Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 130: Platinum Dragon King

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

The child born by the mating of Kraunpith and Sunny, Sugar Satra, now has level 103 enough to make any "Yggdrasil" confident in the presence of this world's native powerhouse.

This even succeeded in breaking through the 100th level, or reaching the level 150 with a promising future, which made Shuge excited.

Out of daily role-playing as a necessary task, the fighting style she learned is similar to that of Crawnpies itself, although it can’t reproduce the unique properties of the underworld of Crownpies, it can cause similar damage and visual effects. Basically enough magic.

She took out the corolla wand that Kraunpis had no longer used many years ago, but was somewhat of a symbol, and blew a whistle to release the signal of attack.

Then in the next moment—

"Wow!" "Crown Pith" rolled off the roof with a bit inelegant movement. The whole body was embedded in the armor 10 meters underground, and it directly threw a big sword up, instantly ruining Shu. The footing of the grid.

In the surrounding houses, silhouettes in white robes and hoods ran out and surrounded the collapsed houses. Several people eagerly came to "Crown Pith", shouting "Help" and the like. Discourse.

"It's okay, this guy's style of play is really rude."

"Crown Pith" asked loudly at the platinum armor who had lifted the ruins and stood up: "It doesn't look like a person from the kingdom... No, it's not a person at first sight? Who are you?"

Launched [Life Essence] and [ManaEssence] at the same time, and found that the opponent's values ​​are quite high. Scanning to identify the enemy's level and race has an unidentified part, which seems to be able to kill one's own existence.

With a wave of "Crown Pith", the white-robed people killed from the houses of the whole village-the "graduates" of the War Ghosts Orphanage began to line up, one part rushed out towards the platinum armor, the other part Began to prepare for long-range attacks such as throwing equipment and magic.

Regardless of dealing with superior numbers or individual transcendors, tactics that can maximize the consumption of the opponent's number or HP are prepared, even without a commander. They are tragic existences on the mainland whose situation is only a little better than death in the next moment. They gratefully accept cruel training and reforms that are not much better than death, and their average level is 45.

If the opponent is an aboriginal who cannot acquire various passive skills that violate the laws of physics, or a humanoid size, no matter how strong it is, it will take time and energy to deal with such an army. For "Crown Pith," the role of war ghosts in the equal battle of transcendors is to waste the number of attacks by their opponents.

Compared with the summoned monsters that can be summoned continuously, there is a big advantage, that is, there is no need to consume the master's precious MP in the battle, so that the master can use MP more on killing opponents.

Everyone is sealed with undead magic, that is, even if they are crushed or even frustrated, they can still have one more life. Even if they can't keep their flesh undead, they can at least continue to consume the enemy's attacks as undead spirits.

The platinum armor did not seem to have the meaning of fighting against these white-robed war ghosts.

"[The world cuts off the barrier]."

The hemispherical barrier enveloped him and "Crown Pith", expanding outward in a circle and lined up the white robe war ghosts trying to get close.

Immediately afterwards, the big sword that destroyed the house before flew towards her.

"Crown Pith" dodged sideways, facing a big sword that flew like a tracking missile, the corolla wand in his hand ignited magic [白炎[]], and under the action of martial arts, it turned into a lightsaber shape and waved it. The big sword flies.

The great sword did not follow the free fall motion, but returned to the platinum armor at a speed comparable to the flying speed, floating. And there were three more weapons around him: a spear, a long knife, and a sledgehammer.

"Crown Pith" said dumbfounded: "It's rare to prepare the manpower, you really don't give them face. If you are so confident, why not reduce the number of my forces by the way? No one can guarantee you that I am dead, the forces Will it disappear?"

At the same time, "Crown Pith" is actually a little frightened. [World Severance Barrier] is actually higher than the emphasis on the barrier of isolation than the [World Severance] learned by Crown Pith. It’s not necessary to get out of here. Possibly, you can't get in from outside.

In this way, Winkawozi, who lost his playmate Alfin in the Top Forest, fell into the Imperial Army by the way. Isn’t the prepared [Tianzhi Majia Ancient Bow] continuous high-power sniping in vain? Yayaka's rank card strength can't be counted on either.

"Boom!" Whatever I thought, the huge golden pink arrow fell on the top of [World Severance Barrier], and the explosion even blew away many white robe war ghosts who were trying to untie the barrier.

However, the barrier does not move. What surprised "Crown Pisi" is that it is different from the use of [World Discontinued] by Croon Pisi. It is true that the platinum armor consumes a small amount of HP when the barrier is first expanded. When the enchantment is damaged in the follow-up, the consumption of HP is almost no, which is different from the continuous payment of HP when the barrier of Kraun Pith is violently consumed.

There is only one of the natives in this world who can use Siyuan's magic cost so small.

"You are?" "Crown Pith" once again flew the platinum armor sledgehammer and threw it, and asked.

"Rick Aganeia."

"Crown Pith" tilted her head, this name—in fact, she remembers it, it's better to say that it's quite famous among some humans.

However, this public identity and actual identity must not be the same person. At least it is impossible for a bard to regard the Platinum Dragon King as a hero who killed the Demon God, because it was originally a higher existence. What kind of hero is there to kill the Demon God?


The platinum dragon king Chaindulux Baixiang of the country of review—

The platinum dragon king of the review country, because his name is too long, is usually called Char by acquaintances, and he is remotely manipulating the role played by the players in the armor he used when he joined the "Thirteen Heroes" period.

After two rounds of mutual temptation, he confirmed that this was not a battle that could be easily ended, and he launched Origin Magic to expand the barrier to isolate the world.

The other party asked his name, and of course he didn't want to use his identity as the true dragon king to attract ridicule, and reported his name as a member of the "Thirteen Heroes". And that armor indeed called himself Rick Aganeia in front of his "companion" who fought side by side during the Demon War.

"It turned out to be one of the'Thirteen Heroes'. I've been admiring it for a long time. If you encounter a bard or an adventurer, you will be surrounded and asked for an autograph if you want to reveal your identity." The **** fairy wearing a star-striped pattern looks like Speaking very playfully.

(to be continued)

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