【Famous scene 3: Elevator fight】


Arctic Ocean.

Seeing the"elevator battle".

Captain America's heart skipped a beat.

Judging from the nature of the video, it is definitely not a handsome battle.

After all, the person who created the video has been embarrassing and killing people.

If it is not a battle, what else can it be?

"Is it that men and women……"

"Me and a girl"

""What happened in the elevator?"

Captain America suddenly became nervous.

He was scared by the video.

To be honest, the US captain is not afraid of guns and bullets.

But the social death caused by the video.

Captain America is really scared every time he sees it.

"If I was really in the elevator with a woman"

"So please"

"The process must be mosaiced!"



Nick Fury is very laid back

"Elevator fight?"

"It must be very exciting"

"Who do you think the woman will be?"

Obviously, in Nick Fury's opinion, the elevator fight is a manifestation of the warming of feelings between a man and a woman. Black Widow rolled her eyes.

"Fury, you have a dirty mind."

"Fierce fighting obviously refers to fighting"

"How did it get into your mouth?"

""Has it become a love affair between a man and a woman?"

Hawkeye also glanced at Nick Fury.

He thought that the director was just talking nonsense sometimes.

He was really unreliable.

Nick Fury touched his bald head.

"Don't forget, the video is mainly about social death."

"Looks like a serious title"

"I don't know what it corresponds to."

This is true.

Black Widow and Hawkeye were silent.

Nick Fury continued:

"I concluded that the following scene"

"It must be very exciting"

"You two, get ready to watch.

Nick Fury was very relaxed. He had no idea what was going to happen next...


【Captain America takes the elevator down】

【He was fully armed and carried a shield.】

【Looks unusually serious】

【The moment the elevator door opens】

【Two figures enter the elevator】

【One is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., Rumlow】

【The other is an unnamed supporting role】

【After the two entered the elevator】

【I greeted the American team first.】

【Rumlow and Captain America's relationship】

【It's actually pretty good.】

【It is only right for both parties to greet each other.】


Captain America was relieved to see this scene.

"This Rumlow"

"It should be one of my other 800 friends, right?"

"Looks good, well-trained.

" Captain America can tell at a glance whether a person has received training or not.

Just like Falcon before, Captain America can tell at a glance that this is a veteran.

And this Rumlow, at first glance, is an agent or something like that.

Captain America feels very identified with having such a person as a friend.

After all, everyone is serving the country.

Eh? Wait a minute...

Captain America's eyes suddenly widened.

The fierce fight in the elevator, it can't happen between men, right? The target of the fierce fight, could it be Rumlow?

"Is it fighting or love?"

"I can't tell……"

"I really can't tell the difference!"

Captain America was stunned.



Nick Fury recognized Rumlow at first sight

"Isn't this Rumlow?"

"Our capable man, Rumlow"

"Natasha, Clint, you all know each other, right?"

Black Widow nodded.

Hawkeye hummed.

Some of their actions were coordinated by Rumlow. The two sides are actually very familiar with each other. They can be considered friends, but the relationship is not that deep. Black Widow said:

"It seems that Captain America joins S.H.I.E.L.D."

"And has been working for S.H.I.E.L.D."

"There are such subordinates"

""Fury, are you relieved?"

Nick Fury nodded. He couldn't close his mouth.

He wanted to laugh out loud.

But for the sake of his image as the director, he had to try his best to control his laughter.

"With a capable general like Captain America"

"I can sleep more peacefully"

"Wait a minute, elevator fight……"

"What does this have to do with Rumlow?"

""Could it be that Captain America is in love with someone?"

Nick Fury was confused.

He realized at this moment. Was the so-called fight really a fight of fists and feet?

Was it not the budding of love?

Since Rumlow was a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., he should stand on Captain America's side.

Will they encounter enemies later?

Thinking of this, Nick Fury couldn't help but get nervous.

"This scene is the headquarters building of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"A fierce battle took place here?"

"SHIELD, enemies have come in?"

Nick Fury was stunned.

SHIELD should be the safest place in the world.

How could it be invaded?

