Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 80: The Long-lost God's Coming

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Clown Pith didn't move her hand, and she swept a few far away before she lost interest. Only Sunny picked it up and looked at it carefully, and said, "Don't you think the information is too general?"

"It's useless, the spies are not easy to come and go." Star spread his hands.

"That's it." Kraun Pace waved his hand and said, "Sanny, you find a way to let the high-level cultists of the empire guide the strategy in this direction. Remember to possess the righteousness of war and possess world-class props. The Dragon King and the Silian Church watched, even though they had gained a strong power, they still had nothing to do with the original magic and world-class props."

"Call me?" Sonny looked surprised.

"Aren't you the pope?" Kraun Pace raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, but the fairy temple in the capital of the empire is not the base camp. I generally don’t take care of it there. I mostly stay outside. The person in charge here has always been Pith’s stand-in-our child Shuge is not. ?"

"Oh... if you don't tell me, I'm going to forget Shuge's child." Kraunpith patted his forehead.

"Ah, that's too much." A few goblin sticks read.

"Then give our children a rest, Sonny, this time I will go to the empire to talk about it myself." Kraunpisi decided to go hand in hand.

"Peth is worried, I have to follow." Star said.

"I'll go too." Luna followed. "Although it has nothing to do with politics, I have a good relationship with the Imperial Magic Ministry. If we really want to fight, the abortion of the weapon sales plan caused by the change in the plan may be restarted."

"Then you have to talk to the military department?"

"Magic weapons are under the control of Magic Province."

"It feels like the scale of this time is comparable to the last time we participated in the Empire War, I'll go and play too." Sunny seemed very happy.

"Then I..." When Ye Zheng was about to point to himself-

"You go and get used to the new parameters, abilities and equipment first." Kraunpisi immediately choked off what Yue wanted to say.

Because Ye has just decided on the advanced upgrade mode, in fact, the current combat power is probably almost worse than before. If you are alone against the Mini Gundam, you may not be able to win.


Bajas Empire, Imperial Capital Owental, Goblin Temple——

"Today, Kraunpith Rampadscha visited the temple in person, and I would like to ask everyone to offer the highest prayers and the highest salute."

The fairy witch Ji Meilifeis stood behind the leader Drest and announced to the people in the temple.

Among the priests, priests, monks, and Templar knights present, those who did not have a military resume were somewhat shaken. Rampadscha visited periodically for many years, but it was usually not so formal. According to the doctrine, it was “God Compared with the glamorous rituals, people who are pious and diligent in their hearts are more favored.” In fact, it is an old reason: Kraun Pace and her stand-in are both troublesome. The result is that since the establishment of the Fairy Temple, even if one does not Be careful to know that Kraunpis is here-most of the time Alice, who pretends to be the bishop, except for Merifice and her cronies to specially meet, everyone else is treated as if nothing happened. When Raunpis passed by—if he knew it, he had to pretend not to recognize it, and perform his job duties with all his strength.

It is rumored that because there was a knight with a poisonous body that did not last long, Ilushina, known as the "Poison Girl", was "fortunate" to meet the real body of Crowen Pith during the mission, and a "god battle" happened. "Let the Fairy Temple compromised the combat power, so Ilushina was promoted because of her basic ability and conscientious spirit to succeed, not only the sixth-level healing magic and its equivalent medical technology can't be cured." The ridden disease" has been cured, and it has gained even more powerful strength.

As long as they are diligent, maybe someday they will have the opportunity to reach the sky in one step?

Compared to the human beings absorbed, the atmosphere of the fairy priests is much more relaxed, it is better to say that it is too relaxed at all, for them it is no different from seeing their parents.

As petals of light particles began to dance in the magnificent temple full of light, Drest solemnly said: "Everyone! To the highest prayer."

Now that the leader speaks in this tone, you can give up thinking. The human race all knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads and made prayer gestures with both hands, while the fairies bend over slightly.

In the eyes of people who are not level enough to see the dark portal like a black hole, the red, white, and blue star-striped banner tunes of Kraunpis appeared in the petals of light with the three fairy lights of red, white and blue respectively.

Although this is magic, it is still the same as a miracle in the eyes of believers who cannot learn high-level magic. Even if it is known that it is high-level magic, it is indeed the existence of gods that humans can perform the so-called magic of the realm of gods.

"Welcome Rampadscha (Master Clown Pess) to come here..." Drester and Merylphis also kneel down and Get up, everyone. "Claunn Pess said kindly to the people on both sides of the hallway and the two in front of them.

"If I squatted down on the floor to sleep and slack off and delay work because of my arrival, I would be angry...just kidding." Kraunpis clapped his hands and laughed.

"...It's not like a joke at all." No human being dared to say this idea.

"Just do a routine visit to my idol, I can feel your piety..." Crowen Pith thought for a while and added, "By the way, don't take my big idol (you know Do weird things with mini idols (figures)."

"Should this be a joke?" Some people would think so.

After seeing the ceremony, the person responsible for continuing to chat with the goblins such as Kraunpith is naturally the maiden Ji Meilifei who listens to the voice of the gods, and moves to the so-called confessional room.

"It's been so many years, isn't it quite rich? Still sitting on this kind of hard thing." Sunny, who sat on a hard chair, complained. The chair she sits in the temple of the dark elf country is not so hard. what.

"Because we have to keep people alert to confession, isn't it? It's not enough to be too comfortable." Meliffis explained, adding in her heart: Who told you to sit on the seat of the confessor?

In fact, the Fairy Temple has prepared a special room. The problem is that in the past, Kraunpisi was irritating for private visits, and when he came to play, he would directly enter the confession room for secret conversations. This time, it is the same, Melly. Faith was also afraid of embarrassing Kraunpisi in front of other high-ranking goblins and she didn't dare to say it face-to-face. It was also difficult in her heart.

"Does Sonny want a cushion? Give it to you." Unknowingly, Crown Pith took out a few cushions and placed them on several chairs.

(to be continued)

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