Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 97: Super 3

In Mesetti's eyes, this giant tree, which is larger than the magic tree known as the "Destroy Dragon King", has a large inner bottom space. Two thousand people are not crowded here at all. Although that is said, it is also because there are no huge races such as giants and dragons due to the size of the entrance, and there is no dodge space to dodge attacks from the sky.

"It's actually true. As long as you don't take off with your feet off the ground, the things on it will never come over." said Hua Jingjing, sitting on the head of a dragon rider in the underworld.

Under the underworld dragon ride is a small two-footed wyvern, about the same size as a griffon.

"Hua Jing and Dragon Knight of the Underworld actually have their feet off the ground, right? According to this, as long as the Arhats are stacked infinitely, they can go up safely without disturbing the invisible monsters?"

"No, I heard that the invisible monsters are denser than expected, and they are also constantly moving. If you do that, you will surely hit them soon."

"Then, what if they come down?"

"Then I think we are dead, their best chance of attack has been missed. There is always something unreasonable about the biological habits of Ainz's world."

"Twisting is a bit like-calling "Come and try to kill us", it feels like twisting."

Hua Jing and Twister Twisted the conversation.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Ainz suddenly laughed.

"Master Ainz?!" The unusual laughter made Mesette nervous. The absence of "forced not panic" means that Ainz must be laughing calmly and cruelly at this time.

"Ah, I'm sorry, after listening to their conversation, it reminds me of the, nothing. It's just that the changes have been made on this side, but the same on the other side, the odds of winning are much bigger." After a pause, he said, "I should have directly used superposition magic to greatly reduce the number of opponents first, but here (there is no'teammate avoidance') it is easy to suffer unbearable losses first, and the magic to choose is limited. Next, let’s start. An experiment must also be done."

Ainz raised his bone hand, and the hemispherical magic circle shining straight to the zenith unfolded instantly!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh—" This caused a lot of eyes and a burst of exclamation and noise.

It is the first time for many people to see such a large and beautiful magic circle. No, I am afraid it is only once in their lives.

Mesette rarely sees such magic even by Ainz's side, because there are almost no enemies in the world that need such magic to appear.

Then reality began to slap her in the face.

"Next, I too—" That Alice tossed the magic seal crystal that Ainz had just given her, raised her hand and opened the magic circle of the same size!

"Oh, Mr. Christine, it seems that the experiment has been successful, so I don't need to use this and just laugh at it?" That Alice turned the magic seal crystal as a ball in her hand, and turned to such secret treasures. Do such a frivolous thing? !

"I think it's safer for you to use it." Ainz said calmly, how magnanimous.

Ainz was really happy. He was the only player in the past, and he could not test whether the rules of superposition magic had changed. Although the original superposition magic is powerful, it can only be used by one person at a time. After each use, all players will enter the superposition magic cooldown CD. The number of times that can be used on the day will be reduced by one at the same time. It seems that it is even more in reality. It’s okay for people to use superposition magic at the same time.

But the reason may be that although they are fighting side by side, they belong to a completely different team, and the material of observation and records is still not enough.

"Let's talk about this later, Iblu Yai, it's up to you. Let's clear Mr. Gong's doubts." That Alice turned to the teammate of "Thirteen Heroes".

"Does Christine have some incomprehension about the simultaneous activation of superposition magic? That's right. After all, this situation is unprecedented in history. I am very honored." Iblu Yai followed Mesette's stunned mouth. The huge magic circle of super magic was opened!

Messette feels a little unbalanced. Why is this? The guy who is not much better than her actually used superposition magic? !

"Hahahahahaha, Mesette doesn't have to show that expression, so far it has not exceeded the scope of my imagination." Ainz said.

Mesade was vomiting in his heart, can he conceal the green light of "forced not panic" that flashed on his body first?

After the amazement, no one will focus on the three constantly changing magic circles. Everyone can understand when the three magic circles burst, that is, when the war begins.

After a lot of time, the blue rays of the magic circle became stronger one by one, which was a sign that they could be activated at any time.

"Then, activate it." Ainz's magic was activated first, "Superposition Magic—[IaShub-Niggurath]."

A dark breath blows through the entire interior space of the big tree like a patio.

The invisible flying monsters entrenched in the entire space were completely wiped out.

[IaShub-Niggurath [IaShub-Niggurath]] The initial effect of this magic is very subtle. It is an instant attack, that is, a death attack can resist opponents with a similar level even 20 levels lower than the caster. Indeed, the monsters here are casual Take one of them all at the level of destroying the country, but it is really not enough to see in front of the hundred-level player Ainz.

At this moment, there was commotion and chaos in the huge team that had been quietly waiting for their battle to begin.

Although it was explained in advance-monsters may lose treasure, Ainz also complained when he was doing fire reconnaissance, "It is really strange that the place is reserved like a game." UU Reading www. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties due to unnecessary disputes in the battle, originally negotiated to wait for the post-war and then allocate them based on the merits, but now-

Gold coins, crystals, gems, potions, scrolls, magic equipment and props are raining down!

These are all inconspicuous things in the eyes of transcendents such as Master Ainz. For them, it is no different from the income exchange, but it is different for the ordinary residents of this world. No one knows gold. Too few, the others are also valuable treasures, equipment and props with extraordinary materials exuding amazing magic power, and even a small amount of things that are regarded as national treasures are not surprising!

Civilized intelligent creatures will have greed for these. Although it is said that after the war is allocated, if there is a chance to fish more and hide in the body, who is not happy?

Mesette hesitated for a while, subconsciously wanting to rob her with excitement. While a companion's tentacles patted her on the back, a burst of "forced non-panic" green light flashed on her body and dropped to freezing point. She was confessed. Is it really okay to offend other people all of a sudden after the way of dealing with it at this time?

(to be continued)

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