It was unbelievable!

Nick Fury stared at the screen.

He wanted to know how the enemy got in.

Then he could have targeted defense.

The video would definitely give him the answer!


【Rumlow: Captain, long time no see.】

【Captain America nodded slightly: Long time no see】

【The elevator stops and the door opens】

【Two more people came in.】

【Captain America remained calm】

【Rumlow also has no expression】

【The elevator stopped at the next floor.】

【Two more people came in】

【They're all from S.H.I.E.L.D.】

【These people obviously came in with a purpose.】

【The elevator was quickly filled with people.】


Captain America couldn't help but admire

"The elevators of this era are really amazing"

"It won't be overloaded even if it carries so many people"

"Technology has really advanced."

"And there's glass at the back."

"The scenery must be beautiful.

Captain America kept sighing.

He felt that the atmosphere in the video was becoming serious.

Captain America guessed that in the future, he would discover the enemy and use covert means to make the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. anxious.

"Now in the elevator"

"It's full of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Who dares to rush in and fight?"



Nick Fury smiled

"So many S.H.I.E.L.D. people"

"Squeezed in the elevator"

"Who dares to go in and fight?"

"Captain America has learned to be smart and knows how to call his teammates together"

"No more individual heroism.

Nick Fury was very pleased.

He always emphasized the importance of teamwork.

The Avengers was the best example.

With this thought, a sharp edge flashed in Nick Fury's eyes.

"I'd like to see"

"There are so many S.H.I.E.L.D. people in the elevator."

"Who dares to rush in!"


【The elevator is packed with people】

【The US team was squeezed to the end】

【His eyes, a glance】

【There's a guy reaching for his gun.】

【This guy obviously has a problem.】

【Captain America remained calm】

【But be ready to fight at any time】

【He glanced around】

【Captain America: Anyone else want to go out?】

【The man in front suddenly turned around】

【The long blade in his hand stabbed over】

【Captain America dodges sideways】

【The person behind him hugged his body】

【Trying to control his movements】

【Rumlow also drew his gun immediately】

【Gun pointed at Captain America】

【With the strength of the American team】

【Who can really control him?】

【Captain America breaks free and smashes Rumlow's gun】

【The battle officially begins!】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looked confused.

"Rumlow, is he my enemy?"

"Not just Rumlow"

"Are all these people my enemies?"

Captain America couldn't help but doubt his life.

He remembered an old saying. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) If one person hits you, there may be something wrong with that person.

But if a group of people hit you... then there is something wrong with you!

Captain America really couldn't figure it out. Would his future self become a Taoist?

Otherwise, why would the members of SHIELD attack him? It's impossible that all members of SHIELD have problems, right?

Look at how pure Captain America is. He would rather doubt himself than doubt SHIELD.



Nick Fury was dumbfounded.

He was full of questions.

What happened? Did the SHIELD people fight with Captain America?

The enemy was actually inside?

The question is...

Captain America is the enemy?

Or is Rumlow the enemy?

Nick Fury couldn't tell for a moment.

But he could think of one thing clearly.

SHIELD is not safe anymore.

The sentence"SHIELD is the safest place in the world""……

It became a casual boast.

Nick Fury couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. At the same time, a bunch of comments flashed on the video.


…You see, this is the early Captain America, who only knows how to act recklessly.

…Remember this scene, it will be tested a long time later.

…Nick Fury tells everyone a joke: SHIELD is the safest place in the world

…Do all bald men like to brag? There is a person in charge of District 13 who always says this.

…SHIELD, equivalent to the branch of Hydra

…Ninety percent of people have joined Hydra


Arctic Ocean.

Seeing the comments of Captain America,

I can't help but doubt my life.

SHIELD, such an awesome organization.

How could it be infiltrated like this?

It's unbelievable!

The most important thing is...

I am the primary victim!

"But they said remember this scene"

"What does it mean?"

"Will there be more related scenes in the future?"

Captain America was puzzled.



Nick Fury's face was gloomy.

The doubts in his heart were all solved. SHIELD was mostly infiltrated by Hydra.

