Captain America couldn't believe it.

Bucky in the future became the Winter Soldier and was his enemy?

After watching the video,

Captain America felt like the sky had fallen.

In his eyes,

Bucky was more important than his family.

But now, this"family member" shot him with a gun.

Captain America couldn't accept it.

"Bucky, what's wrong with you?"

"What did Hydra do to you?"

"They, have polluted your consciousness?"

Captain America suddenly remembered the old video.

When the Avengers first assembled,

Loki also confused the enemy.

So, Bucky is likely to be the same.

His mind was changed by Hydra and he worked for Hydra.

Captain America began to exert his strength.

He wanted to break free from the ice, but he still failed.

The ice was too thick and too deep.

Captain America could create cracks, but he couldn't break through the ice.

Helplessly, he could only continue to watch the screen.

"Get rid of it and save Bucky!"


Hydra base.

Winter Soldier can no longer sit still.

"He called me Bucky."

"Am I really Bucky?"

"Who am I?"

The Winter Soldier's brain began to get confused.

Many inexplicable images came to his mind.

Suddenly, breaking through some kind of restraint, the Winter Soldier remembered something.

All his previous memories came back.

"I'm Bucky!"

"I'm a friend of the US team"

"Damn it, I was actually bewitched by Hydra!"

Bucky clenched his fists.

These days, he has done a lot for Hydra.

In terms of his sense of honor, he felt ashamed.

"I have to go back"

"I'm going to find Captain America."

"No, not yet."

The base is too heavily guarded.

If you leave rashly and are discovered, it will definitely cause trouble.

"Have to wait for a suitable opportunity"

"June 13"……

【Famous scene 7: Twin brothers and sisters】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looked confused.

Twin brothers and sisters?

What does this have to do with me?

""It's not my child, is it?"

Captain America couldn't figure it out.

Before he was frozen, they had never been together.

It was impossible for them to have a child.

"Forget it, just keep watching."

Based on the nature of the video,

Captain America is really worried that it will expose that he has an illegitimate child or something like that.


Hospital ward.

Carter narrowed his eyes.

"Twin siblings?"

"What does it mean?"

"Steve, you have a child?"

Carter felt sour.

A man in his nineties was actually jealous.



Quicksilver and Wanda looked at the title.

They felt involved.


"I seem to see the two of us."

Quicksilver and the witch are twins.

Seeing such a title, the two of them are very involved.

Quicksilver is thinking

"twins title"

"Appeared in the famous scene of the American team"

"Don't you think it's weird?"

Wanda thought for a moment.

"Seems a bit inconsistent"

"Does Captain America have children?"

Quicksilver spread his hands.

"I don't know either."

The brother and sister continued to stare at the screen.


【Hydra Base】

【An old man found the person in charge】

【The person in charge, nicknamed Crossbones】

【The backbone of Hydra】

【Old man: Fury made everything public】

【Crossbones: It doesn't matter】

【Old Man: If Stark knew what we were doing, it would be troublesome.】

【The scene changes, and the scepter appears in the camera.】

【After the Battle of New York, Hydra impersonated S.H.I.E.L.D. and took away the scepter】


Stark Industries.

Tony narrowed his eyes.

"This is Loki's scepter."

"How did it end up with Hydra?"

"What does Nick Fury eat?"

Pepper asked curiously:

"What kind of organization is this Hydra?"

Tony said coldly.

"A crazy, shameless, and shameless organization"

"My father fought with them for a long time."

"The result is that both sides suffer"

"Now they have the scepter"

"I'm afraid it will bring us endless trouble."



Nick Fury covers his forehead

"After the Battle of New York"

"The only one who can take over the legacy of the war is S.H.I.E.L.D."

"It seems like something left over from the war"

"Got taken away by Hydra"

"We are so remiss."



Thor looked at Loki.

Loki was tiptoeing and trying to escape.

Suddenly he felt like he was being watched by lightning.

Loki turned his head back in embarrassment.


Thor smiled coldly.

