Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 358: Gold hits from the raging waves from the other shore!

  The reason why the witch Yanila and Yanasa came here to steal the grave and dig the tomb is as follows——

   Not long ago, Cynthia, who started investigating ahead of time under the guidance of Klauen Pess, called - of course, using a special technical communication to ensure that she was not monitored. After the report stated that the psychic medium that confirmed the source of the Q Demon was Lola Stewart, the Supreme Bishop of the British Puritanism, he incidentally investigated something that seemed to be unrelated but should have something secret.

   Back then, after Aleister killed Mathers, then Lola recovered Mathers's body and buried it in Westminster Abbey, where there were tombstones of great men in various fields, and erected unrelated tombstones.

This doesn’t seem to be a big deal. Mathers is a superb magician, the leader of "Golden Dawn", but his identity is nothing more than a painter’s wife, who lives by borrowing debts from Anne and Franpies and claims to be a poor Scottish nobleman. "Gentleman", for the time being, there are some places that have a close relationship with those great men in the world.

   But in the last aspect, when Franpies chased here, she found a large number of empty coffins that had been excavated, and then the part of her body that belonged to Kraunpies was completely disintegrated by something.

   To dig out the corpse is nothing more than not wanting Franppice to find out. However, considering the opponent’s active seduction at that time, there must be something that can swift Franpis here. Considering the risk, if it is a man-made ambush, there is no need to specifically choose this place, that is, something in this place has something special. The ultimate meaning.

It may be a certain corpse, and only Mathers's corpse can be of such value. Since the supreme bishop who was possessed by the devil specially collected his corpse here, even if the meaning is unknown, it can be imagined that it must be a killer. Or something weak.

   The demons in this world, like angels, must be constrained and restricted to be summoned. Otherwise, it won’t be long before the world’s few big bosses do not take action, the world may suffer severe damage or even destruction. Then, Lola, possessed by the great devil, personally recovered Mathers’s body and buried it in the tombs of the great British. Presumably this is her restraint and restriction. Even though it is restraint and restriction, it is also the existence of the demon staying in the world. Guarantee.

   In other words, what would happen if the body of Mathers was used as a medium to instill energy? Yanila and Yanasa, who are not good at summoning but are good at using the energy that gushes out during summoning, borrowed the "opening" constructed by Cronnpith's huge capacity, and may be able to directly control the demon, and at worst, it can cause it to explode out of control.

   is not to use magic to track down the enemy and then send magic power along this line to launch magic at that coordinate, nor is it that magic directly straddles an unobservable distance and strikes like a guided missile, but from the inside——

   In fashionable words, it is: call your home network cable, and even your home motherboard will be raised together.


   "No! This corpse has nothing to do with magic!" Yanasa, who had checked the bones a little bit, jumped up and jumped out of the corpse. "The information is wrong! Which tomb is it! Or was it fooled!"

   "It's too much. In order to deal with me, I made a special trip to desecrate the corpse of my tenant. It clearly has nothing to do with this kind of conflict. It is not the kind of flies and ants that can be ignored casually. Don't you think it is too much?"

   With the sound of ghostly footsteps, Yanasa did not dare to look back for a while after the sound came from her, her neck was like a rusty machine.

   She realized what was behind her, and stared stiffly at Yanila who started to stand up: "Who is this you guy? Who is it that got into her body!" The voice began to become hysterical.

"Yanila" looked troubled and scratched Yanila's hair: "This is where you started when you changed your phases and escaped the constraints? If you choose the time as you like, I don't think it is very shabby. ?"

   "Isn't it fun for my father to be successful in playing tricks in battle?" Franpies, who doesn't have any elements of Kraunpis, said with a smirk with his hands on his back and her waist.

"It's a pity, after all, it's not very happy to go to war with the demonized'self' that still contains some children. It is a rare opportunity to solve it in advance." Kraunpisi no longer hides, from Yanila The inside was completely switched out, and the coercion and sense of presence rose sharply.

   "Dad, didn't you give me my own life until the end, instead of your pets, props, and puppets? What I do now shouldn't affect you."

   "Do you really think so?"

   "Hee hee, I lied to you. Of course not. I have arranged such a "life", then I have the right to retaliate, isn't it a matter of course?"

"Huh, that's why I hate children who are not controlled by my thinking. By the way, are you the only one, don't you take out the devil and the trash from the British Museum? Only you, want to fight with me?" Grab the burning torch out of thin air.

   "Wait!" Yanasa's eyes widened.

   No one listens to her.

"Is Dad going to cheat this time? I may not be able to beat you. However, you just discovered that what should be here does not exist when you dig the grave here. Shouldn't there be a simpler reasoning?" Franpi A card appeared in Si's hand.

   "Tarot cards, ready to start flicking?" Kraunpiss squinted slightly.

"Is it foolish? Dad, please look forward to the performance of outstanding children. It is indeed a tarot card, but the nature may be more like something between the magic book and the magic scroll. Dad, don’t forget, you used to be Isi The master of Si Ulasia Temple, and people in later generations think so, it has nothing to do with whether you take yourself seriously. That's how the popularity supports ability and strength." Tower in the hands of Franpies Luo card disappeared like magic.

   is indeed a very simple inference, if the corpse is not there, then where did it go?

   The majestic and majestic owed Fran Pith's debts and turned into a human form.

   There was a loud noise.

  Samuel Lead McQueen Mathers

   William Wayne Westcott

   William Robert Woodman

  Paul Foster Keys

   Arthur Edward Whitt

   Dion Fuchun

   Isri Rigged

   Robert William Folkin

   Masquerade Lady

  Netta Fornano

  Anne Horniman

   Edward Belich

   William Butler Yeats

   Frederick Gardner

   Charles Roche

   John William Brody Innes

   Arthur Conan Doyle

   There is also There is also, there is also...

   There are as many as dozens of people, all of whom exist in the memory of Crawne Pith, in other words, they are magicians who go to her leisure salon to consume.

  Crown Pith smiled: "Hey-very, often, thank you, thank you, you are such a good boy."

(to be continued)


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