Raydor Holy Sword War Journal

132. Murder in King's Landing

There was one disturbance at the royal palace when a messenger from the Prime Minister arrived under Leidor.It was King Granard Zain who caused the disturbances.

King Zain's capital. Throne Room.There were two people there.

One is Granard, the lord and king of the castle.Once a mighty monarch, he had great trust in the people, but Leidor's leap drove him insane, and now he was a witch's messenger.

The other is Prime Minister Rockwood Marcel, who is close to the king.He supported the reign as Grannard's loyalist and was deeply involved in the expulsion of Raydol.

There is no one between the large thrones but the two.The chamberlains and even the guards are distanced by the Prime Minister's orders and are waiting outside the room.

It was a precaution to spread the king's distraction and not make people anxious, and an evacuation action to prevent damage from the king's runaway.

When Grannard got the Magic Sword a few days ago, dozens of knights were slaughtered as if they were trying to kill him.I couldn't afford to make any more useless sacrifices.

"... isn't Raydol coming yet?Shouldn't we be here soon?

Sitting on the throne, Grannard snapped like he was in a hurry.

He puts his arms together, slaps his feet on the floor in small increments, and slaps his tongue with frustration.

Looking up at such a master on his knees, Prime Minister Rockwood Marcel answered with a sigh.

"... Your Majesty, I sent an envoy to summon His Highness Raydol about three days ago.We haven't even reached the eastern border where His Highness is yet. "

"Mm... I see... mmm..."

In Rockwood's words, Grannard clasped his face and increased the speed of his feet hitting the floor.

Rockwood secretly sighs to his master, who looks like a child who has been given his favorite snack.

(Again rude... you can't come to King's Landing in such a short time)

In fact, Raydol sensed Granard's distraction before Sarawan, who had been sent as an envoy, arrived, and had already forced his army near King's Landing.

Within two days, Grannard, who didn't know about it, repeatedly siphoned impoverished and occasionally scratched his head.

After being possessed by the witch's sword, Grannard has become severely mentally unstable.

When I thought I was sitting on the throne, I suddenly raised my voice and laughed.

Sometimes you scratch your face with your fingernails.

It looks like a severe drug addict and doesn't know what to do.Rockwood was trying to stay close to Granard and glanced at each and every one of his legs.

"Yes! I've got a good idea!

"Yes, how did you do it?Your Majesty. "

After all, Grannard suddenly stood up and shouted.

Rockwood asks Grannard, who changes his look from frustrating to radiant, with a bad feeling in his heart.

"There are two hostage women!You can kill as many people as you want!Let's torture and play a little while before Raydol gets here!


He is currently capturing two women who lived in the Reidor Mansion as prisoners.

The maid Namilia and the Emperor Seilia von Alsline.Both had a close relationship with Raidor.

The two women were taken from their weapons and placed under house arrest in a room in the royal palace.It is the result of Rockwood's consideration of Raidor that they are not placed in the dungeon.

The hostages... especially if they do something to hurt Celia, of course Raidor.The Alsline Empire will not remain silent.There is a risk that the war will resume and the kingdom of Zain will perish this time.

"Heh, Your Majesty! They are precious hostages to lure His Majesty Raydol!? Aren't they going to be executed and tortured in front of His Majesty who arrived in King's Landing!?"

"That's why I'm telling you to leave one behind.You won't need two hostages. "


"Fuck off! Or... are you complaining about what I do as a king!?"


A dazzling light shines from behind Granard.

As if the sun were rising in the morning, Rockwood could not move as if tied down.

A Magic Sword Brunak was awarded by Granard from the void.Grannard grasped the shiny sword and pointed its tip towards Rockwood.

"Answer, Prime Minister.Who's your master?

"... Your Majesty Granard."

I see. Then... you'll see.Tell me you understand!

"... I understand."

Rockwood lowered his head to hide the traffic.

Grannard will not listen to the Chancellor after this.Even if you continue to defend yourself, nothing will change if Rockwood is slashed to death.

(... Your Highness Raydol.Sorry)

Rockwood goes through the calculations in his head to figure out which of the two hostages should be sacrificed.The answer came out immediately.We cannot allow the Empress, Célia, to be killed in order to avoid confrontation with the Empire.The maid is the sacrifice.

"I see. Then take the hostages....."

"Your Majesty, excuse me!

The Prime Minister was forced to bring Nemilia, but before that, a knight jumped into the throne room.

The knight immediately knelt down on the spot, even as he looked like a king pointing a sword at the Prime Minister.

Grannard suddenly got interrupted and frowned.Rockwood hurried to make sure that the King's wrath was not turned against innocent knights.

"Suddenly, it's rude.What's the matter with you?

"We have a trespasser in the castle, so we have him.Looks like they're here to rescue the hostages they're holding!

"Hostages... who the hell...?

Rockwood frowned.

It's too early for Raidor to come here.I wonder who broke in.

Rockwood had no idea, but the man who broke into the castle was hired by Justice Sir Abe McBeth.

McBeth was a traitor who fell back to Raydol's side quite early in the royal palace and was an informant who had been circulating information to the Empire for decades.

It was Macbeth who voluntarily rescued the hostages for the Empire or for Raidor, but the prospect seems to have failed.

(Here... use this!

But it was Macbeth's rescue that didn't bear fruit, but it was never in vain.It's one ingredient that reminds Rockwood of a strange idea not to kill the hostages.

"Your Majesty Granard! If you have time, why don't you interrogate the intruder you caught first!?"

"Hmm... Interrogating intruders is a bad job, isn't it?It's not what I do as a king. "

"But the intruder may be communicating with Lord Raydol!If the assassin you sent is in trouble, His Highness Raydol will regret it!

"Ho! I see!

In Rockwood's words, Grannard lifted his lips funny.Looks like he liked Rockwood's suggestion.

Ok, ok!Then let's start by tightening it up with Raidor's men!Cook... my rescue failed.That stupid brother would have stepped on his regretful tartar too!Ha ha ha, what a delight!


"What's the matter, Prime Minister?Enjoy yourself!

"Ha... I understand.Then bring the intruder here.His Majesty the King will question you personally. "


When the painfully distorted Prime Minister gives instructions, the knight leaves the room immediately.

In this way, the two hostages succeed in connecting the lifeblood vessels in a single piece of paper.

The stack of coincidences, and the salvation of Prime Minister Rockwood's advice, led Raydol, of course, to save the future of the kingdom.

Then 2 days later. More than a week ahead of Rockwood's expectations, Leidor's army arrived in King's Landing.

"Brotherhood Fighting" determines the fate of the kingdom of Zain.At the time of the final battle, it was approaching steadily.

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