Raydor Holy Sword War Journal

149. Imperial daughter-in-law selection and disturbance

Célia von Alsline left the kingdom, and Rockwood Marcel lost her life after Granard.

On the other hand, even the Alsline Empire, the hegemony in the middle of the continent, was trying to avoid a single disturbance.

The royal castle in the middle of the Imperial Capital - behind it is a room where four women are gathered.

The large room, usually used as a salon, housed several luxurious furnishings, and the walls were decorated with paintings drawn by court painters.

All women wear luxurious dresses made of fine silk.The ornaments worn were also of a gorgeous design that was rarely vulgar.

At a glance, the women are known to have a nasty identity.Some sat in a chair and mouthed tea, while others stood by the window and looked down at the castle, waiting for the arrival of the man who summoned them.

After a while - I hear butterflies and someone running down the hallway from outside the room.It was a loud noise that didn't suit the imperial castle where the royal family lived.

Eventually, the door was opened momentarily, and a big man jumped into the room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, my lovely daughters!"

The big man in luxurious clothes showed up.To the lord of this castle was Emperor Zacharius Van Alsline, the monarch of the Empire.

With a large sword on his back - the Holy Sword Durandal, who governs the "Flame" - he didn't look very good, but he didn't look like he would visit the salon.

"Hmmm! This is another spectacular sight when you have all the beautiful flowers of the Empire!You look dazzled and burning! "

"... as always, you look well, Father."

Zacharius, who laughed and praised the women, shouted with dismay.

The name of the woman who called the Emperor Father was Maria Stella Lynn Alsline.

As the chief Empress of the Empire, she is the first lady to reign at the apex of all Empire women except the Empress.

At the age of 25, Maria Stella was wearing a pure white dress with no stains and a silver hair with a gentle wave on her back.

Silver hair like a snowfield that reflects the moonlight.It means that Maria Stella is the descendant of the Goldcross god Empire in the north of the continent.

Finished beauty. A limb constituted by a golden ratio.A beauty that can't even find a single drawback is like a goddess of beauty, with clear white skin reflecting the sunlight coming through the window and glowing.

"It's all the more wonderful that you're still too strong.Good evening, Emperor Zacharius van Alsline. "

Maria Stella stood up from her chair and pinched the hem of the dress in a beautiful way to decide the cartier.

The other women stood up and followed her as her sister lowered her head to her father.

Good afternoon, Your Majesty.

"Hmm, I'm so glad to see you again, my beloved princesses!"

The Emperors of the Empire, headed by Maria Stella, were gathered in this room.

Known for his love of war and colour at the same time, Zacharius has thousands of wives and more than a hundred children in the rear palace.

Among the four women here was one who had a particularly high status as a mother and was in an important position as a royal family.

"Well... nobody else gathered here!I want one of you to marry another country today! "

"... it's such a rush.I want you to talk to me about that kind of important thing in advance. "

On behalf of the four, Maria Stella loves her father.

It is Zacharius's bad habit to make suggestions that have no premonition or flashbacks.It might sound good to say it quickly and decisively, but it was extremely annoying from the people around it.

Maria Stella put her hands on her cheeks and sighed with anxiety.

The beauty of the Empress is like a painting even if it is so subtle, and if there is a young man here, it is an elegant thing that can be taken away from me.

Fortunately, there is no man here but Zacharius.There was no such thing as a joke that often happens in the Empire when you fall in love with a beautiful queen, you can't get a job, and you can't eat through your throat.

"So... who are you going to marry?Are you going to be a leader in another country, or will you surrender to a subordinate? "

"Oh, you're right. You're against the royal family!"

Asked by Maria Stella, Zacharius was somehow excited.

"My daughter-in-law is in the kingdom of Zain, a neighbor in the west.And... my husband will be the current king's brother, Raidor Zain! "

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