An earthquake of unprecedented magnitude that struck the western continent.

This has caused tremendous damage throughout the Kingdom of Zain.

Reidor, who came to power as a Regent, mobilized all available personnel to rescue the victims.

The damage to the Royal Palace has been kept to a minimum thanks to Namilia's magic.Raydol immediately freed the royal palace as a refuge to accommodate the wounded inhabitants of the King's City.

Of course, it wasn't just the King's City that was damaged.Direct jurisdiction away from King's Land.Aristocratic territory has also taken heavy damage.

Military units were dispatched to local cities and towns, and disaster relief was carried out.

The food stockpiled in the Royal Palace was also transported as support supplies, and fortifications and fortifications that were safe were also provided as shelters.

Originally, these decisions must be discussed and approved by the ministers.But Raydol, who was building a centralized dictatorship, was able to do it arbitrarily.

The judgment is bold and unpredictable, and at the same time it is a deliberate and immediate response that is well suited to the situation.

The true value of the young Regent, who had traveled through several Shura grounds in border cities, was again demonstrated during emergencies.

Even if Grannard and Rockwood were alive, they would not have responded so smoothly to the sudden earthquake.

If we look only at the results, the devastation caused by the earthquake was minimized by Leidor's seizure of power and the establishment of a dictatorship.

Still, there were many people who could not be helped.

Originally, big earthquakes don't happen that much in the Kingdom of Zain.In the wake of unfamiliar earthquakes, people's chaos swells up.

Some of the towns that were damaged were danced by unfounded rumors to the point where riots broke out.The dispatched Knights had to be suppressed by the mob, so rescuing the victims was on the back.

The period between the earthquake and the end of the chaos was about one month.

In the meantime, 10,000 people died as a direct result of earthquakes and indirect damage caused by sudden riots.The number of missing persons is several times greater.

This is undoubtedly the biggest disaster than the founding of the Kingdom of Zain.

Fortunately, after the earthquake, we received support from our eastern neighbor, the Alsline Empire, quite early.

The Empire in the middle of the continent wasn't so damaged by the earthquake that Emperor Zacharius quickly sent in relief workers and supplies.

I owe Zacharius a great deal... but this is what made Reidor's reign a cornerstone.

It was Raydol's achievement to end the war with the Empire and build peace.It has already spread throughout the kingdom.

Raydol's rapprochement with the Empire gave him much help.The affected people said, "We owe our lives to Lord Raydol!"and praised him.

- The earthquake forced the rebellious aristocrats to lurk, which also dominated Raydol.

The territory they ruled was damaged and the administration of the territory was rendered impossible without the help of the Knights and the army."Let's drag the hateful king's brother down in this gap!I couldn't even afford to plan.

In order to defend their land, the nobles were to hang their necks on Leidor, whom they should have hated.

After the ordeal of a great earthquake, Raidor gained fame and succeeded in strangely consolidating the reign into a tablet, so that the earth could harden with rain.

In this way, Raydol overcomes his first danger under his reign... but soon Raydol will know.

Witch's misfortune has just begun.They didn't cross the pass at all.

The battle between the hero of the holder of the Holy Sword and the "Six Witches of Doom" was going to be real.

"" "" "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" "" "

From the dark woods where the trees grow, the hairs of your body also echo a strange and tall voice.

The voice, like scratching the glass with a nail, was initially distant and fine, but over time it grew larger, and I found the Lord of Voices approaching.

At the same time, the noise of crawling on the ground is added.It is a low and heavy sound like dragging a huge luggage with a horse.

"" "" "Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" "" "

Eventually the Lord of Voices appeared.

The silhouette, which emerges from the gaps of the trees, is, at first glance, like a giant snake crawling through the ground.

But you'll soon realize it's a mistake.

A red-black scaled serpent, like dry blood, has a human upper body where it's supposed to have a jaw.

The light-black human upper body is not dressed and the bare torso is peeling out.All the sexes were female, and the two breasts were completely exposed without a single leaf.

If you only look at the human torso, you don't look like an inflammatory woman.However, there is no such thing as a man who looks at the monster of the snake and is excited by lust.

The eyes of the woman are red and sparkling, and her mouth is torn to the bottom of her ears.Even so, the jaw was slightly open, dripping with rattles and yodare, and when dark yellow body fluids fell to the ground, there was an ugly smell and white steam like acidic drugs.

