Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 15: Guild Wars: The Fallen Guardians of the Floor


After a volley of battlecruisers of the Imperial Forces, the damage to everyone on the island seemed invisible. Yayaka Jinguang was a little uncomfortable for a while, so she immediately ordered a change of ammunition to continue firing.

In each round of the volley, more than 20 large cannonballs flew out, slammed around the city on the sea, and a small amount fell into the city. Some enemies were smashed on the spot. A large amount of white mist came out from the cracks, and the enemy that was knocked down suffered only innocuous injuries. He got up and continued to attack the battle line composed of war ghosts.

After the shells, the magic circle opened at the muzzle sprayed out clusters of white air clusters, followed by the shells falling on the island and spreading.

Soon, the entire maritime city and the island on which it was located was shrouded in a white mist.

Yayaka put down the binoculars, muttered and ordered: "There really is no fire attribute, no way, No. 1 turret, No. 1 cannon, fire magic."

"Shoo!" In the crimson magic circle unfolding from the muzzle, the javelin made of orange-red flames rushed into the white mist at subsonic speed.

Then, all light up!

The terrible flames rushed to a height of 100 meters in the air, and the spreading air wave made the boiling sea water surging endlessly, and the mushroom cloud rose to the sky............

"Hmph, it's really gone, even if you have high defense and fire resistance, what about it? Since it's a human, you always need to breathe. If you want to compete with me on strength, you must first become a dead person. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Yayaka looked at this super spectacular scene and laughed loudly.


What does a below-average human being from the 22nd century in such an ordinary technologically civilized world know about the reasons why human beings can become the "ruler" of the earth?

The human body is very fragile, but it has weapons that are more terrifying than other creatures in nature, that is, tools made by humans.

Even in the fantasy world of swords and magic, mankind may not be unable to make weapons that have a range far beyond that of rank magic, comparable to missiles and nuclear weapons. Even a guild facility with an underground labyrinth isolated in space cannot be at ease. In the 22nd century, ground penetrating bombs are not advanced gadgets, and the possibility should not be ignored.

Therefore, for the first wave of invaders’ offenses, he just saw tricks, and nearly 10,000 people sent out were cheap or even free combat units.

If it is a guild composed of hundreds of players, even nearly 10,000 people will be blown away like scraps of paper.

The individual combat power of the invaders was higher than theirs, but the gap was not to the point of despair, so he deliberately let in the team that entered the city for the purpose of secretly invading from the beginning.

In his opinion, the battle of this team should not be able to complete even one-third of the first floor of the Underground Labyrinth, but what is that?

It's completely different from the way in the game. The mechanism that should have been able to solve them is constantly cracked and destroyed, and the building can't be destroyed, but the mechanism dedicated to dealing with the enemy can be destroyed?

What principle? From the monitoring point of view, it should be that the fairy clan has the ability to freely change the size of all aspects of the body, can avoid all kinds of seemingly unavoidable attacks, and can also penetrate into small places. The team also carries equipment and props that can adapt to the user's size changes. ——This is the same as the game.

In this way, the props were stuffed into the mechanism and the structure was stuck.

However, does the trap mechanism have an internal structure? !

No, if it is reality, this is normal.

Poisoning to kill a pool of guardian beasts has an impact on him. Although this seems to be normal, sprinkling the purchased drugs casually in the game will only be a waste of invalid judgment.

Is this reality? In this way, his very strong hp in the game, will it be meaningless, if the neck is wiped with a weapon that can break the defense, or the heart is pierced, it will be killed directly?

Maybe it will!

After that, warships appeared on the sea? ! There was a shelling? ! It looks a bit weird, but the size and firepower should be at the level of the early to mid-twentieth century, right?

The combination of the results of the first wave of shelling and the intelligence of previous surface battles made him understand that the average combat power of the residents of this world should be similar to the free combat units in the 100-level player guild.

In the second wave of shelling, even the principle of cloud explosive bombs was used. Thousands of people left and the remaining hundreds of enemies were wiped out. The weakness of the creatures will not disappear because of the existence of parameters. Even if Krypton Gold strengthens and creates powerful combat units, it will face the problem of birth, old age, sickness and death when it becomes a reality? Isn't it worth that much?

I'm so scared, I can't wait to block all the entrances and exits with the building parts that have been confirmed to be undamaged by the shelling. There is also a class of sunlight underground in the maritime city. The farmland, fruit trees and livestock that were originally used to set off a self-sufficient atmosphere have also become a reality, and they are truly self-sufficient.

However, he is afraid that this violation of the game's playability will deduct the fine from the vault. Although the defense facilities and combat units have free parts, they can face the strong who are close to his level, or those who need to pay and krypton money. The thing that can work, otherwise it will just keep sending out a small amount of experience packs.

Moreover, the free combat power is not unlimited, and there is a daily limit; the repair of the free mechanism also takes some time-otherwise the game balance will not be destroyed? But this place is still like a game.

It was rainy during the leaking season. In the screen of monitoring the intruder on the first floor of the maze, the guardian boss on the first floor was killed-the battle seemed to be but the victory was right from the start does not exist.

The guardian boss on the first floor is Valuz, a heavy-duty knight. Although he failed to collect Legendary and above equipment, his level is 85. Even if his opponents are crowded, he shouldn't lose too ugly.

However, as soon as the battle began, the fairy clan shrank and got in through the gap in the armor under the cover of the companion.

The four-legged creature with strong melee combat ability also serves as the tank and output. The other team members cooperated with the cover to launch a fierce attack. I don’t know if the thing that got in did something, or it may be that the person who looks like the captain has been using it and can’t see the specifics. The magic of the effect is a kind of strong negative buff-it is really inconvenient without the game interface.

Varuz's movements are very unnatural. He clearly has the ability to injure or even kill an enemy with every blow, but he always loses the chain.

Finally, before Varuz fell, the mystery was solved—plants emerged from all the gaps in the armor, expanding the armor, and even the picture that he wanted to spit out across the screen was-tentacle-like The vines came out from under Valuze and out of his mouth!

(to be continued)

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