Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 83: Under God's Capital

After Fendi Lethe gave his instructions, he thanked Imia who had accompanied Fluda in the operation to prevent a complete runaway: "Thanks for your hard work, Lord Imia."

"Well, you're welcome. Compared with this, pay a little attention to the guardian fairy who sent you the map."

"What's the matter?" Fendi Rede knows that Nixfia is dangerous, but she will not violate the orders of the upper elf to refute their Guhymont family's face.

"The treasure house does not have open passages and teleportation arrays, and Paradine's magical knowledge can not be found. It is all the guardian goblin messing around and suddenly taking out a sword with no special appearance and directly blocking the space. The walls on both sides that are simply physically connected are split apart."

"Really, then it seems that I need to greet her and thank her according to etiquette. I will pay attention."

Fendi Leyte didn’t feel any problem with Imia’s exaggerated description. After all, it was sent by the upper elf to perform the task. It seems that there are hidden tasks other than exploring the maze, so you can get a magic sword with such an exaggerated effect. Not surprising.

Nixfia was also looking through the treasures.

The parts that have not been evacuated here are arranged quite neatly and seem to have not been moved much. But Nixfia still saw traces of a large number of transferred materials as he moved forward, and this did not feel unexpected. It turned out to be here. There is a master, it is very possible to be beaten up by the goblin and only have time to roll up part of the belongings and escape.

"Wow~ this is..." In a semi-open room in the treasure house, she found a large number of human female Grahams with various attributes.

The Empire also has Grahams, but they all have necessary uses and will not be specially modified to human appearances for their purposes. Graham, who is an adult, usually only uses wood outsourcing other soft materials. Their role is generally to engage in the service industry and has nothing to do with combat, and only the wizard guild does this kind of thing. But there are a lot of human feminine grahams, whose materials are so expensive and lifelike from the outside. What is the original owner thinking here?

What is certain is that the guy is definitely a virgin.

Nixfia was beating these Grames everywhere.

"Thank you for your help, is there anything I need to help?" Fendi Rede asked politely, if only I could help, because Nixfia's messing around here will affect my work. schedule.

"I'm looking for a Graeme with a material suitable for my clan." Nixfia said.

"There are a lot of these, and it will take a long time to find a professional appraiser." Fendi Rete, who understood the characteristics of the guardian fairy, replied.

"...But I'm in a hurry."

"Sorry, if you plan to choose the remuneration for helping again from here, and if you are eager to cash it, I hope you can replace it with something else." Fendi Redte said with a graceful apologetic gesture and expression. In fact, he does not belong to a person hired by the empire. Helping outside without authorization can sometimes cause troubles and disputes, so I want to pay remuneration or reach an agreement as soon as possible to form a definite employment relationship.

"I'm very anxious. The patriarch urges me and my family to find Grahams with suitable materials, or props that can summon monsters with no time limit and no self-awareness, such as guardian trolls, guardian giants, and guardian big ghosts. Well, similar It's okay."

"In short, it is the summoning magic items of the upper subspecies that are similar to your elemental life components, right. There are some similar summoning items drop items, but the summoning items with no time limit break the current understanding of our empire. It’s difficult to directly transfer the magic system of the world. Didn’t you find it in your exploration?"

"There are a few, but they are giant gods, fire elements, and angels. The latter two do not meet the requirements. The patriarch wants to summon more."

"Then, I can help you check the list. There is another thing that may meet your requirements, called the mercenary scroll. It has been identified as a ritual magic that summons the required combat units with a large amount of gold as the material. If there is If you like, you can make an exchange. If you like the latter, you will have to prepare the gold materials you need, but we can also give you a part of the burden. How about this time?"

"Well, it's okay."

The transaction went smoothly.


Slian Church, the gods—

At the same time as Irut and Yugali began to make preparations, the dance clothes, under the leadership of a priest, passed through guards that changed day and night, surrounded various guards with magic, and arranged various points around inlays. Barbed nets and high walls of various traps.

As it deepened, the inner site became smaller and smaller, until it came to the innermost cabin.

Wuyi stopped, looked around at random, and said, "Although your guards and traps are not very good, by external standards, it is really a heavily guarded place. I am locked in here. I need to see. Who is this?"

"It's easier to explain after reading it. You will know when you go."


The priest continued to lead the way and entered the house, but there was no such thing as a prison or a seal, but a long downward stone corridor. The two of them walked down the stone steps into the ground step by step, and the light was getting darker and darker.

"Really, is this country so short of'electricity bills'? So are your churches, offices and dormitories. Even the daylight is dim. This is not a defensive labyrinth that requires all kinds of dark phones to shut down, but you always Use the facilities. Why is it that the lighting and lighting are so poor? I think it must not be designed by other supreme. I think this aspect is very necessary to rectify. "Dancing clothes seem to dislike the atmosphere, a little chattering.

"It's rude. UU reading"

Although the priest does not know what the "electricity bill" is, where can electricity be bought and sold? But he understands that the dance clothes are in a bad mood because of the lighting problem. But he didn't know how to explain it. He just understood that dim light and stained glass seemed to be good for meditation and faith, but it didn't feel real.

The downward steps came to the end, and after turning around a few corners, Wuyi turned to look in the direction where she could go straight. The bright magic over there reflected a spacious and majestic temple.

"Not over there, go here." The priest who led the way said hurriedly.

"Over there? I seem to be able to feel the breath of the supreme supreme." Wuyi did get this vaguely.

"Yggdrasil" has become a reality. It is natural that the player has a soul connection with his NPC, usually very weak, unless it is a summoned real-time combat unit will be very strong. But if it is a dead person, after the corpse has completely lost the potential to be resurrected or transformed into an undead, it will be the same as a fossilized flesh bone on the side of the road, and nothing can be felt.

(to be continued)

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