"How dare you call me brother?"

"I don't have a brother like you."

"Look at you, the trouble you caused"

"It will always cause trouble!"

Loki looked very embarrassed.


Captain America's famous scene.

Why is it me who is embarrassed?

Loki was not convinced


【Crossbones: We've only scratched the surface.……】

【No need to say the following】

【They used the scepter to create something terrible.】

【Crossbones stepped aside】

【The old man followed behind】

【Crossbones: Let other agencies working for Hydra keep Captain America and his friends at bay】

【Old Man: What about us?】

【Crossbones: Creating something greater, remember those volunteers?】

【The old man nodded.】

【Crossbones: Dead, buried. Living……】

【Old man: What happened to those who are alive?】

【Crossbones: Twins】

【The scene changes to two glass cells.】

【Quicksilver and the witch appear】

【Witch sitting on a chair】

【Controlling two toys in hand】

【In the other room】

【Quicksilver's body changes, appearing and disappearing from time to time】

【The two had obviously just taken over the renovation.】

【Not yet fully adapted】

【But for Hydra】

【They got two new members.】



Quicksilver and Wanda sat there for a moment.

They stood up suddenly.

Their faces were filled with disbelief.

"Pietro, did you see that?"

"It's the two of us"

"The twins in the title"

"It means you and me!"

Quicksilver nodded repeatedly.

"I saw"

"It's you and me"

"We, have been transformed?"

The two suddenly understood why they were on the list of heroes. Quicksilver's eyes lit up.

"My ability seems to be very fast."

Wanda nodded.

"I seem to be controlling the object"

"I envy your speed."

Quicksilver smiled.

"Don't be too envious"

"I can carry you and run"

"This way, your speed will be the same as mine."

Wanda nodded.

Obviously, at this moment, she had not yet realized that her ability... was the most terrifying!



Nick Fury smiled

"These are the two people on the hero list."

"Great, it finally appeared."

"That guy seems to be very fast."

"As for women...controlling things?"

""It's not bad."

Nick Fury commented.

This is probably one of the few times he made a mistake.

Black Widow and Hawkeye's opinions are similar to Nick Fury's.

The ability of speed seems to be even more powerful.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief

"Fortunately, it's not my child"

"Scared me"

"I thought I had twins."

"My famous scene"

"Is it time to end it?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


【Captain America's famous scene of adapting to life ends here】

【During this process】

【He befriended Sam the Falcon】

【Met my best friend Bucky】[]

【And had a stunning kiss with Black Widow】

【Let's applaud Captain America for living a fulfilling life! 】

Captain America:……

【The end of the serious and righteous American team's famous scene】

【Next, we will welcome several……】

【The most stupid hero in history】

【Guardians of the Galaxy!】


Deep in the universe, on a spaceship,

Star-Lord was playing with his Walkman.

When he saw the title of the video, he immediately put it down and looked serious.

The light screen had been on for a long time.

He had been staring at it.

After all, everything happened on Earth.

Star-Lord was born on Earth.

Later, he was taken away by aliens and became a cosmic wanderer.

Watching the Earth would arouse his homesickness and give him a warm feeling.

Now, the title of Guardians of the Galaxy appears, which means he is about to appear.

In the previous list of heroes, he was one of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"If I join a team"

"Then I must be the captain."

"Yes, I am definitely the captain!"

Star-Lord straightened up and stared at the video on the screen.


On a planet.

Rocket Raccoon put down his gun and stared at the screen.


"It's our turn"


Groot raised his head.

The current Groot is still the same Groot.

He is relatively strong.

He has a simple personality.


Rocket Raccoon said:

"I know you're anxious, but don't worry."

"Coming Soon"

"There are other members of the guard."

"Look who they are"

"Also, who is the word"shashao" referring to?"

Rocket Raccoon grinned.


Space Prison.

Drax the Destroyer is looking at the screen.

He is peeling a fruit. He takes a bite of the peel. Then he spits it out.

"Guardians of the Galaxy?"

