Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 134: Daba Star Festival · Scarlet Sunshine

Why did she keep slapped her chest with Aleister to ensure that she would be busy with worldly things when she repelled the invaders?

As a result, she has the public legal status of Retiri Daglurod on the bright side. The resurrection of Franpies is only a matter that only a few forces know, and she will not easily disclose this possibility to the world. Things that fell into a panic. Fran Pith did not hide it in particular at the beginning, but even if the watch world knew about it, it would probably only regard her as "is it going to appear in the film and television series that Fran Pith will appear in?"

Secondly, Star’s plan required her to be deployed as little as possible as combat power. The resurrection of historical figures seems unheard of at present. Now Franpis is still playing a "mysterious role" and a "mysterious role" seriously. A shot is to completely reveal the trump card. In a sense, it is a dead end. Even if the enemy is given a strong blow, unless the blow is so strong that all enemies cannot rise again, even victory will be an expression of being opened up and increasing the enemy's confidence. If you don't know the enemy's background, you can just defend, and wait for the demon **** who may appear after World War III.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare a fighting force that is not transferred from home as much as possible, and can raise and cope with the needs on the spot, and it should not have anything to do with itself and the school city. Although the true purpose of Stana’s one-night operation has been guessed by some people, it is also speculated by a few people. Her most direct performance is still to seize the magic book and kill the cross, these things many magic organizations in the world want to do. I just didn't do it because I couldn't afford it.


Hearing the office landline ringing, Fran Pith picked up the microphone.

"Hi~what's the matter? Hmm...what, the Royal Astronomical Research Organization needs to make an appointment...because the cosmic elevator may affect the interview on astronomical issues?"

However, when it comes to the British royal family, Franpies thinks of the magic side, but talking to the staff can only say that.

"At least until the Da Ba Star Festival is over, there is no time now. Also, investigate and verify their identities, and report relevant details to me within four days."

Da Ba Star Festival is the most free time for magicians in the school city activities, so use this time to test and confirm.

On the first day of the Da Ba Star Festival, she spent most of her time in the office listening to the occasional shouts from the distant sports field.


Kamijou was hemp, and he was still miserable during the Daeba Star Festival.

He had to abandon Inticus, who was about to enter a hungry state, to participate in the first putt match. After winning, he found out that Inticus, who was supposed to be in the audience, was gone, shouldn't he? The hunger turned into a ghoul-like state and pounced on the eating area and was taken away, right?

He called but found that Intiqs was not turned on, and hurriedly ran to the nearest eating area.

At the time of the parade, there are not many people here despite the constant flow of tourists and students.

After running for several shops, I finally found Intikes, and found that she was gorging at the table, and sitting across from her was a little girl who was smaller than her, dressed in an elegant white jumpsuit and short skirt with black silk high heels. She also looked like a Western girl. , Is it a fellow? They were communicating in English, but Mr. Kamijou was so anxious about his grades that he couldn't understand him.

He approached to say hello, but was stopped by a man in a suit and sunglasses.

At this time, he found that there seemed to be many such mafia-like men around, and some of them were walking towards the two girls.

The man close to Dang Ma shouted in a language he didn't understand to catch him. Dang Ma felt that he subconsciously wanted to put up a defensive right hand to eliminate something, the man was stunned.

"Magic?!" When Ma feared that he was staring at Indix's group again, taking advantage of the moment of breaking the opponent's magic, a broken face knocked over a man and rushed into the crowd.

There was only a moment of judgment, and that kid younger than Inticus could not be left here. Fortunately, Inticus was actually quite good at running. I heard that it was because he was chased by a magician for a year before he lost his memory.

"Indix, run!" He yelled, picked up the smaller girl, and after confirming that Indix was holding his clothes, he began to run wild.

The men shouted in words that he did not understand, seeming to be anxious and angry, mixed with words that he probably understood, such as "Boss" or "MissBirdway". The girl also yelled something behind her, but she couldn't understand it anyway, and couldn't take care of so much.

Shangjo Dangma sometimes gets involved in contradictions with small gangsters. He is proficient in fighting, and those people seem to be scrupulous about the flow of people, but they really get rid of them.

Just as he entered a hidden alley and put down the little girl to catch his breath, the little girl made a simple kick to make him land on his chin, and the heels of high-heeled shoes rubbed against his face.

"Wait, wait! Oh! Mr. Kamijou doesn't have that kind of sexual interest. I don't want to be polished into a girly manga that can pierce the jaw."

"Hmph, is this the boy who has the'ImagineBreaker' in the intelligence? Seeing it with your own eyes is really more common than expected, but in the situation just now, you even dared to take action. Did you treat me as careless? The unfortunate innocent girl involved in you? You must know that I still trust the strength of my subordinates, despite the accident that the magic is forcibly broken down, I let them put some water, and the flow of people and roads are not as good as the disadvantages of the locals. It’s a shame that you can escape.” The little girl spoke in a fluent Japanese with a foreign accent, her tone of arrogance and majesty.

When Ma secretly said this little girl is definitely used to calling people.

However, the amount of information revealed in this round of discourse is really This arrogant little girl...cough cough, who is this noble lady? "he asks.

"My surname is Pat Wei," the little girl began to report her name and identity, "I am Levinia Pat Wei from "Scarlet Sunshine". As you probably just guessed, I am the leader of the magic association. Those people were my subordinates just now. Although there are some problems with the meeting ceremony, let’s welcome you into the new world for the time being, children who clenched fists instinctively in ignorance."

"If it's magic, I know it." When Ma Bang said, since I can talk to Inticus and treat guests seriously, he should be a fellow of the motherland, although his temper is not very good.

Bai Dewei listened and rubbed it harder with his heels. "What do you know besides the term magic? The religious system of magic and the division of power on the magic side. Whenever you save a **** the magic side, you will be What happened to the people you defeated, and what impact did it have on the organization behind them? Could you please analyze it?"

"Okay, okay, I would like to ask the little teacher for your advice, can you lift the foot from my face, otherwise Mr. Kamijou feels that he is about to open the door to a new world!"

(to be continued)

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