Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 22: Guild Wars: Retreat

Just when the front line of the maze invaders had collapsed and was about to be completely wiped out by the guards, the demon **** Nefertis took action!

Tears shed because of the "moving" scene.

Watching the movie and seeing now, most of the reasons for shooting are definitely not a moment of pity, tears are really cheap. Nixfia, who was knocked down but most conscious, thought so.

As Nefertis' tears fell, the enemy's power was greatly enhanced in an instant!

Then, all power is directed to the enemy himself!

Although it looks like a skill or magic with a frantic state, as long as you have a sufficient understanding of the level magic system they hold, you can understand that the status quo is definitely not the case.

"I am Nefertis, one of the demon gods, this time I am completely a bystander, but to the present, it is too boring for the bystander-that is, the audience. Your purpose is to investigate, but if it is a decisive battle I knew the result from the beginning. Who would want to watch a drama with such a script without any suspense? I'm sorry, I was originally an audience, but I just threw the popcorn on the stage because I couldn't stand it."


Although Nixfia, who can actually speak normally because of the injury is not so tragic, wants to yell: "The Demon God I know is not strong enough!" But she is not unfamiliar enough to cause this casually. Wait for the attention of existence.

The distraught Doriad opened her eyes slightly, and for a moment a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

After the mission was completed, Kratt and Nixfia only knew that their combat purpose had changed from the original fire reconnaissance to a real invasion. Although they were suspected of giving away in vain, they were overconfident in the means of escape and they were killed. But what they don't know is that Star just asked them to take the Demon God who was sitting idle in their supply car for some reason to the depths of the city and stimulate them to do something.

It turned out that the fake drama was really done, and it really almost died, but the task was indeed completed. But this is bad. What if the existence of this self-proclaimed Nefertis didn't count them alive?

The recovery items are all used up. In short, squeeze out a little magic power as much as possible, and cast [MiddleCureWounds] on yourself. For her level, this magic is only better than nothing, at least enough to restore her mobility.

"Yes, no audience likes to be in the limelight. Maybe I should treat everyone here as a normal person." Nefertis said not so good news for them, "However, since I can't help but walk in On the stage, at least I hope that you clumsy wooden actors can at least give me some highlights in supporting the dancers so that the audience will not continue to throw popcorn."

"Puff," Kratt said with a **** mouth, "You mean, do you ask us to be your little brother to help you?"

"Well...Is the explanation not clear enough? We just enjoy watching and participating. We don't have any special ideas about your purpose and means. It's just that the result is too obvious and it will be very boring."

Clatt still wanted to choke back. The reason why he didn't make it was that Doriad, who was pressed in the corner by him, pushed him a bit. Although his physique was very different and his posture was not very good, his four legs were unbalanced and planted.

"Really, show me the gap, you muscle idiot."

After all, the appearance produced by Nefertis is almost the same as the phenomenon of the well-known magic [Frenzy], but it is overpowered. Doriad suspected that Kratt hadn't seen how extraordinary what Nefertis had done just now.

If you use magic [Frenzy] or even a higher level of similar magic with an additional abnormal state, it can be compared to tanks no longer being able to identify enemy and friend, regardless of weapon life, forcibly increasing the rate of fire and cannonball charge to kill each other; So, what Nefertis did was to fill all the gaps in the tank full of ammunition with more ammunition, collide with each other, aim at the ammunition rack area at zero distance and fire, and collectively cause terrible ammunition blasting!

[Frenzy] There is a suspicion of luck, but Nefertis accurately amplifies and controls everything. High-level magic can't do it, and it seems that Nefertis did not produce such magical skills. What is the consumption, judge by the tone, this trick is just an ordinary attack that is not serious to her.

There is a more important point-

This chocolate-colored woman, acting alone will burden the space, although it seems that as long as the endurance does not exceed the upper limit, the space will not be affected, just like the balloon is intact before it explodes, but , The feeling of being blocked in the space disappeared like puncturing a soap bubble.

"I'm sorry to let you down."

Doriad lowered her waist deeply. This was a natural response of a creature that could only crawl on the ground facing a high position. There is no whole body lying on the ground, but the country where she lives does not have this culture.

Then, it directly activated the magic scroll of the expensive fifth-level magic [Transport[]], because it was knocked away a long time ago and lost everything else, the magic circle only included the three of them.

Then disappeared into the maze together with the magic circle.

The place they returned was the ground-the entrance to the underground labyrinth.

"Hey, set me a place farther away from the battlefield." Nixfia complained.

"[Teleport[]] can be launched normally...It's fortunate." Doriad was exhausted and only made such an excuse.

"Hey," Klatt said gruffly, "Although we still don't know what happened just now, I think we are passively regarded as abandoned children of some larger game?"

"Abandoned child is not counted, otherwise this retreat method will not Besides, if you can get results, it will be a bonus project." Doriad replied.

"...Forget it, thinking too much is not something I can do. Anyway, the rest is left to the two guys who have been playing soy sauce, right?"

Doriad placed her hand on her temple to activate the contact magic, and after confirmation, said: "The people on our side have been dealt with on the surface part. It's safe, let's go out."

"Well, I don't want to go down a second time anyway." Nixfia shrugged and walked to the door of the room covering the entrance.

Although the city has gone through such battles, and the city walls and usual buildings are still intact, all the combat units in the city have been destroyed by Yayaka’s naval guns and Luna’s armored units.

The main responsibility of the army occupying the surface part of the sea city is now to guard against the squads that seem to be summoned by ritual magic. Once they appear, they must immediately use their superior forces to eliminate them, so as to prevent the number of enemies from increasing sharply.

Let the Ministry of Magic personnel and exploration team responsible for various investigations be able to work with peace of mind.

(To be continued)

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