Raydor Holy Sword War Journal

112. Too light a request

"There are two imperial demands. The liberation of Ceilia von Alsline, daughter of Premier, and his subordinate, Glacos Basen. And the return of the Holy Sword Claus."

"Nh...? Is that all?"

Raidor made an unexpectedly strange voice in the words of the emperor's mouth.

Zacharius' request had nothing to do with the duel, and Raydol was going to offer it anyway.

The demands of the victorious Empire against the defeated kingdom are too light. Concession of territory at the very least. In some cases, I was prepared that it might even be possible to nationalize the kingdom, but I was caught up in unexpectedly simple demands.

"Oh, and I will return the Balmes fortress under the Empire and the territory near the border."


"I've been looking into it. I assume your men have survived Arbeil and Ilukas? I'll give them back their land. Happy."

"Such an idiot... did you hit me in the head?

I inadvertently say rude words to proposals that are too rude.

Negotiations have not happened, and it is only natural that we have compromised against ourselves from the Empire side.

If you say such a generous thing, you'll even feel creepy.

"What the hell are you thinking? You want me to start a war with Temee and give you back all the territory you've taken? Take a break from your jokes."

"Shit, I'm not kidding. It's always serious."

Laughing joyfully at the amazing Reidor, Zacharius sits on a chair with his legs tied together.

"If only you had been chosen by the Holy Sword to end this country, you could have destroyed it quickly. I don't need it anymore because it seems like I'm qualified to go up high."

"... I don't know what that means."

"Don't you remember? Well, it doesn't matter."

Zacharius shrugs his shoulders with a bitter smile and slaps the wooden round table with his fingers. An attitude that is wasteful or that conceals important information.

Raydol opened his mouth to question the usual emperor, but spoke from Zacharius before making a voice.

"Kingdom of Vane, Republic of Larslama, Kingdom of Sarain"


"Elf Township of the Jonah Forest, Alshat Cat Beast Clan, Tasmarca Underground Country....."

Zacharius beats the roundtable and brilliantly enumerates some words.

Raydol frowned and looked suspicious, unable to understand the sudden change in the story.

"The Saint Germus bloodline, and... the Shaytahn Kingdom. It is the name of the country and tribe that the Empire destroyed after Preah Vihear became Emperor. The number of lives lost could be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions. I don't know, I've killed a lot of people."


"'Brutal Emperor without Blood or Tears', 'Demon spitting in Heaven', 'Subhuman-hunting', 'Fairy Enemy', 'Father Killing'... I can't count the infamous aliases. A tyrant, don't you think?

"Are you gonna be proud? You want me to thank you for not destroying this country?

Raydol distorts his lips and throws up. However, Zacharius was unusual to this man and looked back at Reidor with a serious eye.

"Pre is the bloody king. It is a rakusha possessed by war. But... the truth is, we weren't at war for nothing. I wasn't at war just because I wanted to fight. There is a solid cause in the way of preeminence. We were waging wars of aggression against countries across the continent for a purpose."


Raydol thinks with his hands covering his mouth.

I can only think of a reason why a country should destroy itself and enrich itself. However, it seems that it is not enough from the emperor's mouth.

"I don't know. There's no way I can tell."

Looking at the contemplative Raydol, Zacharius looks distantly.

The eye is not Raydol, it seems to be looking at someone else. There was a feeling of hatred in the back of his sharp eyes.

"The purpose of the preoccupation was to plunge the continent into war... [The Resurrection of the Witch (Warplugis)], in order to face the end of the world, which will come eventually."

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