Rumlow, bald Sitwell.

They are all Hydra members!

They are the backbone of SHIELD! They are all Hydra undercovers?

Get rid of them, they must be got rid of.

Nick Fury summoned the people he trusted most.

They immediately went to arrest the two.

Just control them first, and then find the rest.

In the office,

Sitwell was working. He was meticulous and serious.

The people around him praised:

"You work really hard."

Sitwell smiled.

"They all serve the country"

"It is right to work hard"

"Be worthy of yourself and be worthy of your conscience."

People around praised him one after another.

These words made people's blood boil.

Instantly, they felt that the value of life was sublimated.

Sitwell sneered in his heart.

A bunch of fools!

I am the boss of Hydra!

If you come here and don't work seriously, how can you gain trust?

With your ability, you can't see my true identity at all!

Even Nick Fury can't do it.

Sitwell sneered in his heart.

Then he stared at the video and continued to work busily.

At this moment, someone broke into the office.

Everyone in the room immediately looked up.

Sitwell also looked over.

His expression couldn't help but condense.

In order to show himself, he stood up and walked in front of these people.

"Who are you?"

"Don't you know we're working?"

"Barge in"

"It will disturb our work"

"Do you understand?"

In an instant, all the colleagues around him cast admiring eyes. Being able to stand up for them at this time is really admirable! Sitwell felt the gazes of the crowd and felt very useful. He liked this feeling. However, the people in the action team took a look at his badge.


"it's me!"

"You are suspected of colluding with Hydra, we arrest you according to the law."


Colleagues around:???

The scene was extremely quiet for a while.

Sitwell was stunned for a moment.

He said in a cold voice:"How did you find out?"

"No comment."

The moment he was handcuffed,

Sitwell's face was filled with despair.

He couldn't believe it.

He hid so well and worked so hard.

How could he be exposed?

This was unscientific!

On the way to being taken away, he kept trying to escape.

Now the only one who could save him was another undercover agent, a capable man: Rumlow!

As long as Rumlow got the news, he would definitely come to save him!

Sitwell was not panicked.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had so many undercover agents.

He would be able to escape sooner or later.

However, after turning a corner,

Sitwell saw a group of detained people.

If you look closely... the people in the group were all Hydra undercover agents.


Not just one group.

Several groups were like this.

The nails that Hydra had placed in S.H.I.E.L.D. were all pulled out one by one.

Sitwell's heart was getting heavier and heavier.

Until... he saw the detained Rumlow.

Rumlow saw Sitwell.

His face was filled with excitement.

"You came to save me?"


Save your grandma's leg!

I was counting on you to save me!

Sitwell's face was full of despair.

He realized that all the Hydra lurkers were caught!

But he really couldn't figure out how they were exposed?

In fact, the only ones who were really exposed were the people in the [Elevator Fight].

Nick Fury took thunderous action and interrogated the other people in the elevator.

He directly got out the identities of all the lurkers and captured them directly.

A crisis of S.H.I.E.L.D. was quietly resolved.

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

"I love this video"

"if you can"

"I even want to marry the video as my wife"

"It's a pity that I already have a wife."

Nick Fury's face was full of regret.

Black Widow said sadly:

"Fury, your hobby is really strange.

Nick Fury laughed



【In the elevator, the fierce battle ended】

【Still standing till the end】

【Only Captain America is left!】

【There is a Hydra undercover lying on the ground】

【Captain America grabs the shield】

【He wanted to leave the elevator, but there were pursuers outside.】

【Helpless, I can only break the glass】

【Falling from a high altitude to the ground】

【Glass fragments all over the floor】

【Captain America is hunched over, looking like he has fallen hard.】

【But the ending is good】

【Captain America escaped successfully and got rid of the pursuers. 】

The elevator battle ended here.

Theoretically, the elevator battle here... should be written as [Elevator Battle 1].

After all, a long time later.

There is another elevator"battle".

As the famous elevator battle scene ended.

The fourth famous scene.

Quietly coming

【Famous scene 5: The first kiss after thawing] Captain

America: ??? ???.

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