Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 38: The Secret History of Attacking Giants

Although Ling Xian and Alice 9 were itchy and unbearable, they did a lot of curious philosophies. For example, if the key to a giant is the nape, the giant without the nape can’t live, so remove the giant’s nape. The neck meat clearly did not lose the back neck meat, so why can't it live the same.

Is it the reason why there is no essential difference between cutting off the neck of the giant and cutting off the giant?

Does anyone know this kind of thing?

It's boring, right, but Ling Xian and Alice 9 have never forgotten what they really should do.

In the third week of coming to this world, after crossing a mountain range that was not easy to climb even if the flight ability was activated, the far end of the horizon of Lingxian's golden eyes finally showed the shadow of human traces.

"Great, I didn't go back!"

Originally, Ling Xian was always worried about whether he was going in the wrong direction-although it was not bad to go around the earth in principle, there were ten tails, and there was no shortage of physical strength, which could be a waste of time.

She immediately stepped on her foot, almost exploding the ground, and sprinted forward.

If it hadn't been for her to have practiced the brisk pace of ninja running, she would really explode just now.

Lingxian almost turned into a wind, and the distance of two kilometers took only a few seconds. Soon, she was stunned.

"[Invisibility]!" Alice No. 9 reacted in a timely manner, casting invisibility magic on herself and Ling Xian, and their clothes seemed too strange here.

Something different from the information, they came to a very ordinary human settlement village.

They didn't have any special plans to communicate with people in this world. They continued to move forward according to the extension of the village, and came to a seemingly ordinary human city.

After inquiring, this is a country called the Malay Empire located in a corner of the mainland, and managed to obtain a map suitable for use here.

What makes Lingxian and Alice 9 quite hit is that the countries in this world are not very few. There are human civilizations in the East and the West. However, the area with no population is not small. They really crossed half a place. An uninhabited continental area.

Relying on Alice No. 9's spiritual magic, the humans in this world are blessed with no mental attack resistance except for a few special existences. The goblin has heard many things from Marais. At the same time, there is also information that can be obtained from the book——

There used to be two empires in the world, one was called the Malay Empire and the other was called the Eldia Empire. Ymir Fritz of the Eldia race signed a contract with the demons of the earth and gained the power of giants. After getting the power of the giant, it can only live for thirteen years, and the power of the giant will not disappear after death, and will be randomly attached to an Eldia. Thirteen years later, Ymir Fritz died. She split her power into nine parts, which were inherited by nine giants, or nine Eldia. One of the nine powers is the strongest, known as the ancestor giant, possessing the ability to rule all giants, including the other eight powerful giants. The Eldia defeated the Malays and implemented a policy of ethnic cleansing for nearly two thousand years. Later, the remnants of the Malay Empire took the opportunity to instigate the seven giant families, and in the end it was the 145th king who escaped internal fighting and hid on the island.

It seems to be very different from the plot information they got before they came to this world?

But after Alice 9 managed to "hack into" the Marais empire, she discovered other things. For example, the country's technology was really good, and she invented things like making giant injections and weapons against giants. 97 Chinese

The so-called demon is Fritz, the ruler of the Eldia two thousand years ago, the master of Ymir. The true source of Ymir's power of giants is still a mystery, and the war machine, as King Fritz, will fight all over the world. But after his death, Fritz was reluctant to bear the power of giants. After dismembering Yumir, he forced several of his children to eat them, thereby passing on the power of giants. The method of passing them to the next generation is also the same, and the stability is nine. Big giant.

But Eldia was later divided, and the Marais empire seized the power of the seven giants.

The injections used by the Marais Empire to make giants are derived from the giant's marrow fluid.

So, the history books are all fake. I'm afraid they have encountered the giant test objects that were thrown to the other side of the mountain in the early days.

The one hundred and forty-fifth king of Eldia retreated to the final territory, Paraty Island, with some people who were unwilling to start a war, and built three walls to wipe out everyone’s memories of the outside world, trying to create a bell for ears. The "paradise".

The people of the Eldia Empire, who did not escape to the island, were raised in captivity by Marais. They were used to select the heirs of the giant's power, and injected the giant injection to turn them into a brainless giant. They would lose their reason and disobedience. The giants were restocked to "paradise" and let them kill each other.

Not long ago, the island that kept sending giants seemed to have launched a counterattack.

Willie Taiba, ruler of Marais, gathered politicians from all over the world and called for a joint effort to wipe out the island of Paraty. On the night of his speech, a giant with sharp ears like elves made a big noise in the speech venue and killed Willie and the many politicians and guests present. civilian.

Many countries are now organizing a world joint fleet, preparing for the crusade against Parady Island.

At the execution site where the Marais made the brainless giant, the invisible Alice 9 watched the human being screaming and turned into the brainless giant, while playing with the half-empty injection, muttered: "Make this thing still It's better to think of a way to make the demi-humans in captivity have more children." He threw the injection away and left.

There are no other things of value to goblins in this country.

As for the commotion caused by her interference in the execution scene, soldiers with giant weapons will handle it.

"Master Ling Xian, shall we go directly to attack Parady Island? Or do we try to get into the army and follow the fleet?"

"Um... uh uh ~ do we need to use the power of the indigenous humans in this world?" Ling Xian, who had basically understood the strength of the seven giants, felt disapproving.

On the 9th, Alice took out a newspaper and put it in front of Ling Xian and patted the headline: "The Eldia people have made money from thousands of years to the previous'atrocities' against many countries, but this side has stood in the way. The moral commanding heights."

"So?" Ling Xian tilted his head.

"Isn't our purpose to test the will of the world? If it really exists, we have to find a way to keep it from interfering with us. Isn't it the best way to follow the situation?" Alice No. 9 put forward her own opinion.

"But we don't know if there is any." Ling Xian raised his head and said, "The experiments in multiple worlds are carried out together, and we can't receive reports from other worlds, so let's try more aggressively. This world has become confused because of the resistance of the world will, and we can go to other worlds to continue experimenting with other variables."

(to be continued)

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