Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 47: Girl praying

Originally, Nixfia used Chrissy as a convenient mount and shrunk her body to hide in her hair. But a few words from Chrissy’s friend Nila made her furry and messed up her hair.

If these humans are not Titanya’s source of income and goblin followers, Nixfia will let them move their heads.

"I'm sorry, Nila, I'll see you later." Kriss apologized and waved to Nila, who was complaining about leaving to get her hair straightened.

"But wasn't Nila who actively stimulated the monster just now?" Youya whispered.

Then, under the name of their usual routine report, they waited to meet Fendi Rede in front of the portable tent they always carried.

It's not easy to chat casually here, because there are nearly ten knights and magicians standing on both sides. Although Crown Prince Karius seems to be talking with these people, he is actually doing the same job as standing guard.

Could it be that the previous conflicts are still continuing, are you looking for opportunities to find fault?

"Gui'an, Your Highness Karius." Seeing Karius noticed them, Chrissy and Youya bowed slightly and lifted their skirts to salute him.

"Yeah." Karius nodded slightly in response, and said, "The investigation has been hard. But there are discoveries that are beneficial to the technology and culture of the empire."


There are a lot of things, in addition to the low- and middle-level items that the previous Titanya team disdained to walk along, various decorations and institutions constructed by other systems of technology, and fields related to agriculture and animal husbandry— -The Guild Labyrinth already has a self-sufficient supply system, and it is impossible for the Slian Church to emptied all of these things.

I really want to talk about it all in one day, and the two of them cooperated and talked about each other. Karius seemed to be interested in the few unearthed swords and gems, but it was not surprising.

Although the noble daughters have some illusions about the handsome martial arts of the prince, in reality they will slander "What do you want to be the next emperor with a powerful sword?" The emperor is a powerful but simple-minded guy, but he doesn't want it at all. want.

However, Karius later showed interest in the discoveries found in the maze that were helpful to the people's livelihood, such as urban construction, agriculture, etc., so that the young ladies were interested in the impaired crown prince of Fendi Rete, whom they respected. The impression is better.

Maybe it's really not interested in Fendi Lethe. After all, the performance of a strong woman who has a reputation will compare him even if he becomes an emperor for granted. The emperor hopes that the queen and princess are easy to dominate, but it is irrefutable.

Until the exploratory team who had entered the previous group came out, Fendi Rede called them.

"Excuse me, how does His Royal Highness Karius feel about Fendi Rete?" So, finally, Youya asked in a low voice and gossiping.

Karius glanced at the tent and said, "He is a very good person, but as a fiancee, I only think about how to be a queen in the future. My personality is really not cute at all."

Nothing, the noble daughter feels a pain in her stomach, she wants to make a noise, but she will offend one side no matter what, she desperately endures the pain in her stomach.

After calming down for a while, they bid farewell to Carrius, bent into the tent, and saw Fendi Rede sitting on his knees at a low table in a position suitable for knee pillows, taking care of the original records sent by others.

Although the gossiping eldest lady is very concerned about who this knee-pillow posture is for-it's not like an ex-fiance anyway, but good cultivation doesn't allow them to do so.

"You are welcome, what is the report that needs to be submitted?"

"Master Fendi Lett, please look over." Kris took out a stack of paper about five millimeters thick.

Although she didn't think it was necessary, the clues about the "Blood Chain Locking God Group" were written in the insignificant words and sentences that were easier for ordinary people to skip in accordance with the pre-declared code arrangement.

If you fall into the hands of the enemy, even if you take into account that possibility and pay special attention to words that seem to be less relevant to the investigation, the probability of finding it is much smaller than that of directly saying it here.

"Well, is this the survey data that you two summarized?" Fendi Rede asked loudly, flipping through the paper.

"No, Miss Lange Ballet from Robert Bardohou's house is busy and can't get away, so please bring me along." Chrissy replied.

"The second daughter of Robert Badohou, is it?" Fendi Lethe thought, propping up his chin. "The Robert Bado family led the first group of believers to meet the family of the world **** for the first time decades ago. The understanding is passed down from generation to generation, but it is not guaranteed to be passed down to this generation of evolution, and there will be stupid people who have begun to peek at the power of God."

In the hands of those who participated in the support of Fendi Leite’s trap, most of the noble daughters’ noble ranks were under the earls, while the men were the lowest from the barons, knights and commoners. One of the reasons was that her influence was not at this level. The second reason is that she is one of the few people who knows the actual scale of the "Blood Chain and Lock God Group". Although she can't beat the empire, it can also bring about a great loss of national strength even though the Imperial Intelligence Bureau has given this information. Just sneer at it, anyway, "Blood Chain Lock God Group" can't win anyway.

Therefore, Fendi Leithe suspected that the "Blood Chain and Lock God Group" had the support of a few great nobles located near the top of the imperial pyramid, and its true purpose was to launch a coup under the unrealistic banner. Perhaps the information provided by the nobleman should focus on suspicion.

Fendi Rede never worried that the empire would lose to that kind of The Guchmont family that she belongs to was a family that benefited from the brilliance of the present **** earlier than Robert Badohou. To Rampa Desi's faith is the strongest, and his bloodline is optimized by a family member of Rampads's fancy. Fendi Rete was born not from Guhimont’s own family, but from a family that was blessed by God. His bloodline regained his ancestors and awakened the family’s ancestor Varudo Za Brandt Guhimont, who was favored by the power of the undead. Because of her nature, she was regarded as the "eldest daughter" by her family, and she didn't even have to adopt the name "righteous daughter".

Therefore, what she fears is that once such turbulence occurs, the gods of the present world will be disappointed in the Bajas Empire where such **** have grown.

Human beings can build a kingdom in this world. Since ancient times, they have relied on the protection of the gods in the "hundred-year aftershocks". Magic technology has developed from the civilization of mankind to the present. Although it has achieved great results, it is still too far away from the gods. At this time If they lose their asylum, is there any hope for the country, the nobles, and the people in the new round of battles that may be set off by this "hundred-year aftershock"?

My father is also going to attend the important meeting of the Fairy Temple every 20 years. The multiple of 20 just happened to crash with the time of the "hundred-year aftershock"... I hope it's a coincidence.

(to be continued)

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