"Such a familiar name.0"

"What was it?"

This guy is a big idiot.

His memory is not very good.

He can't remember the previous hero list at all.

"Never mind, just keep watching."


Inside a hotel on a planet.

Gamora is lying on the bed.


"The situation is worse than expected"

"It's much more serious."

Gamora recognized it.

The scepter hidden in the Hydra base.

The core is the Mind Stone.

It is also one of the targets of her father Thanos.

"Aether particles and the Mind Stone have appeared?"

"There are still space gems, souls, time, and power left.……"

Obviously, Gamora didn't see the scene in Avengers 1.

She didn't know that the Space Stone had already appeared and was stored in Asgard.

Gamora thought that only two stones appeared.

In fact, there were three.

"The Scales of Fate"

"Are you leaning towards your father?"

Gamora couldn't help but get nervous.



Nick Fury adjusts his eye patch.

I suspect I read the title wrong.

"What does the title say?"

"The most stupid hero?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Guardians of the Galaxy, what a domineering name"

"Are they all a bunch of idiots?"

Nick Fury was speechless.

Black Widow comforted him:

"Take it easy, Fury."

"Even Tony and Hulk"

"We can all teach."

"Not to mention a few stupid ones.

Hawkeye nodded in agreement.

"How much more stupid can it be?"

"There is a training system of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"They definitely won't be too bad."

Nick Fury heard this and nodded.

"You are right."

"I will manage them."


Stark Industries.

Tony watched the video.

He couldn't help but frown.

"What grade"

"How dare you name it Guardians of the Galaxy?"

"Are you crazy?"

Little Pepper said faintly:

"How about you build a galactic suit?"

Tony's eyes lit up.

"It's you, dear."

"You inspired me"


I will start designing now.……



Thor looks curious

"Guardians of the Galaxy?"

"Is this the beginning of a great journey into the universe?"

"Then I have to take a good look."

Asgard is also outside the earth, deep in the universe. Maybe I can have in-depth exchanges with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Thor couldn't help but become serious. Suddenly, he noticed Odin's expression. There was something heavy on his father's face.


Father, what's wrong with you?���Slightly depressed.

Staring at the screen

"Do you still remember Star-Lord from the list?"

"I have heard of this person."

Sol's eyes lit up.

"Do you know him?"

Odin shook his head.

"do not know"

"But I know his father."

"A very cruel person."

"There is also the so-called divine blood in his body."

Odin never claims to be a god.

In his opinion, there is no god in the world.

But 3.0 is Star-Lord's father.

Odin can't help but think of him as a god.

Although... in front of Odin,

Star-Lord's father is just a younger brother.

But some characteristics make people think he is a god.

Thor didn't understand what his father said.

He had to stare at the screen. He wanted to see how powerful his father's"friend's" son was!


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner looks very excited.

"Aliens, here comes another batch of aliens"

"What to do? It's like dissecting them."

"I want to cut open their bodies."

"Study carefully"


Prison. Ant-Man looked at the screen with a look of astonishment.

"Oh ~ Guardians of the Galaxy!"

"It sounds so domineering and awesome."

"They must be very powerful people."

If we talk about stupidity,

Ant-Man is even more stupid than the Guardians of the Galaxy. The prison guard looked at Ant-Man and was a little speechless.

"What are you so excited about?"

"He is a hero, what does it have to do with you?"

"You should just stay in jail.

Ant-Man was immediately dissatisfied.

"Didn't you see that I was on the list?"

The prison guard laughed.

"Even if I have you, you are just a foil"

"Scott, think about your own mistakes"

"Look at the surrounding environment.

Ant-Man stopped talking for a moment.

He felt shocked.

He looked at the prison guard.

"You married my ex-wife"

"Still scolding me here"

"When I get out, I will kick your ass hard!"

The prison guard laughed.

"I'll talk to you when you come out."

Neither of them paid any attention to each other.

They were like a pair of enemies.

They stared at the screen and continued to watch.

Famous scene 1: Hot dance on the stage].

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