Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 97: Kingdom's war strategy

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Rambusa I gestured with his eyes to the Earl of Urovana, who was the leader of his faction. Regarding military discussions, it would be difficult for a king who is not proficient in this to speak casually.

"The siege manifesto sent to the city a few days ago has not received any response. It stands to reason that they have already acquiesced and the local area will directly bear the problem." Urovana used a strong and powerful force. The voice announced.

The people present were relieved, because it is very close to the Kaz Plain, which is rich in the undead. If the siege caused a certain amount of casualties, the number of undead would increase. If the territory is captured, it will become a curse. , Even if they consume more manpower and money to process and purify, it will delay the continued advance of the fighter.

"Haha, isn't this taken for granted? I think the civilians there are not willing to live where skeletons and zombies may crawl out at any time. As long as they enter the city and don't take the initiative to disturb the meek civilians, they will become the civilians of the kingdom in the future. Isn't it natural to help us for our own lives?" Borumula said somewhat narcissistically.

"This problem is resolved. Let's take a look at the latest information on the movement of the imperial army-about five corps in the center of the empire have begun to exped .

"Five corps!" A nobleman took a breath. The definition of a corps in the human country is roughly equivalent to the strength of a division on the earth, that is, five "imperial divisions" have already begun to move forward.

Although the 180,000 Kingdom Army seems to have a strength of 18 regiments, in fact, my family understands their own affairs. The training level of the Kingdom Army and the coordination of the armies between different nobles is still worse than that of the Empire.

Fortunately, human beings were forcibly transformed from beasts into intelligent races by players. It was only a few hundred years ago, and it was still an era that knew how to learn. Many details about the fact that the empire and the dragon kingdom seized and divided the urban alliance will be gradually unearthed at any time. Looking at the things that the empire has shown in the war, other countries think it's good, so hurry up and try to learn it.

But the chase can only look at the back of others.

At the same time, the environment that is too comfortable for humans, in addition to the problem of poorly trained individual combat capabilities, also brings other problems-huge monsters and flying monsters that threaten humans are relatively rare in the kingdom, which also makes They have lost the possibility of domesticating these, so the kingdom does not have an air force like the empire, and the transportation of luggage is relatively inefficient due to the inability to use large monsters as livestock.

Therefore, the number of people is so important.

One hundred and eighty thousand to fifty thousand, the latter's fifty thousand are almost all combat troops, but the former's 180 thousand logistics accounted for a considerable proportion.

"So, we must take this place as soon as possible. Before the imperial army arrives, we will quickly move eastward along the main road, take down the metropolis, and transform the offensive and defensive relationship, right?" The empire **** on Andalu was dropped, and the metropolitan mark directly connected to Andalu was smashed. "The empire has indeed shown strong offensive strength in the battle against the city alliance, but I think their combat targets have changed. If Chengduo returns to the city, he will be at ease."

"So, what is the possibility of the imperial army bypassing the main force of our army and attacking Ye Lan Tier?" Pespeia asked, "If there is occupied, our logistics will be cut off. You all know these 180,000 people. How heavy is the logistics burden?"

"Now the country is recruiting a new reserve team, and other local forces are also organized as far as possible to go to Ye Lantil to take over. Facing a country like the empire with only half of our population, we should give full play to our strengths." Uluo Vanner said.

"What's more, even if Ye Lan Tier is beaten down, that city is currently not easy to defend. As long as half of the main force is sent to kill a carbine, it can attack the imperial army back and forth." The noble behind Urovana added.

Everyone continued to discuss, and felt that there should be no problem strategically. Judging from the time when the empire dispatched troops, the kingdom must have captured a considerable amount of territory when it caught up. The kingdom was not deceived by greed. They were unable to immediately rule the entire Bajas Empire. They did not plan to launch a war of annihilation. They ate a piece of the empire and turned to defense, trying to force the empire to negotiate peace.

Soon, based on the intelligence of the investigation, the current siege plan was also formulated.

"So, how should I respond to the letter sent by the messenger of the Church?"

After someone raised this question, the nobles all showed disgust.

The Khaz Plain is located in the three-nation area of ​​interest at the junction of the Kingdom of Riyestij, the Kingdom of Sleng, and the Empire of Bajas. I don’t know if it’s because of the Kingdom of Sleng. He issued a statement——

The Kaz Plain and its surrounding areas originally belonged to the Slian State, but are now being unfairly occupied by the two countries and illegal cities have been established These areas must be returned to their original owners and the improperly established cities must be handed over. The two countries regretted that they were fighting for improper rights.

"It's a nonsense, I really want to crumple up this kind of letters and stuff them into the mouths of high-level teachers in the country."

"It's enough. There are historical sayings that teach the country to be the birthplace of human civilization. Although that statement is true in a sense, it's nothing more."

"Huh, don't mention the past, look at the present. The empire and the dragon kingdom have laid so much territory, they didn't say anything."

"Then, there is one more question. The siege plan is set. Isn't it true that the temple is required to coordinate the siege?" Pez Peia asked.

"Yes, it is said that because of the turmoil of the Eight Demon King Demon, the temple lost the heart of the Holy Kingdom on which it was the foundation. After the civil turmoil was set off, it could only move to the Kingdom. Our Kingdom kindly took them in and let the Temple Army incorporate them. Isn't the Kingdom Army taken for granted?" Borumula didn't understand why Pez Peia asked about this long-decided thing.

"That's it, worry about the conflict between the temple and the fairy temple." Urovana said.

"That's not something to care about." Bolorop said with a little disdain, "Anyway, if you don't move that kind of thing casually, it will be fine. You have to urge your subordinates to take good care of the priests."

In the eyes of ordinary nobles, these religions are just places where money is spent on medical services and other basic services, and they can also stabilize the hearts of civilians. Well, they are similar to pharmacies, clinics and service facilities.

"If the existence of gods and dragon kings is really drawn out, what should be done?" someone asked.

Klauen Pith is "self-proclaimed" as the **** fairy, the goddess of the underworld, and the dragon king of destruction, and the queen of the dragon kingdom, which has a friendly relationship with the empire, also has the title of "black dragon king". Are they going to end up coming out?

(to be continued)

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