Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 161: Holism experiment

As soon as the second youth escape activity started, the students launched a tidal charge like a canteen after class.

   There is no shortage of students with good strength and excellent equipment, but——

   A group of spirited guys who are confident in their fighting level rushed up and was hit by the guard robot.

   A group of top students who are confident in superpowers rushed up, was eliminated by the AIM force field jammer, and then was hoisted and beaten by the defense robot.

   A student who majored in engineering, driving a self-made driving armor or operating a drone to launch an offense, was still hung and beaten by a garrison robot.

The incompetent armed group that got the disused and modified armored vehicle from nowhere launched a military assault. The armored vehicle was literally blasted into the air and disintegrated on the spot. No dead people can only say that the weapon's non-lethal control is too black and technology. NS.

   was declared out of the game and even had to be carried to the temporary medical room more and more people.

   "I feel like I can overtake most people before the first wall."

   "As a result, do you have to wait until the crowded situation of this person is cleared, and then take action?"

   "If I can kill them, it will be easier for me."

   "These people are not the target of the mission, don't you, Mai Ye!" Flanda shouted, whispering to the Phantom of Clown Pace, who was floating on the side and looking at the high wall to watch the comedy that escaped from prison but had a tragic ending——

   [I said, no one here can see you, can you fly to the wall and investigate it? 】

   "Are you teaching me how to do things?" Crown Pith lifted her chest and glared at Flanda.

  【Well, anyway, the wall in front of us has not been emptied yet, and the field of vision is occupied by idlers and others. Piss, aren't you bored? 】

   "That won't be enough, but... Well, it doesn't matter if you win."

   The Phantom of Clown Pace flew to the top of the fifteen-meter outer wall, looked at the people who were tracing the wall, and narrowed one eye.

"The science and magic in this world is not about making magic science props, but something that is enough to make thousands of magicians listen to despair and suicide... Although it is the information that Freya sent to Franpies , Borrowing from this experimental aspect that has gathered so many abilities and people with black technology, the magician is ready together... it depends on whether Chuchun will give full play to it."

   joined this experiment in order to do a good job of the theory that has not been verified so far.


   This is not the same as the theoretically idealistic magic. Whether it is based on religion, myths and legends, or refining magic from the body, the starting point is undoubtedly the individual and the spirit.

   Now let’s take a look at the superpowers that can rub small fireballs and small water balls, but are different from magic——

   First of all, from a scientific point of view, supposing that superpowers are phenomena generated by the changes of the entire world, those with power should be able to directly influence the existence of the world.

   Why is it so assumed? It can be inferred by analogy. There was a forest fire somewhere on the earth. It was caused by lightning strikes. Thunderstorms are a kind of weather. Weather is influenced by the climate, environment and terrain on the earth. These are also affected by the sun, and the sun is also A star born in the evolution of the universe, in other words——

   The birth and expansion of the universe led to a fire on the earth.

   Then the capable person rubbed a fireball, can it represent that the capable person affected the birth and expansion of the universe?

  Crown Pith thinks that it is not impossible. The definition of "Personal Reality" created by the capable person's separation of reality always feels like the inherent enchantment of the Xingyue Mage's heart like the world.

   But after all, it is a hypothesis, so there is no means to observe large-scale changes. If you have the ability to distort the time and space of the entire universe, then the observation will also be distorted, which means nothing is observed.

Therefore, even those who have such abilities do not realize this, nor do they have the same induction and practice as for simple and clear super-electromagnetic guns or mental dynamics, even if the scale is much smaller, such as destroying the earth or the solar system, they can’t do it. So, even if he already has the huge ability to distort the space and time of the universe.

   However, recently there has been a rather improvement in the phenomenon of holistic capable people, that is-Chuchun Shili, she formed a "small world" completely controlled by herself in a small space with a radius of ten to thirty meters.

   Not only that, but when I saw the appearance of Chuchun, she panicked and uttered the term "devil god". Demon gods can modify and destroy the entire world with a single thought. Could it be that the demon gods and those with holistic abilities have intersections?

   The current event is an event that is not responsible for all casualties in the battle. For this purpose, a magician is specially arranged. Let’s take a look at the influence of magic in the field of early spring.

Sunflower seems to want to find the experimental subjects of the "Black May Project" by the way to turn over the old accounts, because in the similar knowledge of Kihara, the "Black May Project" he was responsible for participated in the birth of the holistic ability-of course, because it may cause black holes to change The earth was in danger of being swallowed and executed, but this juvenile home that had been imprisoned in the "Black May Project" should have the materials and information.

   After knowing this, Kraun Pith was strange, then why did Kihara let these people be so indifferent?

In this regard, the explanation of "Kihara Sunflower" is that after she implanted Kihara's similar thinking patterns and memories, she found that this person's research direction is "replacement There is nothing irreplaceable in the world, people and knowledge can Instead, defective mechanical parts and damaged internal organs can be replaced, and as long as the things that have to be replaced are completely analyzed, one can find and make replacements.

   Therefore, it is necessary for the subject to have a certain amount of freedom and time to establish new relationships and bonds. The more painful the life experience and the trial period, the new interpersonal circle established later will either be more paranoid or cherished.

   Regardless of which side, as long as it is a strong emotion, you can use the learning device to input the same impressive data, such as absolute obedience to Kihara. The stronger the previous emotion, the more thorough the obedience to Kihara.

   It's a pity that the follow-up plan has not had time to implement it.

   At this time, a team climbed to the top of the wall, and while walking past the Phantom of Clown, complained whether it was too simple.

  Even though they were wearing school uniforms, Crown Pith could see that the skills and methods were extremely ninjas. Although they did not fight like magician assassins like ninjas in Naruto, their body styles and weapons were very similar.

   Klauen Pith Phantom waved to Flanda and sent a message that the guard robot below this piece had been cleaned up by a group of ninjas. If it will overturn the wall, take advantage of it.

  At this time, the four-member Gun Sisters also broke through the obstacle course area and the defense robot, and began to attack the wall.

   Klauen Pith turned to Fran Pith to send an order to the Anbe "GROUP" to prepare them for action and engage in a designated type of battle with the four-member gun sister.

(to be continued)

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