Raydor Holy Sword War Journal

120. Blade of madness

"Your Majesty!? Why are you here... no, more so..."

"Ugh... do you want to question me before you say hello? You're an outsider. If our prime minister is like this, it makes sense to disrupt the country."

"Your Majesty, you...!

Rockwood shook his shoulders with a fierce cold to the king with a crazy smile.

Grannard in front of him is clearly insane. Since Raidor returned to King's Landing from the border, Granard has been in a state of constant emotional instability.

However, in view of this, Granard is off track today. His eyes were bloody as if he were possessed by an unnatural object, and his entire face was distorted like a demon.

I felt the same abnormality as Shanoir. The queen, who stood up from the chair, hugged her body with both arms and whitened her lips to the necklace of a soldier lying on the floor.

"Gu, Granad-sama. I don't know why you're here...?

"Hmm? This man has interrupted my path as king and asked me for a visit! This is our country. My castle. Wherever I enter this castle on my own?

"No way... is that what this is about?

"Is that so? That's what blocking me, the king!?"


Grannard clattered and approached Shanoir, strangling his neck. Lift the body in the dress gently and lift it into the air.

"Gu, lana...."

"What are you doing here, queen!? Are you sure you were unfaithful to the Prime Minister!?"

"Chi, no...!

"Please don't! Your Majesty Granard!"

Rockwood hurriedly raised his voice as he watched Shanoir whiten his face for lack of acid.

"We were just discussing the fate of this country! Your Majesty has locked herself in her room, so we were just working together on a strategy to overcome this national disaster! No way, unfaithfulness....."

"Huh? I mean, it's my fault? You're telling me this is because I gave up my duty to the king! How rude!

Grannard shouted like he had a tantrum. Throw Shanoir's body against the wall and wave the sword in his right hand. The white blade burst into two halves in the room, emitting a radiant ray from its tip.

A pure white laser passes directly beside Rockwood and easily destroys the walls of the room. After breaking down the wall, the momentum did not fade, and even the clouds that floated in the night sky penetrated through.

"Beep... this power!?"

Rockwood, who was about to be penetrated by a laser, looked stunnedly at Granard's right hand. The sword that is held in its hand shines to an unusual degree. It is a divine and yet heterogeneous substance that makes you feel frightened.

"This is my holy sword, Lovataine! A sword worthy of me, king of the kingdom of Zain, who will eventually be king of the world!

"Holy Sword!? No way!?"

The Holy Sword held by the Kingdom of Zain is only Dar 'in Slave. Raydol is also chosen as the holder, and does not exist in the King's City.

It was Rockwood who suspected it was a fake, but the sword that Grannard was holding certainly emitted a divine light. It was a sword much more like a holy sword than Dar 'in 'slave, who was haunted by mischief.

"How the hell did you get such a thing!?"

"Goddess. The goddess has descended."


"After all, I was the king of this country. I am not a Raidor, I am the true hero chosen by the goddess...!


(I can't... I can't talk to you...!

Rockwood groans and desperately searches for ways to get through the scene.

Originally, the king who served was chosen as the Holy Sword, so perhaps you should raise your hands and rejoice. However, as far as the current state of Grannard was concerned, he was not very forthcoming.

It is like giving a flame bottle to a young child, such as letting a mad king who has lost his mind hold the sword. I don't know what to do.

It was Rockwood who had decided to sink with Grannard, but it was simply unacceptable for a mad king to slaughter him without knowing.

Why has Grannard gone so crazy? Where did you get a sword called the Holy Sword? We must cut through this scene in order to grasp the situation.

(As far as the sight of His Majesty is concerned, there is a mastermind behind this frenzy....!

I don't know what the mastermind's intentions are, but it could only be a factor in chaos, such as giving Grannard a weapon similar to the Holy Sword under these circumstances.

There are enemies in this country. Apart from the Empire, there are more heterogeneous and unknown enemies.

"Prime Minister! Are you all right!?"

Did you hear the noise? The royal guards drove into the office.

The soldiers looked in turn at the Prime Minister, the Queen and the broken walls, and pointed their spears at Granard, who was standing with a sword.

"Sorcerer... What rudeness to the Chancellor! Drop your weapons!

"Sorcerer...? Who are you talking to?

"You... no, you don't...!?"

The soldiers apparently realized that the man who attacked the Prime Minister was the king they were serving. Shake the tip of the spear while shaking his eyes in black and white. You should lay down your weapon immediately and lie flat, apologizing for being rude, but obviously confused by Grannard's appearance as he changed, he hardened.

As a result, Grannard distorted his expression of anger at the soldiers who left their weapons on.

"The soldiers of the kingdom are pointing their weapons at the king!? Stupid bandits!


Grannard waves his sword in anger. Leaving behind a remnant of white light, the guards of the royal palace are slashed and torn apart.

Granard kicked at the remains of soldiers who had their armor cut off.

"Do you disobey me too!? With a king named Me and a lord on your side of Raidor!? Oh, shit! Damn it, damn it! Because I'm a loyal man like you, the Empire and others will despise me!

Grannard kicks soldiers who are already unspeakable remains. Blood splashes from the chaotic corpse, still dyeing the bottom of your pants, but you don't mind stepping on it with your feet.

"You bastard! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

After stepping on the soldiers dozens of times, Grannard breathed up and down his shoulders.

He killed another disloyalist who avenged the kingdom - and looked back at the Prime Minister with a smile in his mouth from such satisfaction.


But Rockwood wasn't there anymore. Shannon Aar, who had fallen on the wall, also disappeared together.

"Where have you been? Leaving me as king... are you going away too!? Are you going to betray me and go under Leidor!? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

The roar of Grannard's anger echoed.

The crazy voice from the center of the royal palace roared into the darkness of the king's city like a monster shouting.

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