"... Lesser Lamia. That's a lot more."

A monster with a human snake coming out of the woods.The number is about thirty.

Raydol Zayn, a man in black with a dark sword, sighed with astonishment when he saw a horrible monster rushing in the crowd.

Lesser Lamia is not such a major monster.

I have knowledge of books, but this is the first time Raidor has encountered them directly.

In the first place - Lamia is a sub-race.It is hated in empires with strong subhuman contempt, but it is never evil.

It is a species that has the lower body of a snake in the upper body of a human woman, and lives by creating settlements in the southern part of the continent.

Horrible looks mean they have a warm personality behind them, and sometimes they entertain a man lost in the settlement and yell for love overnight.Lamia is a female-only race that intersects with men of other races to become children.

Lamia is all beautiful, pretending to be lost in the settlement, and some men have ties to multiple Lamias.

In contrast, although Lesser Lamia coincides with the characteristic of a human serpent, its personality is extremely fierce.You can't communicate in conversation because you don't have the intellect to understand human language, and you prefer to attack people and eat flesh and blood.

Lesser Lamia is also a female-only species... we have sex in the mouth.

By eating a human man, "sperm" is taken directly into the body, fertilized into uterine eggs, and reproduced.

Thirty Lesser Lamias in front of me.

How many men have been sacrificed so far?

"Poor thing... if this crazy abacus was the last woman, she wouldn't have died.I can't bring him back to life... but at least I'll avenge him. "

"" "" Kishaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Lesser Lamia rejoiced after seeing Raydol.

You thought the poor sacrifice was a meal and a nourishing bait to give birth to the "baby" appeared.

Thirty Lesser Lamias happily headed straight for Raidor.


Raydol, on the other hand, allowed the monster to approach, recognizing himself as a prey, while pointing his fingertips to the ground without swinging his sword.

"" "" Kishaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Lesser Lamia is approaching. They're getting closer.They're approaching - but Raidor won't move.

"" "" Kishaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

- Yes, the front row of Lesser Lamia jumped towards Raydol.Kick the ground with the serpent like a spring, dance into space, and open your jaw to the limit.

I tried not to eat Raydol's neck off... but finally, Raydol moved.

"Cursed Fighting - [Stone Eye Goddess (Medusa)]!"

Raydol didn't even swing his sword, but crushed it with his notch hanging.

In an instant, a hemispherical dome emerges around the foot of the raidor.

"" "" "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?" "" "

A blow that attracted enemies to the brink.

In a dark dome, Lesser Lamia is trapped together, surrounded by a whirlwind that is rough inside the dome.


Lesser Lamia, who was about to jump on Raidor, turned into a stone in the air.

I don't know what happened - I crashed to the ground with a rattling sound with that look on my face.

Other Lesser Lamias are petrified in the same way.Lesser Lamia, who should have been thirty, turned into a herd of stone statues in just a few seconds.



No, there was only one Lesser Lamia who escaped petrification.

Only the monster at the end escaped without being captured by the fossilized dome.


The surviving Lesser Lamia turned her heel and fled towards the woods.

After watching their companions being stoned in front of them, they finally realized that the men they were about to attack were not prey, but natural enemies that threatened their survival.

He ran away without looking at his friends who had become stone statues.

"Whoa... there's no way I'm letting you escape."

Of course, it's not Raydol who forgives it.

Raydol shook his sword with a dreadful hand, and a black blade was thrown from it and pierced into Lesser Lamia's head.

The last Lesser Lamia falls to the ground with her head cut diagonally.

"Speaking of monsters... pointing a sword at the back of a runaway woman doesn't feel good."

Raydol lightly dispenses Dar Insulave, the holy sword of his right hand, and holds it in his sheath.

One finished job - just don't say that, reach your hands overhead.

"Nevertheless... I'm not popular enough to let you escape the man-eating monster.The next life is going to be a decent woman. "

Ironically, Raidor flipped his black coat and walked toward the town behind him.

Raydol protected from Lesser Lamia's invasion and sheltered behind his back a town he had known since childhood.

Pioneering city raid.

And Raidor king returned to the border city, which he lived from thirteen to eighteen years old.

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