Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 1: Will eventually face, 0 years aftershocks


Titanya, a big hollow in the center of the earth——

Star walked into the conference room with a majestic atmosphere.

Except for a few direct goblins directly created by Kraunpith, the direct descendants of Alice on both sides of the long table who were involved in internal affairs decision-making stood up and bowed to her.

"Okay, I won't ask much about domestic matters. As long as you don't get invaded by guild-based players or multiple true dragon kings who master the original magic, you can all deal with it."

Star raised his hand to signal everyone to avoid the ceremony, and walked to the middle of the long table to sit down.

Although Star is usually 100% in charge of the overall situation of the country, the structure of this country is very loose, and there is no problem in temporarily taking over and exchanging personnel between different departments. As long as the fairies who usually play and daze a little harder, work harder. enough. Although the Alices gave less power in this respect, their ability to meet changes was generally weaker than that of the higher-ranking fairies-this was also an arrangement to eliminate all possibilities of civil strife. But like Sunny and Luna occasionally join in the affairs of the central government, and even if something happens, they can rely on strength crushing and spiritual magic to revise their minds on a large scale, so that they can get back.

Although it is by no means a sound mechanism as a state institution, it is the most effective policy for land and citizens that are basically gathered and maintained by natural economy and the law of the jungle.

"Star, it's been a hundred days since you left." Luna said.

Star: "I understand that it is twice as long as the estimated shortest time, but it is still within the margin of error. You don't need to ask Pace and I specifically to know how to act with the camera, right?"

"The problem is not that, I mean—" Luna paused and yelled loudly, "You are going to a place equivalent to the modern next generation! It doesn't matter if you don't bring others, you won't call me!"

"Why does Luna have insufficient combat power?"

"It's better than most people in that world, right?"

"Well, when you meet a saint who can't even escape, you can take it with you, but even if it's just the things brought back by sunflowers, according to the calculations there, if you start from scratch, it will be enough for more than half a century, you Just play slowly."

"Huh, thank you so much."

"So, how is the progress of the strategy for the player's guild maze that suddenly appeared on the sea? At least I confirm that the surrounding countries have not received the news of the impact of the '100-year aftershock' spreading out or being wiped out. What is the situation?"

Star had said that the matter of the Raiders Guild could be released first, but when she came back, she asked such a question, which shows that she is "confident" in the arrogant motivation of her companion.

"Regarding this, it is still under limited firepower detection, considering that you may get into a maze when stepping into the field, so it hasn't gone deep yet." Alice's 13th report said.

"But there is a problem that can't be ignored." Alice No.10 picked up a document that should have been turned over many times or almost rubbed it, scanned a few times, and said, "Last time I was called the unprovokable demon god. The existence is mixed with the Raf civilians in our logistics."


The corners of Star’s mouth twitched at this time. The demon **** who traversed was different from Ortinus’s first appearance. He looked harmless to humans and animals, but after all, even if he loses the ability to shatter the world, it’s still easy to shred the planets. exist.

"Well, but..." Star remembered one of the reasons that Kraun Pace planned to return later than her.

The things that need to be packed and settled are not complicated things that take more than half a month to be put together. In fact, Kraunpith found that she "would not come back easily".

The upper limit of the existence that the world can accommodate, even if the Demon God is weakened three times, its existence may still crush the world if it is squeezed into the overlord world.

Eh? Did you say that the Demon God lost the ability to crush the world? Actively attacking to smash and being smashed are two different things.

If Kraunpis wants to return, he has to lower his apparent presence to between 280 and 300. If the demon **** who has been weakened many times has no intention of destroying the world, his usual revealed level should be in this level range, but the combat power should be. It is still greater than this range. Of course, this is a desperate and indistinguishable gap for most of our compatriots and natives and players.

"Nephthys and Niang? What are they doing?" Star asked.

Alice No. 10: "Take a car."

Alice No. 11: "Are you pretending to be foolish? This "do" is not "sit"."

Alice No. 10: "I didn’t play homophonic games. They really didn’t do anything except ride in the car. No, if occasionally we send the wounded to investigate the injured in the field area, it’s what we did, so let’s do it. ?"

"Help the wounded? What the **** is the devil thinking?" Star patted his head with a headache. It would be easy if the devil was a companion, but how could it be so simple?

"Forget it, just use the real-time investigation to confirm it. Let a scout team with a supervising team do a little offense. I will see with my own eyes how the two sides react."


Crescent Lake (sea)——

The sea area where the sea city is located is a crescent-shaped area that is connected to the sea on one side and half-encircled by the coastlines of the Slian Kingdom, the Khaz Plain, and the Dragon Kingdom on the other three sides.

However, the terrain is more like a place like the Persian Gulf, the sea mouth is narrow, and it can be used as a small Mediterranean or a huge lake connecting the ocean.

The reason why it is difficult to define is probably because the sea water in this world is the same as the water in the land river—fresh water.

At this moment, a fleet is parked a hundred nautical miles away from the port of the Dragon Kingdom, the purpose of which is to block and monitor maritime cities.

After all, it is not the fairy's own territorial waters, and most of Titania's warships are potentially underwater. It’s not a new technology for warships to dive based on ghost of the seas are wooden-clad metal armored warships of the Dragon Kingdom and the Bajas Empire. The appearance is more pure than the old ones. The wooden warships are also quite majestic. After all, it is a "hundred-year aftershock." As the country closest to the location, they also need to respond.

A watchman on the top of a ship's mast, after the fluorescence in his eyes gradually dissipated, he put down his binoculars to do eye massage-something that can be called eye exercises in some worlds.

"Well, there is no movement today, the shift has been changed."

He stepped out of the fence and slid down the rope, and the crew passing by said casually: "I really envy you, now you have magic eye drops that strengthen hyperopia in your business. You can see clearly from so far, even if you occasionally steal it. It’s okay to be lazy and wander around."

"Go away, you can't do anything except wandering around. This farsighted effect cannot be removed by itself before the time is up. I can't get it right when I lightly light a cigarette."

At this time, the alarm bell rang!

(to be continued)

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