Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 144: Anti-British and Anti-American Front

Cynthia said it lightly, but to be able to achieve such a "great cause", I must have experienced a lot in the organization and paid a lot of price.

Just listening to one sentence can make people feel that there is a very exciting story in it.

In fact, the goblins conducted separate investigations in this regard. It was shortly after Franpies controlled the Tower of Babel to sink the British fleet: Britain convened the pound settlement area, which is the original colonial countries, to meet, and these even political independence is on the magic side. The country still under the control of the United Kingdom took advantage of the time when the British magic force fell by nearly 30%, and launched a great magic [Sanctus] to destroy the foundation of British magic, but they were supposed to stand together as the British. The oppressive Cynthia intercepted all the fires that should have fallen across the oceans and continents on the British Isles all in her country.

This flame does not have any physical lethality, but anything that is bathed in the flame will lose its magical meaning and value.

Cynthia finally sent intimidating tapes and letters to Buckingham Palace. When they were nervous to prevent the assassination of the Queen of England, they smeared the soles of their feet.

Franpies sent an alliance request to Cynthia on the tablet: "The government is very easy to handle. It is probably not a problem here. Anyway, this is basically the magician's back garden, but the development of ordinary believers does not need to. Have you all migrated? It will be no different from immigration."

"Ordinary believers are really unnecessary. The number of magical powers is about the same as that of Alandez. It should be less, but the overall strength is of course stronger on my side." Cynthia clicked "Agree."

Cynthia asked anxiously: "Then, about the absolute suppression of the cross religion by the Tower of Babel..."

This is what Cynthia is most worried about. Her beliefs and magic system belong to the Amakusa-style fusion faction, but because of the greater influence of Europe, the proportion of the cross religion is more. Although Fran Pith’s actions gave her a chance, she had to return to this hometown where the cross religion was completely suppressed and enveloped the national center. If Fran Pith did not nod their heads, they might lose most of them even if they came back. Magic ability.

"Then I'll ask," Franpis opened the game diplomacy interface and said, "Okay, I'll allow it. It's okay to provide magic side shelter, but you don't think there should be anything left before that. give to me?"

"Oh, this is it." Cynthia handed over a batch of tributes to Fran Pith in the game, "A list of exquisite equipment."

In fact, it is the collections of the British Library, the British Museum and Buckingham Palace. The United Kingdom cannot watch its magical sphere of influence become the "forbidden domain". In order to revive the local magic, it can only use the magical materials of these places as a reference to send them through the earth. To the member states, but was intercepted by Cynthia and took the opportunity to hack in and copy a complete copy. This is talent.

"The menu has been enough for me to look at for a year, is it too much...Ah, I can't use these for me, right?" Franpies shook her hands and feet silently.

But the collections of the British Museum and the execution tower at the beginning of the list had to attract the attention of Fran Pith. Those are the relics of Alice No. 3, because it is a collection of key protection. Star also looked for Fran Pith related objects. If I didn't find it, it was a big worry. Be careful to be cursed in the air. Since there is no chance to go to the UK, then take precautions and find an opportunity and excuse to blow up the British Museum and the execution tower across continents.

At this time, Franpies suddenly remembered that Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and some of the P-Z flags were all matching spiritual outfits, and related magic appeared in the battle memory of Alice 3, which was enough to consume Alice 3 significantly. Number of HP.

If possible, it is better to dispose of Buckingham Palace and Big Ben as well as the flags of the whole world. No, it's safest to let the symbolic meaning of the rice flag be erased from everyone's memory in the world. But it can only be done with the power of the demon god, right? It's too far, so I won't consider it for the time being.

At this time, the phone rang.

Franpis opened her sleeves and clicked on the bracelet-type mobile phone, and found that it was Aleister's thread, and she specially stored it.

"I know that even this online game line is monitoring in real time, but it is not good to discuss this with you when it is obviously being monitored by the magic side." Fran Pace clicked "Reject."


"Hey, doesn't it look bad? Indeed, something like that happened in the UK not long ago, and the culprit is here."

"Oops, I'm afraid that the magical foundation of the UK will be in danger as a result, hurry up and let me know!"

"Then we just watch it like that?"

"Unfortunately, even if you add me to your "Newborn Light", there is no possibility of defeating them. After their discussion is over and disbanded, they will deal with them one by one while avoiding Franpis."


"The disappearance of the red empire that occupies half of Asia is also a relief for many countries? I also heard that the country had to line up to buy bread at the last moment, but it retained two-fifths of the entire Asian military. It was really out of balance. Is that true? After the disintegration, it is a good thing to merge with the European Division and turn it back to turned his goal to the country with the largest territory in the game, and said with a smile.

"The world has since embarked on a diversified pattern and a brand new path? It's true that politicians are propagating this way, but they don't feel that way at all." Cinderella mocked.

Saraya smiled sharply, and while operating the game interface to lay out two lines of defense to resist the attacks of Franpies and Cinderella, she said: "Ah, that's true. It's a good thing that the country disappeared, and my hometown returned to Russia. Later, there was a steady stream of assistance to restore supply, but—"

She paused for a while and stared at Franpis: "We are used as stepping stones. It's boring, really boring. Long-term divisions, arms races, devaluation of the ruble, weak national strength, and children who shouldn’t be starving continue to suffer. The old man who is hungry and shouldn’t be trembling in the cold still trembles. The flow of materials and money is only for the interests of political interference. The British pound and the US dollar, the performances of major powers, waste unnecessary everything to shape themselves tall and famous. Justice is nothing but something that can be bought and sold like a commodity."

"Look at me for what? The long-term division, the arms race, and the devaluation of the ruble seem to have nothing to do with me, right?" Franpis glanced to one side. "It wasn't the United States that dropped the atomic bomb on Munich. How could the Soviet-German war stop at that moment?"

(to be continued)

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