift a little.

An Zhengxun made a gesture when Quan Baoer looked at him.

You are tired, take a break. I come.

Quan Baoer smiled. Very pleased smile.

He changed his original plan to take the stage before "yell", and asked to take the stage at the most ordinary time, just because he saw that he was tired.

After a song, Quan Baoer gasped and said, "As you can see, I'm tired."

The audience was silent. Just like the pun before the intermission, Quan Baoer is saying that the stage is tired, so why is he not saying that he is tired all these years?

Quan Baoer added: "Fortunately. There are many people who will help me. A person who has never performed on stage said that he will be on stage for this concert. Because he feels that this farewell cannot be just me talking about. Fans They also have something to say. Actually...I don't know what he wants to say on behalf of the fans, but I don't think the whole world will doubt his work."

In the shock of all the audience at the scene and in front of the TV, Quan Baoer stretched out his hand forward: "I have a friend who invites me. Mr. An Zhengxun brings everyone... the voice of the fans."

An Zhengxun slowly stood up and walked towards the stage. As soon as the lights dimmed, someone pushed out the piano in the background.

At this moment, whether on the spot or in front of the TV, I don't know how many people suddenly stood up straight.

This...is this his first stage since the name of An Zhengxun entered the public eye?

Did you remember wrong? People searched in their minds, and the answer is: yes! It's really the first stage of Ahn Jung-hoon's life!

At this Quan Baoer's farewell concert! It is said to bring people a talk from the perspective of a fan!

Instant frying pan on the Internet!

"What's going on? Ahn Zhengxun's first stage! There is no program announcement for such a major event?"

"There is no warning at all!"

"Oppa didn't tell us either!"

"It's amazing! Those who didn't watch the live broadcast today will regret it for the rest of their lives!"

"So Ahn Jung-hoon is a fan of Kwon Boa?"

"Not necessarily, just tell the story from the perspective of fans? Should there be some cooperation agreement?"

"Only special occasions like a farewell concert can qualify as An Zhengxun's first stage!"

An Zhengxun slowly stepped onto the stage. He and Quan Baoer hugged politely, took the headset that Quan Baoer handed over, put it on, and said, "Maybe Japanese fans don't know me. It doesn't matter. Those who know me know that I have never performed live. So I have no confidence in my performance this time. But I am not afraid of being embarrassed, and I still want to take the stage, because at this moment I am not representing an entertainment company president named An Zhengxun, but an ordinary fan. I know there are many of you If you want to talk about it...it doesn't matter. I will speak for everyone and won't hit me."

The audience laughed. But it was soon discovered that An Zhengxun's expression was serious and there was no smile, so everyone was silent.

"The farewell song was written by me, and I will meet you at the end. However, when I wrote the farewell song, I couldn't write it at all at first. Because my heart was full of nostalgia, I couldn't write a free and easy goodbye. Then I said goodbye. The song is formed, and my nostalgia has also become a song. I think that is what everyone wants to talk about at this moment. Maybe without it, the stage would not be complete, so I took the stage with a cheeky face. already."

After a pause, he added: "This song should have been expressed in Chinese. If the Japanese translation is weird, please don't take offense."

Under everyone's attention, An Zhengxun walked to the piano.

On the screen, An Zhengxun sat beside the piano, closed his eyes for a few seconds, and dropped his fingers.

The tactful prelude grabbed everyone's heart in an instant.

An Zhengxun didn't say it, he just wanted to tear up. The song he chose was Siniang's masterpiece "Time Cooks Rain" in the future. No matter how many flaws this song has, in short, if the lyrics are used in this kind of place, the fans will definitely be left to dry and sprinkle with salt.

Only in this way can Quan Baoer's farewell be imprinted on everyone's heart forever and never be forgotten.

"Wind and rain turn into flowers, time can't catch up with the white horse. Are you still holding on to the dream words in your young palm?"

"Clouds surging into summer, tears evaporated by the years. You, me, and her on this road, have anyone lost their way?"

"We said that we will not be separated, and we must always be together, even if we are enemies of time, even if we deviate from the world."

As soon as the third sentence came out, the audience was already crying.

Li Xiuman closed his eyes and muttered: "An Shao, you are so vicious..."

——“You once said that you will not be separated, and you must be together all the time. Now I want to ask you, is it just childish?”

Quan Baoer, who was listening silently in the backstage, also covered his mouth, and the Nine Girls' Generation next to him had already cried to tears: "How can oppa be like this... woo... he clearly agreed..."

"He... just asked on behalf of the fans."

——“You can’t bear to be bullied by innocent years, and I will not blame you for being absurd. Daxue, please don’t erase the traces of us together.”

I don't know how many people are crying silently in front of the TV.

——"Today and night, the green grass is Lili. The bright moon and night will send you thousands of miles, wait for the next year, the autumn wind will rise..."

The sobbing in the audience had long since lost their voices, and the sobbing sounded together, spread to the stage, and spread to everyone's heart.

When you hear your song, thousands of people cry.

An Zhengxun slowly dropped the last note, stood up, and bowed silently to the audience.

Tens of thousands of people stood up in unison and bowed.

You did say what we wanted to say...and we have no regrets if someone could say it for us.

Especially... I have said so much, missed so much, questioned so much, but after all, I still have to send you thousands of miles on this bright moonlit night.

This scene of tens of thousands of people weeping but returning the salute was faithfully recorded by the camera, and is known as a grand scene that will go down in the history of the music industry.

In An Zhengxun's hilltop villa, Jin Taixi lay lazily on the bedside watching TV, his eyes fixed on An Zhengxun who was on the TV, and he muttered to himself, "I'm jealous this time, Zhengxun."

Quan Baoer's next song was sung while crying, and the audience also cried and listened to it. No one cares about how you sing, everyone's minds are still immersed in the vast white snow, and they are still praying, don't erase the traces of us together.

If there is no "yell", Quan Baoer doesn't even know if this concert is going to turn into a mourning party.

Fortunately, there is "yell".

Hearing that the final farewell song was coming, the audience reluctantly retracted their minds and listened carefully to the final voice. Since this song was also composed by An Zhengxun just now, should he be able to understand our hearts and comfort us?

Quan Baoer or An Zhengxun did not let everyone down~www.readwn.com~ briefly reviewed the days when everyone walked hand in hand, and then made a handsome farewell with an optimistic, inspirational, and dreamy attitude. It is indeed able to slightly dilute the sadness that has just been cut into my heart.

Especially that sentence:

"Goodbye is not a sad word, let's hold hands and shout towards our dreams!"

The crying gradually stopped, whether it was a little slow in the heart or deliberately suppressing the desire to say a perfect goodbye to the idol, in short, the applause gradually began to sound in the venue, and then it became more and more orderly, until the sound was like thunder.


Note: The melody of "Time Cooks the Rain" is suspected of plagiarizing "One Green Windmill". Although there is no conclusion, I will not care about it here. Ignore those, this song is still very beautiful. When Sika quit her youth, she matched this song with the videos of her youth and made it into an MV. I don't know how much I cried when I heard it. This version is available at station a, and it is recommended to watch it. I don't know if the translation into Japanese can still retain the Chinese artistic conception, but I still use it after thinking about it again and again, hoping to add a deeper imprint on the farewell that has been highlighted in the book. (To be continued)

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