Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 99: The underdogs who are rightly positioned

Just when Messète forcibly distorted Ainz’s superpower magic [IaShub-Niggurath] for that Alice regardless of the initial combat command, and summoned the fruit of the black goat cub as a sacrifice before the birth. When a huge monster is ——

"This is one of the incarnations of Shabu Nicholas, the **** of the dark and rich mother. I transformed the black goat cub that Mr. Christine will get. Although it is very similar in nature to the Shabu Nicholas cub, Compared to the black goat cubs that grow from fruits but are like animals, this one is more similar to plants." The Alice who immediately fluttered the wings behind and ejected and took off shouted and explained.

No, no, what are you thinking about? You probably want that Cthulhu monster to activate the Demon Sealing Crystal. Master Ainz explained that he would summon powerful monsters here with flying magic as your protective umbrella, and the defensive power of monsters summoned with super magic as a sacrifice must be more terrifying, but that head seems to have Does it look like activating the magic crystal IQ? !

The result turned out to be true.

At the moment when the magic seal crystal was broken, the moment that Alice soared past the evil **** monster, and launched a new magic at it: "[Fantasy Only For Believers]."

Almost at the same time, it seemed to symbolize that the monster refreshed its resurrection and disappeared.

"Attack!" The person in charge of the ground forces commanded loudly.

It was a sound that shocked and invaded people's hearts, and Mesade judged that the opponent should use a skill that can interfere with the spirit.

Although very rude, it seems to be very efficient as a commander. If Messette hadn't "enforced no panic", he would find that the roar had the effect of reducing fear and improving morale.

"[Magic without singing·Magic Arrow [SlientMagic·MagicArrow]]." Messette raised his wand to expand the magic circle, shooting out the first-order magic.

Her level is quite high, such a low-level magic, she can wield about twenty shots per second.

The Huajing and Twisted Reels on the side also fired first-level attack magic continuously. Although their level is relatively low, the first-level tier is still very simple for a powerful magic caster on one side, and the attack is like Automatic guns generally shoot into the air. Hua Jingming used his hands alternately to cast spells, twisting the reel is like a tentacle, shooting randomly into the air with a muzzle.

The magic burst of about two thousand troops on the ground is the lowest level of attack magic. The visual effect is probably not as good as the siege that Mesade has seen with his own eyes. In my heart, the killing effect is probably not as good as the same number of ordinary magic troops. Let's shoot at full force.

However, what is needed now is the continuous shooting speed and endurance, as well as the reaction speed in the face of changes, so it is only natural to gather the powerful from all over the world——

Intensive but low-level attacks continue to explode in the air. These attacks are unable to cause even skin trauma to the main 18 people. The invisible monsters who can be bathed in storm-like dense attacks, even if they receive minor injuries at most, In the eyes of human beings, they are all visible!

However, most of them are attracted by the evil **** monsters with the highest hatred. Although they can't be seen, Messette can feel the conflict above.

Eh? It seems that those invisible monsters are also constantly receiving serious damage?

From time to time in the air flashed a light symbolizing the resurrection of individual invisible monsters.

However, even if it is a continuous and extremely high hatred magic, it is impossible to include all monsters at any time.

Some monsters rushed down!

Although the people gathered here are all powerhouses in the world, there are not many who can reach level 40, most of them are more than level 30, and they can fight against level 40 or above by equipment items or barely, while level 25~ 30 accounts for 40%. Facing these monsters is still very tricky. Even if you get into a bitter battle, if you are rushed into the formation in large numbers, you will be wolves into the sheep pen!

"It's now, Dragon Knights of the Underworld, come on!" While watching closely the rainstorm-like first-tier magic, the place where the constant bursts are approaching the ground, he ordered groups of Dragon Knights of the Underworld to move toward these directions. Go up.

The Dragon Knights of the Underworld have a pretty good defense. Offensive and defensive is divided into ten, that is, offensive and defensive seven.

The Dragon Knights of Hades are a type of flying undead who focus on defense. According to the calculations of Master Ainz’s firepower reconnaissance, they can only resist six or seven attacks by invisible monsters that are much higher than them, and they have ten minutes. The ability to survive a fatal attack at HP1, and the ability to use one of the mounts or knights as a stand-in during the failure of the former, and allow the other to survive, are very effective as a meat shield consumable.

The Dragon Knights of the Hades were constantly knocked down.

Invisible monsters burst into the battle!

Under the orderly and continuous orders of the commander, the team surrounded the intruded few monsters with more than a dozen people and tried to see the monsters' movements clearly by splashing various powders and liquids, and wrestling with them.

However, [Perfect Unknowable] is not a low-level technique that covers the body by light transmission, refraction or illusion, not only does not have the breath that experienced people can often read, whether it is ordinary colored liquid or magical light The powder that reaches the range of the monster's body will disappear directly.

What they can read is the things that are constantly disappearing and reappearing, and the flow of the wind slightly catches the movement of the monster. Unable to accurately defend against the enemy's attack, only abandon the defense, and continue to attack at the end of the trajectory with footprints in the dust and magical fluorescent light, and the liquid spilled on the ground, which consumes a lot of money.

Even if the siege is based on the superiority of troops, every time a body is defeated, it will cost several times the casualties.

Mesette felt that he was shed cold sweat that did not exist, and prayed that no monsters would take the initiative to look for her.

At this time, the last superposition magic magic circle, which had risen to an altitude of several hundred meters, finally exploded!

"Superposition Magic-[Heaven and Earth Change [The]]."

In an instant, the world seemed to freeze.

"Are these... were they made by Ibilu Yayi, the ‘great magic caster’? It actually froze the entire space? Comparable to the power of Master An!" Mesetti looked up.

I saw that the main 18 people who had turned into small black spots in the air quickly disappeared one by one.

It seems to have arrived.

It's definitely not a time to breathe. For them, the real battle has just begun. The same is true for them here.

Originally, this time was also considered by Master Ainz, but at this point, the magic that attracts hatred has failed. And he is not an undead who can use more magic seal crystals for the "miscellaneous fish" he didn't know in a Raiders battle.

The ice layer all over the air created by superposition magic, even all the monsters and the resurrected light were frozen.

(to be continued)

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