Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 355: Switch to battle, Rabbit Gray's House

  Crown Piss sneered at the alien that Kamijou Touma understood from TV——

"I really admire the imagination of the people on Earth. How did you come up with life forms that are inefficient as intelligent life forms? The imagined Martians invaded the earth without even having an air combat weapon. Bacterial isolation means using javelin missiles can destroy the grenade, plug it in and blow up the chamber, and there is a certain kind of dead stars who come to the earth directly in the sewers and fight back and forth with the soldiers of the United States, and let the little boy use it. Is the bicycle frame carrying ET flying? It's neither science nor magic, understand?"

   Dang Ma immediately replied: "Don't worry, I don't understand at all."

"Hey, hey," Crown Pith grabbed it as the hemp collar and shook it. "Have you ever experienced an alien invasion in the hundreds of billions aspect? Although you haven't had a face-to-face with the alien subject, Have you forgotten the special equipment of the planets and the strange species that quickly squeezed out the native creatures of the earth?"

   " there such a thing?"

"The corals and sea anemones that grow on the land, have you seen, ever, haven't they?! They crawl on the ground and eat people, don’t you still catch a bomb and put it in your mouth from nowhere? Although the damage caused is like a cartoon It feels like eating chili."

"Ah... ah, ah, Otinus didn't come to talk to me that time, I still think which biochemical laboratory messed up. Anyway, I patronized saving people, and didn't pay much attention to other... "

"Forget it," Kraun Pith threw away Dangma, turned and stepped on the window sill, and said slightly, "Anyway, I can't count on absolute allies. Aleister has a common enemy in the same place. It should be reliable, but he is not here. . Then I’ll go by myself, and the “heating” here will dissipate in two minutes, so let’s take care of the rest."

"Wait," it was Mikoto who stayed first. The reason was, "It's not good for the wounded below to be directly exposed to the cold below minus 20 degrees? Whether it is self-defense or counterattack, you have done good deeds for me. Take responsibility."

   "Is this what you care about? It can be solved with a simple method like Kamijou Touma. Both you and Pat Wei can do it. Bye—"

   "Wait a minute, I haven't finished speaking. I will decide for myself how to act afterwards, but I still have one question to ask." Dang Ma said.


   "Pliny, call it this name... how is that magician now?"

"Oh, do you care about her who killed An Qi? You must have known that out of the existence of phase constraints, Otinus cannot be repaired and resurrected. She was'dead' in England in the phase that I was fighting with you. Let me tell you, An Qi is a life form that I created with my abilities. The human comparison that is easy to understand in the academy city is Phoebe. Even so, you won’t forgive it, after all, you can cut the ice with the wind. Hua's kind of people who make friends is your essence. Bye."

   Soon, the wind and sunshine outside the empty window were swallowed by heavy snow............


  Early in the morning, England, London, an apartment with no characteristics compared to the surrounding area——

   Yanila, but a girl in sloppy pajamas and pale blonde hair who seemed to be messed up because of a bad sleep, suddenly jumped out of the bed.

   "I'm here again! London, the capital of rabbit gray and black tea!"

   The dark-red curly-haired girl who was facing the stove not far away turned her head silently and looked back, and said, "What kind of ghost dream have you had? What time is it, hurry up."

   "Eh, eh eh eh eh? Why doesn't Yanasa wake me up?"

   Yanasa sighed, put the big spoon into the pot, turned around with her arms akimbo, so Yanila almost didn't laugh, that face was almost--

"You're so embarrassed to laugh! You weren't beaten by the magic you put in a daze! There was such a terrible'earthquake' in London last night. It is said that a huge sword that fell from the sky destroyed a Puritan church. It is said that such terrible magic only caused this damage to them. Isn't it a Puritan? You still slept like this!"

   Yanila: "Sorry, sorry, I really had a terrible nightmare this time."

   Yanasa: "What dream? How far can your careless dream go? The war is not over and the enemy has launched an attack on London. Isn't it because London has finally fallen or exploded?"

   Yanila: "You guessed so accurately, you deserve to be a mother."

   Yanasa: "Who is your mother?!"

   I must clarify the identity and relationship between them. They are all minors in age. In the neighbor’s perception, they are part-time clerks in a grocery store. Their business is light. They rented a room to save money. They actually have the identity of a witch. That shop is also needed for magical transactions. Fixed contact point of transaction.

   "Huh, Al?" Yanila got out of bed and shook.

   Yanasa: "What's the matter? Doesn't you really feel uncomfortable? The magic is disordered?"

   "Ah... the body feels a little light. But it's good, because it feels so good to have that kind of dream and suddenly realize that you are safe... I'll go to the bathroom first."

   There were not a few things on her body to take off, so she started to take the shower with "wow!"

   "Huh...It's more comfortable, but luckily it's a dream." She rinsed her hair and hummed a tone in her mouth.

   "I said," Crown Pith Phantom leaned on her back and spit When are you going to face reality? That is undoubtedly the reality, although you cannot escape the influence of the phase change, even if you think back because of my presence, it is probably difficult to treat it as something that happened. Even so, as a witch, is it really good to just think of phantoms as illusions? "

  Why is Kraun Pith here?

  Because of her previous experience, it would be too stupid for her to attack Britain stupidly.

   Why does she have to engage in Britain? She has no idea of ​​protecting or destroying the world.

It’s just that the demonized Franpis has jumped out of the transition phase and is not affected by the demon god’s creation and destruction of the world, but because of the complete and complete qualitative change of Franpis, the time in the final restoration of the world has fallen forward a bit. became--

   In the future, the United Kingdom will have a demonized and complete qualitative effect on Crown Pith.

   This future must change. It has already deviated from the original purpose of Kraun Pith in this world, and it can't be solved unless it is solved.

   Even though the beginnings of demonization of Roman Orthodoxy and Russian adultism have been eliminated, the future will not change. It seems that it will not be enough to defeat all the factors affecting Franppice.

   But things have happened one after another that deflated myself, and Crown Pith would not foolishly prepare to level the UK, who is deep in this country!

(to be continued)


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