Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 70: Here is serious work

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

The little white-haired Lolita Jack, who was a few kilometers away in the Katinias Mountains, confirmed that the clone and its existence were completely eliminated, and immediately ran away and ran into a city that Meiyou had not explored.

Jack the Ripper opened the map and looked at it.

"For the time being, I have marked the neighboring country of Beria, the city of Allied Aina, the city of Sluk 3. Anyway," Jack looked at the Katinias Mountains near the horizon, in the direction that his clone was wiped out. , "Didn't you chase it?"

Is Jack's essence undiscovered, or the terrifying acting skills make the other party feel that there is no need to chase after these ants?

Jack thinks it is the former, but he wants the dragon to see through that it is a clone, and analyzes the character of the other party based on the dialogue. Jack thinks that the latter can still be established.

"Meiyou and the others are still in Sluck City 1. It seems that it is safe here. If you need to check again, it's okay to meet up later."

The city is still very close to the center of the zombie zone, which is also one of the key points of the map marked by Star.

The city gate is tall and magnificent. It looks like a high-rise building to Jack, probably built with the figure of a giant as a reference. There are no residents, no zombies, and it's weirdly quiet.

"According to the common sense of this world, this kind of place should be the favorite of undead magicians, even if there are no zombies, be careful."

Jack separated several avatars, concealed his body shape, and dispersed his actions. One stayed at the city gate, and one left the city far away; the remaining three also entered the city in three directions, two walked on land, and one went directly to the edge. ] Become a demon looking down from above.

Of course, no zombies can be seen in the sky, which is the same as the cities that Meiyou found based on Star's map. Obviously, other towns and villages passing by are full of zombies.

Sure enough, are all the zombies that disappeared where they "fighted" with the dragon just now.

As for the possibility that all the people here will successfully escape in the wave of zombification, or the possibility that outsiders will come down, Jack believes that there is absolutely no possibility.

A lot of murder experience is very useful in all aspects.

For example, two Jack avatars entering the city on the ground found that the property in the house was well preserved, and some of them were still prepared or having dinner on the table. Of course, the food in it had long since become unknown. If it is to escape, it will not be like this.

It is unlikely that an outsider will invade, even if they come here from a gap in the zombie gathering area, there is no trace of fighting and destroying zombie remains.

Soon, valuable evidence was found.

Jack found the armor in a place that looked like a barracks. It seemed to be endowed with some kind of magic. It could be preserved without maintenance for so long. Of course, it has become the same as the unearthed cultural relics.

Jack's clone, while fighting a large group of zombies on the mountain, found a zombie in the same style of armor. It should be a soldier of this country.

Then, on the road leading to the mountain, a lot of bones were found. It should be the stampede incident caused by the crowding of the residents of this city and moving there.

But there are only a few gold and silver utensils with stable texture. There are quite a few in the house, that is, these gold and silver are only carried out for shopping; the traces of trampling are also very strange. It feels not to escape, but to be controlled to go there. By the way, it should have been controlled by the dragon at that time.

This is half more assured.

According to the knowledge of rank magic, it is impossible to guide the undead in one or several cities together for precise control at the same time, which is indeed the origin magic, if there is indeed the magic wand of Meiyou. The traces of parsing are just fine.

As long as it is not the magic that evaporates all the life in the city in an instant, if that is the case, then maybe the dragon can hit here directly from the mountain.

Then a clone took the opportunity to investigate the same place as a cell close to the same place as the barracks.

The zombie was found in it, and it kept hitting the wall of the cell very strangely. The marks on the wall and the dry paste on the surface of the zombie, I don’t know how many years, it’s easier to break open the prison door in its current state. Bar.

The direction he has been heading is exactly the direction Jack fought before.

The moment Jack opened the cell door, the zombie turned towards her, walked over, and closed the cell door again. The zombie turned around again and slammed into the wall in the previous direction.

"I don't have a reason to judge where to go, but I have the ability to see the road for the time being, and there is a certain direction? This is a phenomenon of still executing certain orders."

After searching everywhere for a while, Jack was sure that there were no other dangers here. As long as he didn't stimulate the dragon that cloned and tried just now, there would be no problem, so he started to speak.

[Meiyou, how is your place? 】

[It's not going well, but some zombies who have been left here but have not been released from control have played a role. Those two Mr. Dragons can also understand the physique of the same kind of magic and helped me a lot in my——]

As Meiyou was talking, Shiroai's complaint was inserted——

[Although we just stay where we are most of the time, it's true. I thought it was the most troublesome and dangerous assignment. What and what is this? Instead, I just received that there was a battle on the other two sides, and one member was seriously injured at one time. Haha, although I want to say a little bit of gloating. 】

Jack ignored Shiroai's words for the time being, because there was too little useful information, she also found that this kind of distribution was strange, and there was also enough combat power prepared there, which was originally planned for a fierce battle, nothing unusual. She replied to Mei lobbying--

[If the same is true on your side, I have resolved the dragon's original magic control line, but it hasn't been killed, plus the appearance of playing with my clone just now, just like Star said, it is a stupid dragon. Meiyou, I confirm that it is safe, you can come over now. 】

After a while, Meiyu, Shiroai, and Migaris arrived here quietly.

"Huh? Where's the dragon?" Jack looked at the sky.

"They don't dare to come over, do they seem to have a strong presence on the opposite mountain?" Shiroai said seemingly casually, and also looked at the Katinias Mountains.

"It doesn't matter, I have obtained and recorded everything I can get from Mr. Long." Meiyou shook her head and flew towards the top of the highest palace in the city.

What Meiyou has to do is the same as before. Take off to the highest point of the city and activate the scanning and analysis function of the sapphire wand to cover the entire city, and then focus on analyzing the places where the original magic remains.

The blue ring ripples, one after another, sweeping the whole city one after another............

(to be continued)

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