Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 141: Negotiation

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Sarasinna reacted a little bit to Ren's words and slapped the table: "Are you saying that the stubborn temple or the age of fanatics of the four great gods will still make trouble? If we dare to kill the messenger, we will take this country and religion thorough--"

Lester: "Your Excellency Sarasina, it is the emperor's imperial decree not to completely destroy the kingdom so that the empire does not border the appraisal country."

Sarasina: "...I'm so sorry, I'm very sorry."

"I think maybe it's okay. Some intelligence said that the Holy Land is secretly collecting talents in the kingdom and our occupied area to bring the Islamic State. Although it is difficult for us to catch them, I think they will mess up the temple." Raymond said. .

"But it's also possible that stubborn fanatics won't listen. Can you imagine a scene of harmony with the four great **** fanatics who are enemies?" Wren asked.

"No." Everyone shook their heads.

Although everyone is a human being, it’s okay to emphasize that human beings are dominant in national politics, but why are the temples and churches hard to accept outsiders? It’s true that appearance is a problem. Living together is not enough, but intelligent monsters and demihumans who live in hills, mountains, and jungles in uncivilized countries are very good to coax them. They only need to use food and simple cheap supplies as trading items. Get the unique things that people have obtained by virtue of their racial abilities. For example, the silk thread of spider demihumans and monsters that make high-end clothes and armor, herbs and rare materials in areas that are difficult for pharmacists and adventurers to penetrate, etc.; even the existence of trolls and giants can form an employment relationship. Body size and strength can shorten the construction period of many construction projects to the point of stunned people in the past; not to mention the benefits of the undead being able to repeat monotonous mechanical work without sleep.

But the holy kingdom ruled by the temple in the past and the church ruled by the church nowadays would rather mobilize a large number of labors to complete a fortress project in units of years than hire simple-minded and strong demihumans to spend months doing those things. , They may consume a lot of food and no other harm.

"We can't put our hope on the church as the enemy, maybe they will keep the temple for us to drink a pot. Although the temple is not qualified for a long time, how sacred is it to have that kind of flying Graeme? This is what we need to watch out for the most."

For the current weapon and power system of the empire, the two "Grames" (enhanced armor and Rick Aganeia) capable of killing high-ranking goblins are more deterrent than high-ranking angels and high-ranking goblins in a sense. It is even higher, because the latter is an area beyond the reach of human beings at the biological level, just like no poor people will deliberately envy billionaires, but if it is something like "Graham", it means that humans can also be manipulated.

In fact, the platinum armor of the reinforced armor and the platinum dragon king can really be manipulated by humans.

Everyone thought for a long while, but did not get a definite answer.

If you want to say, according to the witness records of the imperial soldiers, its appearance has something in common with the characters who appeared in the legendary Demon War. The Demon War is real, but it is not something that ordinary people can witness with their own eyes. Change and dramatization, even based on facts, are far from each other.

"As a result, gathered in this room where the elites of the empire's military circles are gathered, are you actually going to talk about topics in the tavern?" Lester had to complain.

"That kind of things are all in the realm of magic, Lord Sarasinna, you have also studied with Paladine, what do you know? It is enough for reference." Raymond asked Sarasinna.

"What can I know? According to the records of battlefield surveillance magic, the platinum "Greme" completely uses warriors and floating weapons, and its action ability is enough to break through the eighth level magic; the red "Greme" has an attack strength of eight. To the strength of ninth-level magic."

"Don't come up and just talk about things in the realm of gods, right?"

"Okay, don't laugh." Sarahina paused and made a fist movement, "Blessing the degree of magic to kill the old dragon with a gentle punch. Maybe it's the one summoned by the temple. High-ranking angels have similar be precise, they are all strengths that we cannot understand."

"I'm sorry... I accidentally laughed. In other words, if you can easily kill an old dragon of the level of an ordinary country, you will be punched to death by that kind of Graeme, right? There is such a hard metal in this world. Material?"

"Maybe there will be. In short, that's the way it is. But I also have the level of knowledge and judgment, not to mention the eighth, I can't even use the sixth-level magic."

"Haha, a magic caster who can easily use fifth-level magic like Sarah Sina has only double digits in the empire. It's okay to be proud."

"Let's pull it down, everyone who has studied with Lord Paradine can't be It's good not to be a lunatic." Sarasina said, not knowing whether to show off or remind." By the way, if you concentrate on including Lord Paladine and all his disciples and all magic casters of the empire, you will be able to play magic that only reaches the ninth rank in the realm of gods."

"Only in terms of momentum... Even the power of the Empire and the whole country can't match those two Grahams, right? In fact, I think there are enough for the previous analogy." General Meyer, the armored army general, who has not interrupted, slapped a fan. Fan hands.

"Okay, OK, let's stop the matter of being polite to each other. In short, we understand that potential enemies have that level of strength. We can't rely on the presence of high-level goblins, right?" Lester said, "Prevention What if the envoys sent must have enough strength and let the people of the temple protect them? At least the two-digit sequence of Lord Alice or the top five seats of the fairy Templars are required. I think it is also inconsistent with the reviewing country. The Goblin Temple will not refuse."


"If you have a two-digit sequence, you can still get it."

"I think it's okay."

"In fact, there are several double-digit Alice Lords in the empire who are serving as the guards of Guhimontjo, Robert Bardojo, and Varnellante. Can you let His Majesty the Emperor approve it?"

"No, in fact, the emperor's majesty should be played up, so that they themselves or their staff can act as the negotiators and negotiators."

"Well, as long as this is the case, I think this time is probably the same as those few battles, no need to pay, hehe."

"If you want to take out the tribute that exists in need is very expensive, we can also count this into the kingdom's war reparations when we negotiate a peace."


It seems that strange words have been mixed in, but everyone has no objection in general.

(to be continued)

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