Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 97: Reunion·Combination 1

   "There is no information that there may be any intersection with the demon god. In addition, the demon forbidden plot data I got is only a little after the end of the Shangjo Toma Raiders, the demon **** Ortinus, and the reference value is low."

   This is how Crawnpies borrowed Franpies’s sleep time to watch Alice 3’s life from start to finish.

"However, I really regret it. Because I wanted to get rid of the relationship with Retilly, who was scheduled to be dealt with by the magic side, and declared myself to be Fran Pith, but she did not expect that Fran Pith did more than It is still serious for Retilly, who is trying to die by destroying the northern hemisphere. The magical elements of what Franpies did are covered by history and turned into ordinary war criminals. Sure enough, history books are the most indispensable. Believe it."

   "But, it really can be done under the magic side, it must be the rise of materialism and science, and the real meaning of the weapons used by the undead and natural disasters are too modern to make the difficulty of flickering."

  The magic radiator developed by Franpis is quite large and can only be used by heavy tanks, navy ships and some aircraft. The combat power that can be assimilated can only be an opponent with the same amount of data. Therefore, even though it was a natural disaster for the undead that was more terrifying than Resident Evil, people were faced with a large number of weapons that appeared out of nowhere and looked like the weapons of World War II but with strangely improved performance.

  Crown Pith has read idle books about war, and there are some quotations from fighter pilots and high artillery soldiers with record:

   Before I saw the dead body in the wreckage of the enemy plane up close, I never realized that I was killing people, I was just hitting a plane.

   And the ordinary army that participated in the fight against the undead and natural disasters was nothing more than fighting tanks, battleships and planes full of undead groups operating. They cannot know that they are fighting a soldier who has long since passed away.

   After the incident, neither the captive nor the enemy’s corpse could find this blind spot. How did the magic side flicker past the military and the government? Probably only the real history will know the truth.

  Compared to these things, the problem that Kraun Pice cares about most is that Fran Pice actually fought with Orells. That guy is obviously a handsome young guy in the original illustration. How old is he?

   This is really unbeatable, I can only escape desperately.

   In the final attack that killed Fran Pith, Crown Pith didn't have any information, but he had to pool a considerable amount of military power or even lift some taboo seals to launch it. The destructive power is absolutely above the saint.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

If it is an extremely large-scale attack formed by a large number of believers or the high-level spell chanting of a group of magicians, then Franpies should be able to use passive skills without injury, even if it is really beaten back to the fairy status by Orells. Same thing too.

   However, the enemy seems to be really scared.

   That kind of attack even if the group destroys hundreds of level players (if they stand dense enough), it seems to be feeling the anxiety of "Can you really kill Fran Pith at this level?"

  Well, if you weren't seriously injured by Orells, that kind of attack wouldn't kill Fran Pith. Although Alice 3 was too paranoid, she was indeed leveling up.

As a result, Fran Pith was actually killed, and the corpse was treated to disappear in place and would not be sealed. Only then could Kraun Pith have the opportunity to use magic to add all of Fran Pith’s life to increase the popularity. Add everything to yourself, incarnate as the new Franpece.

However, because Franpies fought with the quasi-demon Orelus, or launched the undead natural disasters in order to increase the strength to be able to approach Kraunpis, and was noticed by the demon god-this possibility, Kraunpi Silk beats herself to death and runs out of "remaining machine" and does not believe that there will be any.

   In the mental space, Kraun Pess clicked on the torn apart Fran Pess corpse, and Alice 3 jumped up.

   Of course, this Alice No. 3 is no longer a living soul, not even a necromancer, and has no potential for resurrection.

"No. 3, you really made a big fuss. Hmph, I will always have something that I haven't explained in detail, and your spiritual infrastructure is also given by me, so I am also responsible." Say.

   "Dad...I'm sorry, since I will meet with Dad again, does it mean I messed up?" Alice 3 was very scared and disturbed.

   "I can't judge whether it is related to you or not. Anyway, you can do me a favor at the end." Kraunpis said, embodying the "Book of Ugula" in the spiritual space.

   "Dad, if I can make my father happy even like this--"

   "It's very simple. According to the law of the original text, just be a part of me." Kraunpisi turned to the designated page and said.

Now it is all the spirit and power of Kraunpith, and the history and power of Alice No. 3, glued together to form Franpeis, each power can be used freely, and Kraunpith can also be used at any time. The memory of Alice 3. This is one of the best combinations, but there is a more superior combination in the "Yggdrasil" hierarchy.

   Alice No. 3 shed tears.

   "What's wrong? Isn't it scary?" Kraun Pith narrowed his eyes.

   "Huh? Huh? No, no." Alice 3 hurriedly wiped away tears from the mental body, and then argued, "Dad, do you remember the things I used to perform life magic for you but hurt my dad?"

"Oh, ah, how long ago did it happen? Besides, did you want me to suffer unignorable harm just because of that time? Don't tell me that you have been guilty of playing abnormally until now and you didn't complete the task, right?" Raunpisi said embarrassingly.

"How come? It's just that the physical punishment is really not enough to comfort me. I also know that I will never live like a father. It is not a question of personality. From learning about the number of Alice and other agencies After all are clearly defined, you know that things are not allowed in the rules. Even so, there is a silver lining, like Dad, using a large number of deaths and the energy generated by death itself to achieve breakthroughs... But, I don’t know why , My efficiency is so bad, why is it not enough to sacrifice 30 million? New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Because of the big call of Dad and Master Star, those backlogs that have not been effectively used are also returned. If it is Dad, he will be able to effectively turn all this into a spiral staircase to his ascension. So I think of what has passed away. I still have the opportunity to dedicate all this and me to my father, and I can't help crying because of the emotion."

  Crown Pith touched the child's head: "Really, you are happy. If you refuse a little, the union will not be so smooth."

(to be continued)

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