【Famous scene 1: The villain appears!】

【Inside the SHIELD base】

【The atmosphere is tense and the breathing is suppressed】

【People coming and going, busy with work】

【The scene was a bit chaotic and noisy】

【Nick Fury appears and walks towards a laboratory】

【Doctor: Director, the pulse of the Rubik's Cube is getting stronger!】

【Nick Fury: Where to?】

【Doctor Who: The Other Side of the Universe】

【At this time, Hawkeye jumped out and came to Nick Fury.】

【Hawkeye: Since the Rubik's Cube connects two worlds, there is no problem here, so what about the other side?……】

【Nick Fury's face changed】

【The Cosmic Cube is equivalent to a door】

【There is no one on one side of the door, but the door gradually opens】

【This means that someone is coming from the other side!】

【The enemy is coming!】

【Nick Fury immediately gave the order to prepare for battle!】



Nick Fury frowned slightly

"It's really a problem with the Cosmic Cube."

"When Howard went to the Arctic ice and fished out the Rubik's Cube"

"The prophecy cube will attract enemies"

"Unexpectedly, he was right."

"This is the second time.

"the second time?"

"Has anyone tried to steal the Rubik's Cube before?"

Nick Fury stopped talking.

That period of history cannot be recalled for the time being.

Black Widow seemed to understand something.

"Don't you want to say it?"

"Because of the scratches on your face?"

"It seems that the alien incident"

"It has left a big psychological shadow on you.

Nick Fury didn't say anything.

But he was thinking in his heart.

He really didn't want to mention the scratches on his face.

He quickly changed the subject.

"Look, the enemy appears!"


【The pulse of the Cosmic Cube is strengthened once again!】

【A powerful burst of energy tore a door open】

【A figure emerged from behind the door】

【The camera is from the front, almost on the face.】

【The hooked nose, the evil and gloomy face, slowly raised】

【Loki's face appears on the screen】



Loki: ???

"How did I show up?"

"I see"

"Brother, I will definitely go to Earth to help you.

Thor said nothing.

His eyes gradually became sharper.

Loki panicked.

He quickly looked at Odin.

"Father, I'm definitely going to help."

"Look at me, I didn't do anything."

"There is absolutely no malice at all!"

Just then, the screen changes

【Nick Fury: Sir, please put down your scepter.】

【Loki attacked Nick Fury without saying anything.】

【Fortunately, Hawkeye acted in time to help Nick Fury escape the disaster.】

【Otherwise, S.H.I.E.L.D. will have to change its director.】

【Loki, it's a fatal blow!】


Okay, let's do it now.


At this moment, Loki's face was pale.

He was panicking.

Thor grabbed him by the collar.

The hammer was hanging over his head.

""Tell me, why do you want to attack the Earth?"

Loki almost cried.

How the hell did he know?

Loki had just heard about the Earth.

How could he possibly want to attack the Earth?

Loki turned his head with difficulty.

He met Odin's eyes.

Loki panicked.

"Father, I really didn't"

"I have no interest in the earth."

"I really don't want to attack the Earth."

Odin stared at Loki for a long time.

"Thor, let him go."

"The future Loki, anyway"

"It shouldn't affect Loki now."

Thor let go of Loki and stared at him.

The atmosphere in Asgard became a little weird.

Loki wanted to crawl into the ground.

It would be fine if he wasn't a hero.

How did he become a villain? How did a wizard become such a mess?

Loki couldn't understand his future self.



Nick Fury looks at Hawkeye

"The future me owes you a life.

Hawkeye waved his hand.

"do not worry about it"

"This is what I should do"

"But who is this external enemy?"

Nick Fury shook his head.

"do not know"

"But it should be strong."

"But I feel relieved to have you here."

Hawkeye nodded solemnly.

"rest assured"

"I will always stand on the side of SHIELD!"


【Loki holds a scepter and knocks down a group of agents】

【Hawkeye steps forward to fight】

【With his powerful physical skills, he fought Loki twice.】

【But the human body is indeed no match for the gods.】

【Loki easily punishes Hawkeye】

【Loki: You are different, come and help me】

【The scepter was placed against Hawkeye's chest, controlling his mind.】

【Hawkeye became Loki's subordinate】



Hawkeye lowered his head.

He was silent.

He just made a bold statement.

He claimed to always stand on the side of SHIELD. But he turned around and defected to the enemy.

Although he was controlled, he still couldn't hold back.

Nick Fury comforted him:

"Don't be too sad"

"The other party is the power of God"

"You are not a match, this is normal."

Hawkeye forced a smile and nodded awkwardly.

Black Widow's voice came

"Eh? Isn't this Hawkeye?"

"I heard you defected to the enemy?"


"do not talk"



Thor looked at Loki.

He spoke quietly:

"My good brother"

"You are so strategic."

"Once on the field, control the enemy first"

"This is much smarter than my brother."

Loki could only laugh awkwardly.

"They are all clever"

"Not as good as you, brother"

""It is not even as wise as my father's."

Loki praised him.

Odin suddenly spoke

"Do you see the scepter in the picture?"

"That thing is in the hands of a man called Thanos"

"This guy is very evil."

"Loki, when did you join him?"


"Father, I don’t!"

"I don't know any tyrants."

"I've never heard of it!"

Odin looked at Loki carefully and found that he didn't seem to be lying.

"It seems that you in the future"

"I've been through a lot"


Stark Industries.

Tony sucked his teeth.

He felt a toothache.

"The battle has not yet begun"

"Is this someone defecting to the enemy?"

"Rod, I unilaterally declare"

"You will be one of the first six in the future."

Rhode laughed.

He was too lazy to pay attention.

Tony's eyes were fixed on the scepter in the picture.

"That scepter can emit radiation power."

"Affects people's mental fluctuations"

"Controlling consciousness"

"But the restrictions are very large, you must touch the body"

"To have complete control"

"Otherwise, it probably only affects some thoughts."

Tony felt very strange.

The core of the scepter is just a small stone.

And the source of controlling the mind is this stone.

This is a power that cannot be understood by Earth technology.

"How terrifying is the power contained in it?"

"To borrow the words of this scepter"

"Can artificial intelligence be transferred to humans?"

Tony's thoughts are wild and unrestrained.

"Perhaps, in this regard"

"Banner can help me"


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner's eyes sparkle.

"A scepter that can control thoughts?"

"There must be radiation coming out of it."

"What kind of rays would it be?"

"I really want to study it."


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America nodded.

"Although Hawkeye surrendered to the enemy"

"But it is controlled"

"He even fought till the very end."

"It's worthy of admiration."

At this moment, the light curtain changed

【Famous scene 2: Black Widow's interrogation]

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