Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 3 Chapter 3: Infiltrate the Elves

"Huh, do you really think of this king as an idiot who only needs power? But...ah, this is indeed the fastest way to do so, just go and see, any strategy will definitely not be in front of this king's strength. Any meaning."

The Elf King muttered to himself like this, but Kraunpisi, who had left, didn't hear it.

The Elf King is definitely not a simple-minded existence, but usually because his strength crushes everything, there is no need to do more thinking.

No matter how the Elf King thought about it, Kraunpith went back to sleep.

The snoring of Cirno and the Forest King is coming out. Okay, go to sleep. Clown Pisz found a place near the canopy where the leaves were lush enough to be used as a straw mat, and fell asleep on his side.

Why does Kraunpith sleep in a tree? She was embarrassed to sleep in the bed because she found that a large number of tree goblins living in the Fairy Forest were sleeping on the tree. She has been like this since staying here temporarily. Moreover, even in winter, the trees in the Fairy Forest are very lush, and the temperature is not much higher than that of the snow-covered hilly area—the principle is unknown but it is comfortable enough.

Compared with the bed, leaves have another advantage-when you lie on your side and turn over, you don't have to worry about folding your pointed and long ears.

The next morning—

"Well, is it dawn? By the way, which soul is shaking the tree below, it's annoying!"

Early in the morning, Kraun Pess was woken up by the unnatural shaking of the little tree that he used as a bed.

But before Kraunpis broke out, the following movement was dumb. Reason: The silly forest sage turned over and was pressed down by the bewildered elves caused by the shock.

Clown Pisz poked his head out of the leaves and looked silently at the elf whose upper body was held down by the forest king who continued snoring on his back, and felt that the lower body was very familiar.

Originally, the battle with the religious country some time ago helped the elves a little bit of favor, but the strangely dressed alien elves did not live with themselves as outsiders, which caused a lot of elves' dissatisfaction and gossip.

It would be great if the Elf King was willing to give a post-confidence, but he didn't care about it at all. If the Elf King said, "I don't want this country," Klauenpis could believe it, but it doesn't matter to this level.

Elves are generally very exclusive, unlike dwarves who can be a little prosperous, talk about forging, and then drink and drink to get along well, so the elves who don’t have much social experience in their minds do this—

"Well, we will stay here."

"Hey, why?"

"Your king didn't say anything. Okay, we will stay."

"But your Majesty didn't say it's okay."

"Is it annoying! I just sleep in your house, is it bothering you!"

"Why, do you want to fight?"

"This is what you said, [Group All Race Confusion [masscharmspecies]]!"

Okay, everything is done. Negotiations would naturally not be so bad, but in a nutshell, it was like this. Spirit magic is really convenient.

What should I do when the magic is lifted? That's easy to handle, it doesn't matter if you don't come to look for things, and if you look for things, you will continue to get confused by the spirit magic. As long as you don’t deliberately set the distance between your hearts too close—that is, you don’t have a bad feeling for these alien fairies, and don’t find the level of trouble with fairies, plus fairies and elves are in a relatively close relationship.

The subject of the operation will not feel the strangeness of being given mental magic. Some of the temporary thoughts given are like hypnosis and suggestion. The amount and time gradually accumulate, and the false feelings will become real, although they cannot be like 【 Memory operation [modifymemory]] Control everything like that, but it doesn't consume much magic power.

All the fairies take turns to perform the spells, and it is only a matter of time before the total number of people is less than 10,000 people after the last big loss.

Eh? Does the Elf King have no objection?

Yes, he was not interested in these weak people. If anyone resisted the spirit magic magic that Kraun Pith and other fairies applied to the poor elf in turn, he might be interested, but there was no such person.

Even at this time, there are still elves who dare to disturb their sleep. Should they be considered brainless or fearless?

This time, let's reapply the old spirit magic trick.

Kraunpisi jumped off the branches and pressed the fur of the forest king with both hands to push the huge body away-there is no teammate's injury prevention setting in this world, so it is too dangerous to release the range magic next to it.

"Wake up, wake up." Kraun Pith gently pushed the forest king.

Really, too slack. Obviously because life has become more comfortable and I have the energy to carry out repetitive training and learned martial arts, how can I reduce my ability to perceive danger?

"Good morning, Piss, or I will come."

Claunpis turned her head and saw the big goblin coming. She was sleeping in the tree next door.

"Dajiang, you know what I'm going to do."

"It's the same thing as always, but she didn't say anything this time. How about listening to what she is going to say before confirming?" the big goblin suggested.

"Huh?" Crown Pith tilted her head in surprise.

"Well," the big goblin changed into the teacher's tone all of a sudden, "Pith recently dealt with the relationship with the elves too simple and rude. If you run into a race that is immune to spiritual magic, you will be in trouble. Please exercise and compare with this. The way of dialogue of an aloof race."

"Eh... Um, I have a good conversation with the Elf King."

"That kind of perversion is outside the wheel." The big goblin folded his hands in front of him.

"Except for this, I think he is basically a normal person?" Kraun Pace said bluntly.

"That alone is a big problem, okay? I'm doing breeding work every day, and I'm spending all my energy there. I don't have any scheming in other aspects. Isn't it easy to speak in a casual manner?"

Obviously it was a monster that he had summoned and created, but it was always overwhelming, making Kraunpith very unwilling, but it felt that the big goblin had a good point and was speechless.

In order not to be nagged, I had to follow the meaning of the big goblin. According to what the big goblin said, UU read the book, first lift the forest king gently, and move it aside without disturbing sleep. . Judging from the weight of the sage king of the forest, a fairy can also be lifted, but because of its size, it is easy to lose its balance, so it has to be carefully combined.

"Well, this elf has some fate." Crown Pith looked down at the dizzy elf and touched his chin.

"Well, I used to be an elf who was frozen by Cirno as a fugitive, called Frelia, right." The big goblin continued.

"Yes, I was killed by Miss Ben in a second."

"Cilno-chan, you should say hello when you wake up."

"Ah, it's early for Pisi and Dajiang. By the way, this guy is smashed."

"Who knows? Wake her up and talk about it." Then, the big goblin stepped on Frelia's stomach and was startled by Kraunpith-why don't you play the card according to the routine.

(to be continued)


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