Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 153: Black dwarf

Richard Breff, a member of the British Puritan Church who is not a believer of the Cross and does not exercise the magic of the Cross, is now a guest on a private jet flying to the United States at the Star Trails Gate.

This of course will not be personally received by the president.

Richard revealed to Pliny, who was negotiating with her, that Franpies had missed an opportunity.

Pliny: "Oh, what you are talking about is the astronomical observation map that was transported as an archaeological research item on the scientific side during the stay in Japan of the Scarlet Sunshine, as well as the Alaskan rune? It has a great magical meaning, I know, But that's a trap set by "Scarlet Sunshine" who wants to catch people. It's great for you to worry about not taking any arbitrarily in my turf. Congratulations, and take your life back."

Richard: "...but this bait is worth the risk."

Pliny: "Since we all know it is a bait, maybe it is a fake? Even if it is true, you and your accomplices must not be able to beat the "Scarlet Sunshine", maybe you want to take things and drive away immediately, but When you do this kind of petty theft in your prominent capacity, you have already lost. In fact, you have nowhere to go in the British Puritan, you are the same'breacher' like my master."

Magicians are experts in magic that they are familiar with, but even if they have a position that seems to require trickery, it is not surprising that such combat magicians are good at negotiation and negotiation.

Speaking of "defaulters", Richard revealed a dark mood.

Pliny: "Have you been driven to a dead end? Attempting to shoot "Scarlet Sunshine" itself is not a loyalty to Britain."

Richard: "More than that, I want to destroy British Puritanism!"

Poke the sensitive spots a little and remove the mask easily.

There is an agreement between the science side and the magic side, and they can't merge technology with each other. Fran Pace is the biggest defaulter in history, right? In modern times, there are many accidental magicians who use water pens, laser engravings, printing papers to make runes, and magic arrays that would not have been used in ancient times.

Richard's ability to accomplish military-like great careers alone comes from the original magic he worked hard and studied and intends to entrust his life to, and is a symbol of his life. As a result, it was completely rejected because the above rune material used vitamin B2 which belongs to the scientific category. Unless he abandons his magic and denies his life symbol, he will be a "violator" who will be dealt with. Who can bear this? It's crazy to change anyone.

Richard picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip. Although he frowned because of the temperature dissatisfaction, he calmed down: "I was rude just now. Collected the celestial observation map, the Alaskan runes and the bloodline of the leader of "Scarlet Sunshine". Blood, do you know what it means?"

Pliny opened her hand and said, "There is nothing, if there is any, "Scarlet Sunshine" has been done long ago. There is no doubt that it is an out-and-out trap. But if you insist, the stele to which the Alaskan rune belongs The location is Northern Europe, so what I have to say is to analyze the Norse mythology."

Richard: "Do you know where the various artifacts in Norse mythology come from?"

Pliny: "The Norse mythological record was created by black dwarves, isn't it?"

Richard: "Have you ever thought that the records of Norse mythology are well-documented in history? For example,'fairies hate iron' comes from'the indigenous people with backward technology lost to iron weapons'."

Pliny: "You want to say that the black dwarves are a specific ethnic group, or a group that masters special weapon production technology, rather than fabricating it, right? You want to find them to obtain the technology to produce artifacts to raise their own power, and with this The British Puritan confrontation? Okay, in fact, my master and I happen to know the black dwarves who are indeed living in the world and able to build so-called artifacts."

Richard: "..."

If his symbol of life was rejected by British Puritanism, it was the reason he wanted to destroy British Puritanism, just like a volcanic eruption, then what is the feeling now?

It's hard to describe, if you want to compare it, when he participated in a handshake meeting with a female celebrity he admired, and wanted to share some joy with others, he came to a friend's house but found that the female celebrity was already sleeping in a friend's bed!

"However, weapons alone are useless, even if my master takes out weapons equivalent to the Lord God's Spear and Thor's Hammer here, can you use it?" Pliny looked bored.

"It is the question of the continuation of the ceremony. I am afraid it is described as the existence of the gods, so as to limit the power of the black dwarf, otherwise the black dwarf should be more famous in the myth." Richard returned the topic to discuss the authenticity of the myth. After a lot of comfort.

The so-called continuation ceremony can be understood as binding the relationship between the heroic spirit and the treasure.

"In short, I think it is more practical to study how to freely use the power of angels and demons than to find black dwarves."

"Hehe, this is really a luxurious idea that only the "Gold" type magician can have."

"In other words, you want to mass-produce standard artifacts and equipment for your own army. Mortals are indeed better at wielding artifacts than ordinary people, but honestly it is better to learn to fly planes, tanks and battleships."

I want to ask how Clown Pith behind Pliny knows-doesn't she have a "treasury of kings"? Tried it early.

If there is a ten-year cycle of training, it is really useless in this world where the density of events and the development of events are extremely compact.

"Thanks for your hard work." Pliny took out the paper and pen and wrote "Swish" and said, "My master's recent deeds to Britain and the deeds half a century ago have made a lot of anti-British and anti-American magic sides. People come here to discuss alliances and transactions, but it seems that you don’t have any plans and conditions that my master can fascinate, but—"

She pushed the paper to Richard.

The name of a black dwarf is recorded on the paper: Marianne Slingnaia, the black dwarf who built the spear of the main **** for the demon **** Ortinus in the original time and There are many others. Related information.

"This person is a black dwarf living in this era? Why?" Richard had to doubt that even if he had the information he had to obtain even at the risk of being eliminated by the church and being involved in war, when the transaction did not come up with equal terms, Someone will give in.

Is there still something worth calculating for him, a man whose position in the British Puritanism is already in jeopardy?

There was really no way out, and the other party asked him to board the plane of the academy's urban relations unit, which was doomed to this result.

But it didn't make much difference. After all, the church had rejected his magic that symbolized himself. If he continues to stay there, he will either be dealt with or become an ordinary person. Life as a Puritan magician was destined to end.

"Nothing, as long as it is something that can add to the European magic side, my master is definitely not too much." Pliny pushed the paper to Richard again. "A popular item among modern underground workers, paper is It’s made of cornmeal, and the ink is cocoa. It might taste good if you sprinkle it and fry it. Do you know what I mean?"

The content you gave me all the trash, expressing this meaning.

(to be continued)

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