And - five years passed as Raydor was banished from the king's capital.

"Shoot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

In the pioneering city of Reid, in the southern part of the Kingdom of Zayn, the roar and roar shook the air.

A man standing on a castle wall raises his wild voice and commands him. The unleashed bow and arrow poured over the enemy's head like rain.


An arrow pierces his entire body and a two-legged pig screams the severed demon.

On the south side of the pioneering city, a heavy barrier is built of brick and wood to prevent demonic raids. It was the demon on the human pork surface that was approaching to overcome the barrier.

Orc, a monster of the Beastman system that lives extensively throughout the continent. It is the 'catastro org' of that mutant species.

Catastro Org, with red and black body hair, has a larger body at least once than a normal oak, reaching several times his arm strength.

That's what's pushing dozens of them against the fence. It was a disaster of scale that would have been devastated overnight if it had been a small town.

"Chip... it's still looming!

A middle-aged man, who was in command over the fence, struck his tongue.

The man's name is Zaphis Bartolomeo. He is the central figure of the 'Adventurer', a force that defends the pioneering city, and a war-torn warrior who has continued to defend the pioneering city.

Despite the massive arrows punched in, Catastro Org is still breaking the wooden fence that has been stretched outside the fence without losing momentum.

"Shoot! Keep shooting! Don't let your hands rest!


As Zaphis raised his voice, the adventurers with bows unleashed one arrow after another.

Just a bow and arrow can't be fatal to a catastro org with thick muscles. However, each bow and arrow is painted with demonic poison, which should also be effective for tough, vital oak mutants.

Catastro Org's momentum is still not weakened, even though he has already struck an arrow a whole day since the advent of Catastro Org.

As it is, I will destroy the fence and reach the barrier.

Outside the fence, an empty moat is dug, but if it is the physical ability of Catastro Org, it must be easily overcome to break through the fence.

"You're still poor... what do you do?"

Zaphis chewed his back teeth off and roared bitterly.

A man named Zaphis Bartolomeo originally acted as an adventurer in an empire in the centre of the continent, a magnificent man who had even partied with his people to take over the dragon.

But even with such a zaffis, the imminent horde of calamities in front of us was a crisis of fingerfolding in the adventurer's lifetime.

"We're gonna get the girls out of here before they get to the fence. Get ready to evacuate!

"Gi, Guildmaster. That's..."

One of the adventurers distorts his expression remorsefully in the wake of the declaration of de facto defeat of abandoning the pioneering city.

The adventurers gathered in the pioneering city of Reid are all streamers who have lost their place in their homeland for some reason.

For them this town was the last place to be, and it could be called the second home. The declaration of abandoning it is not easily accepted.

Drawing on the inside of such an adventurer, Zaphis smiles nicely.

"Of course, I'll stay here till the end! This is my graveyard!

"Hey, I'll make it easy on you, too! Parenthood!"

"I'm not a parent. Call me Alliance Master!

Zaphis takes the throwing spear and throws it with all his might. The throwing spear, which was fired like a shell, penetrated the abdomen of one of the Catastro Orgs and succeeded in causing him to kneel.

"Come on, you bastards! This is hell. This is the training ground! Squeeze up to a drop of blood and here to the end..."

"Alliance Master!

"Stay on your feet... what, at a time like this!

It was the young adventurer who was guiding the evacuating inhabitants who cut off Zaphis' mouth en route.

A wrinkle leans between Zaphis' brows at the appearance of a young man who had ordered him to take a woman and child away if he had to.

"Jean! Temee, why the hell did you come back! Tell him to run...!

"Your lord is back! We're on our way here now!

"Oh, you're serious!

Hearing the word 'lord', Zaphis makes his eyes shine.

The adventurers around them also raise their joyful voices in their mouths, blowing away the magical air of their earlier determination to die.

"Ha ha, good to see you home late! The royal family is different! That's a lot of work for you!

"Sorry about that. He's a great royalty in Noroma!


A disease-like shadow ran through the side of Zaphis, who was evil.

The speed at which even Zaphis, a skilled adventurer, finally chases with his eyes. I unwittingly peel my eyes and look back behind my back.

At the end of the retrospect stood a young man dressed in black, scaffolding stones piled on the walls of the castle.

"You made me wait! He used to make me go this far!

The young man pulls out the sword he lays on his hips and turns to heaven.

Its overly prestigious presence stifles even Catastro Org, the adventurer with the bow, of course, who was approaching the barrier.


"Oh... you're here!

"Our lord! Our big fathers!

"You've decided to come, haven't you? There's no way I, the lord of this town, won't show up in a crisis in this town!

In response to the praise of hope gathered upon him, the young man with his sword in heaven lifts his lips belligerently and laughs.

And - wave down your sword and point your cutting edge outside the fence.

"Don't think you can go home for free by attacking a town ruled by this Raydor Zain! I'll chop up one left, peel off the skin and meat and fatten my wallet!

Out of arrogance, Raydor Zain, a young man in black, jumped big and jumped off the fence.

From its majestic and elusive appearance, I see no fine dust in my weakness when I was banished from the King's capital five years ago.

I am the hero - I leaped on the enemy all the time not to say so.

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