Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 146: The broken girl's golden dream

The moment Franpies saw Aleister being hit by herself, she spiraled up into the sky like a cartoon comic, and the word "big" fell to the ground, and she had a bad premonition.

   Reminiscent of Aleister’s true character after executing the "plan" after eliminating all curses in the world, Franpis thought, would the "that" of the year be coming?

"So that's it," Aleister sat up all of a sudden, keeping his lower body in a big split sitting position, resting his chin in his hands thoughtfully, "It's obviously such a light fist that makes me fly so far. The weight of the child is a lot lighter. Moreover, it feels a lot more comfortable than when you were spit out for the first time. A paper mentioned that women's bodies can secrete more hormones than men in order to cope with the production of self-anaesthesia. Well, In order to compare and experiment, you can’t just have ordinary physical attacks. It must be exactly the same as before. Come on-use [Millennium Kill] to let me penetrate the ceiling and fly to the sky... …"

   is really an unexpected reaction.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, this shouldn’t be the Aleister of the if line? I can imagine it with my current knowledge. This magic is interesting, anyway, it’s not you as the chairman of the board, what can I do to you? There will be no complaints!" Fran Pith thought with a secret smile.

Glancing at Aleister flying out from the door, Franpisi put away the toe that had just been poked up, returned to the position, picked up the tablet and put it into the cloak, and apologized to the stunned group with a smile apologizing: " I will continue the game. What else is there to talk about? I have a small matter to deal with. The consumption is credited to me, so you guys will be gone soon."

   Such a violent scene attracted the attention of students and shop assistants, and it seemed that someone was considering whether to call a guard or a commissioner of discipline.

"Don't care, don't care, this... is actually the same activity as doing a punishing game if you lose a bet. I bother you, really don't care." Franpies said to the surroundings, slightly casting spiritual magic, let After everyone felt that the sights here were not surprising, they ran out quickly.

"Hahahahahaha, Aleister, now that you have come out... No, it seems that there is another one where you are still in a windowless building. Does it exist multiple times? Does this mean for me to hit casually? [Pain Reversal [PainReversal] ]]!"


   "Ah, Miss Bai Dewei Xiaogongju, why did you suddenly act like a child of your age?"

   "In any case, Aleister Crowley and Franpies V. Gropius are indeed the first wizards of "Golden Dawn", right?"

   "Ah, at least that's right in the book, is it necessary to overthrow the historical theory?"

   "It's not a matter of that level!"

   "So tell me, tell me what's wrong with you, la la la la!"

   The black long straight girl in a hockey uniform desperately hugged the piano-colored blonde girl in a white dress and black silk that seemed to be running away, to prevent this behavior from exposing their existence.

  The opponents who sang the drama here are the leader of "Scarlet Sunshine" who is known as the successor of "Golden Dawn" and Leisa of the magic association "Rebirth Light" in the same country.

   "The Scarlet Sunshine" collectively went to Italy with Dangma and Inticus. It was a vain shot. The most powerful leader and the hired "Rebirth Light" stayed here and the British enemies gathered carelessly.

   Although it does show its feet, but...

Patwee simply leaned on Leisa, who was one size larger than her, and put her hand on her forehead: "Damn! I have explored the influence of different characters in "Golden Dawn" on the direction of the world, and explored how the leader of "Golden Dawn" is. People who have explored the scale of Aleister Crowley’s plan and the significance of its great influence on modern magic, explored the purpose of Franppis V. Gropius’ intervention in the Is the resurrection of the magical creature state also one of the layouts of the year... As a result, are they people of this kind of virtue?! People who have turned the world upside down are like this! If you don't speak clearly to the question in person—"

"Wait, wait, the chronicle of the character should be completely separated from the private life of the character! At least the secret capture or killing of Alandez Daxlet and Cynthia Exmant What about the plan?"

   "There are so many miscellaneous fishes of that level that are not my opponents! I am the orthodox heir of "Gold"! How can I lose even in the face of the ancient "Gold"!"

   She is not without tactics.


"It's been so noisy over there since just now. Isn't it a quarrel between terrible children?" Franpies trampled the begging girl Aleister with all kinds of terrible black industrial magic. Turned his head to look in the direction that seemed to be empty.

   As for "playing games", she secretly sent herself a clone and quietly left to do it.

About five minutes later, Franpis silently threw a cleansing magic to said: "It's only five minutes to reach the top state. Have you ever been a fast boy? After all, being able to carry that kind of stuff with you as magic material, even if you can make it in large quantities in rapid succession at any time, I wouldn't be surprised."

Aleister sat up and said seriously: "Ah, after all, what I was talking about on the phone is very important. However, it is necessary to collect enough experience data for the first time using a female body. It is also very important, so'fast' is very important. matter."

   "Is it necessary to make this look? It's obviously Mathersian, but with a little modification, it will become the same as abnormal?"

After looking at Aleister’s current dress style carefully again, Franpies came to the conclusion that this dress should be similar to Mathers’s style. Pointed hats, uniforms, and skirts. Mathers still wears He looks like an uncle. This Aleister is indeed a girl now, but in fact, there is not much difference in appearance, but as long as the clothes are changed to the pure type of the main white tone, and then the style of some island country house culture is integrated, it is really true. Become a cute character, provided that there is no Uncle Huang's soul in this person.

   "But it's okay to go to the streets like this. There are people who know my appearance in the academy city and magic side." Aleister said solemnly.

"Obviously, even if you change your sex, your facial features have not changed much, OK? Okay, okay, what the **** is going to make you tell me if you make such an if line? Change to a clean place or deal with us in name 'Successor'? How about over there?" Franpis kicked Aleister over like a football in the direction indicated.

(to be continued)

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