Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 89: VS nuns who are not doing their jobs

Sunflower’s [Multiplication Spiral Hot Talisman] is an advanced version of [Multiplication Detonation Talisman]. It uses not the detonation talisman but a small ninjutsu scroll that can be used as a Gatling cannon ball in the sleeve of the sunflower. Each has a built-in [ Huo Dun·Dayu Helix Duolian Pills].

   There are many other ways of self-detonation.

   The flame storm in the sky exploded one after another, more and more, getting bigger and bigger. It clearly bursts in the air for thousands of meters, but it seems that it will soon fall and spread over!

Yifang Tongxing and Mikoto were about to use tricks to blow the explosion off, and Sunsaku immediately shouted: "No! There is a feeling of space transfer. That guy didn't just blew the bomb with a bomb, but used some kind of space system ability to continuously move the bomb from other places. Move here to detonate! Run!"

   "Here, here." Chuchun returned to the mind control car and waved to everyone.

Everyone got into the car with all hands coughing up blood, and the car spewed out an unenvironmentally friendly exhaust gas and drove away in the opposite direction of the explosion, towards the hospital where they all knew the "Underworld Chasing Soul". go.

   A part of the stray bullets that flew out landed near the mind control car. Logically speaking, these people got in the car and used their ability defenses to get in the way, but they were still frozen and wiped out by Chuchun's abilities.


   Cosmic Elevator Endignon, the lower middle part——

   The nuns of the Roman Orthodox Church are lining up, taking the escalator in the space elevator to the top floor.

  Maybe this is a positive answer for them, because there are too many people to sit on the van, which is the same as the speed of manned rocket launch.

   Even if Yanis once again left the troops of the second squadron at the lower level for prevention, the nun at the head of the team and the nun at the end were separated by more than ten levels.

   "Although the automation is very good, how long does it take?" Yanis felt a little dizzy. There should be no problem with the air concentration here, right?

The space where the escalator is located is very spacious. It is made of transparent materials to increase the sense of space. Of course, you can also see the sightseeing elevator for tourists. Although there is a jump start speed, there is also a step-by-step experience. The special feeling of ascending into the universe. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   At one point, the nuns saw a van-type sightseeing elevator passing by from a transparent elevator shaft from top to bottom.

   "Attack!" Yanis yelled softly.

  Because it is transparent, it is clear from the downstairs that there is only one elevator that is not on the first floor, which means that the thief who snatched the copy of the "Book of Dharma" must have used that elevator.

   Yanis had already confessed that she immediately attacked when she saw the elevator come down.

   A burst of all kinds of magic exploded on the outer wall of the elevator shaft. Although considering its use in the universe, its hardness and anti-vibration ability are very strong, but the magic is not simply physical damage, not to mention there are more than 100 people here!

   Soon, the outer wall of the elevator shaft was blown up, and the track and tow rope inside also collapsed. The nun hoped that the entire elevator car would turn into a cannonball faster than a free fall and hit the ground like this! It would be great if it could wipe out the enemy and recover the magic book. Even if it is not the original text, it is the magic book at any rate, and it should not be destroyed by pure physical impact.

   "Use communication techniques to contact the ground, let them confirm the number of people in the elevator that fell to the ground..." Before Yanis's words fell, there was a harsh scratching sound from below.

   is the emergency brake of the elevator. The elevator automatically brakes at a jump speed and can also ensure that the people inside are all right. Probably only the school city currently has it.

   This sound may be the elevator stopping, but Yanis could tell it for the time being, and immediately ordered: "Chasing!"

   They changed to the downward escalator, and the nuns with good physical skills jumped all the way.

   Yanis was also assisted by Lucia, and followed the rapid force to the floor that was automatically reached after the elevator emergency brakes, and surrounded several people who walked out of the elevator.

   "Rettily Daglurod, it turned out to be you?"

   Yanis frowned. This person is a member of the magic side. He is very famous in recent events and has been constantly appearing in the school city and a lot of TV news. Since there may be a dispute over the city due to the task enrollment in the school, Yanis still knows some information about this person for the first time.

   The president of the Star Trails Gate Company, a well-known Greek astrologer, and the scientific side, the magic side has a place in violation of the non-interference agreement. Now the transcript of the "Book of Law" is in her hands. Is this all planned by her?

   "You want this, okay, give it to you." Fran Pith threw the book in her hand like a trash.

   Yanis hurriedly rushed out to catch the book that was about to land, stood up with the help of other nuns who were not necessary, and glared at each other with her companions. How could she tolerate such an important collection of the Roman Orthodox Church? First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   Seeing that the conflict is approaching, Fran Pith raised her left hand, the light converged, and transformed into the shape of the "Book of Dharma".

"Thank you for your copy. Thanks to this, I successfully summoned the original text." Franpis shook the "Book of Dharma" in her because there was one of the media used to summon, Franpi As the owner of the original book of "Book of Law", Silk has become one of the treasures.

   Although it has not been successfully interpreted and has some limitations in its use, it is not without other ways of using it.

  Franpisi opened the "Book of Dharma" and said to the nuns: "You are willing to retreat here, and I will not do anything to you."

She also needs to be busy digesting all the memories and true legends of Franpies’ existence with the personality of Klauen Pith, and she has no time to fight, although it doesn’t matter if she fights against this group of miscellaneous fishes, but the size is troublesome. NS?

   "Just...what are you kidding?" Yanis knew what punishment she would be punished for failing her mission.

  Does the other party really understand the usage of "Book of Dharma"? Whether it’s true or not, if you can get a method of interpretation from Orsola...No, after all, the book that is said to have angelic spells or that will end the era of cross religion once opened can be used immediately even if you understand the content Is it? Or what is the secret of this Tower of Babel, which is equivalent to a magic booster.

   Yanis, who lacks information, can't imagine it anyway.

   Let your subordinates go up and try it out first?

   At this time, Fran Piss erected the book with her right arm, and a charcoal pen appeared on her left hand.

She said: "It is said that the oldest pen in the world is charcoal. Although there is a common saying that it is a writing brush, if the definition of a pen is expanded to break away from the laborious method of engraving, it is charcoal. Everything written is written. , The origin can be traced back to this."

(to be continued)

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