Death of a close friend?

Seeing such a heavy title,

Tony put away his playful smile. His eyes showed loneliness.

He was arrogant and domineering. There were not many people who could be called"close friends". Although he didn't say it on the surface, he treasured them in his heart. If they died, it would be a heavy blow to him. Rod's voice came from the phone.

"This time, it should be me, right?"

"Who else can be considered your friend besides me?"

"Tony, if I die, remember to avenge me.

Tony didn't say anything.

His heart was in his throat.

Inside the screen.

The scene switched.

【The atmosphere in the dilapidated cave is heavy】

【Tony is wearing a vest with a circular light on his chest】

【There is no glamor of a rich man, only infinite desolation】

【A middle-aged man named Ethan walked up to Tony.】

【Ethan: Tony, they've noticed. We have to hurry.】

【Ethan: Put on your armor quickly, I'll help you!】

【In the corner of the cave, Tony stood】

【Ethan put on a simple armor for him】

【Outside the dilapidated laboratory, footsteps were heard.】

【Tony: Help me tighten the bolts】

【Ethan quickly picked up the wrench and tightened the bolt.】

【The footsteps outside the door are getting closer and closer】

【Ethan looked at the computer and saw the progress bar was extremely slow.】

【Ethan: I'll buy you some time.】

【Tony: It's okay, follow the plan, don't act on your own, follow the plan! Ethan!】

【Tony's screams echoed in the cave, tearing his heart apart.】

【Ethan's back, no hesitation】

【Ethan's gun is always pointed at the sky】

【He is a doctor who would rather die than kill anyone.】

【When Tony found him in heavy armor】

【Ethan fell in a pool of blood, trying his best to warn the danger】

【Tony: Ethan, wake up, we should go.】

【Ethan: I can't leave, let me stay here】

【Tony's eyes were red: Thank you for saving my life】

【Ethan: Then live well and don't waste your life】

【Tony has supreme wisdom and huge wealth.】

【But at this moment I feel powerless, I can't even save a life.】

【His eyes became extremely determined and he walked out of the cave.】

【After a fierce battle, the armor took off and catapulted into the sky】

【After drawing an arc, it fell to the ground, and the armor shattered.】

【Tony walks alone through the desert】

【Another close friend arrived: Colonel Rhodes】

【Rod: Is the jeep comfortable? Promise me you will ride in the same jeep with me next time.】

【Tony smiled and said nothing, but he felt extremely relieved】


The atmosphere in the office was heavy.

Tony's eyes were slightly red.

He had not experienced everything in the light screen.

But he could empathize with it.

Especially Ethan.

He sacrificed his life to save him.

But Tony thought for a long time and there was no such person in his memory.


"The people I've met"

"Is there this Ethan?"

Little Pepper's eyes were red. She had just cried.

She thought about it.

She didn't know this Ethan.

"Maybe you have seen him at a cocktail party."

"He is a good man"

"Boss, nothing has happened yet."

"If we save him, maybe we can make it in time.

Tony stood up suddenly.

These words woke him up.

"Rod, did you see that?"

"I hope you can rescue Ethan."

Rod's face was solemn.

After seeing what happened in the light screen, he immediately started to investigate.

It turned out that Dr. Ethan had been missing for a long time.

The location he was in was quite sensitive.

Rod had no right to save people.

"Sorry, we can't do anything.

Tony got angry on the spot

"Such a great doctor, you don't plan to save him?"

Rhodes said calmly:

"Maybe you can save yourself"

"That armor, with your current abilities"

"Can it be researched?"

"Use your current resources to upgrade"

"Saving people should be easy, right?"

Tony was silent.

The armor in the light curtain was very technical.

But with Stark's industrial technology, it could still be made.

But there were too many shortcomings.

It needed to be improved.

Tony's eyes flickered.

Looking at the light curtain

"Is this the beginning of a hero?"

"It's really sad."

"If I could, I would rather not be a hero."

Rhodes comforted him:

"Tony, don't be sad."

"No matter what happens"

"I will definitely support you forever!"


【Famous scene 4: Rhodes, who is tough and sweet】


Rod: ???

"Why am I being so stubborn?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Am I a hero too?"

Rhodes was confused.

He thought the scene was only about Tony.

Unexpectedly, there was also his famous scene.

And looking at the title... it seemed unfriendly.

Thinking of the"fierce battle on the plane",

Rhodes couldn't help but get nervous.

"Don't mess with me!"


【After Tony was captured, he decided not to make weapons anymore.】

【All parties are extremely dissatisfied with this】

【Even his good friend Rod was disappointed】

【Secret base, aircraft hangar】

【Rhodes introduces modern aircraft to his men】

【When it was over, Tony came over.】

【Tony: Rod, I'm working on a project and I'd like you to join me.】

【Rod: Then you have to think about the public relations. After all, you said at the press conference that you would no longer make weapons.】

【Tony: This time it's different, the stuff is not made for the troops】

【Rhodes' face changed: What, you have become a humanitarian?】

【Tony: I'm seriously inviting you.】

【Rod: I won't participate. I hope you can calm down.】

【Rod turned and left】

【Tony stood there, all alone】

【The only friend who refused his invitation】

【He doesn't know who else to rely on.】

【The helpless look in his eyes is heartbreaking.】

【Screen switching】

【Inside Tony's private laboratory】

【The robotic arm puts on the armor for Tony】

【Full of technological and mechanical feel!】

【Rhodes stood aside, his face full of amazement.】

【The envy in my eyes is almost overflowing】

【Rod: That's absolutely the coolest thing I've ever seen! What can I do for you?】

【Tony: Deregulation】

【Iron Man takes off】

【Rhode looked at the half-finished armor with envy.】

【Rod: I will definitely take you away next time, my baby!】


Tony picked up the phone and said quietly:

"That's what you said"

"Always stand by me"

"Always support my decision?"

On the other end of the phone,

Rod looked at the screen. He dug his toes into the ground and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

This was a slap in the face!

"Tony, listen to me.……"


(Please give me flowers and votes, and please support me, ah ah ah)

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