Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 111: Interlude outside the labyrinth

Messette washed the eyes removed from the eye sockets, choked the sand out of his throat, and said, "Cough cough cough, it doesn’t matter to me if you don’t rest and want to play any magic, cough cough, I didn’t expect to sing this. As soon as it came out, cough cough cough."

Hua Jingjing didn’t interrupt, and waited silently for Mesette to finish washing, watching her put her eyes back into her eye sockets and blinking to confirm that her vision was back to normal, she said: “Now Little Messette, your identity is no longer just Ainz’s disciple. As your reputation improves, you will make more friends, but your status as an undead has not changed. You are still a high-level undead who is good at commanding a large number of undead. The possibility of making enemies is also very high. People who are close to you will inevitably have ulterior motives. Even if you make friends, backstabs may come. It's better to do some training in this area."

"Really, then I have to thank Mr. Hua Jing, right?" Mesette said grimly.

"You don't have to be polite. As Ainz, it is inevitable to ignore these. As his friend, it should be a little supplement for his disciple." Hua Jingchun accepted with a cheeky tone.

Messette: "Then, how do you count Master's grace of not killing?"

Hua Jingjing: "Ah... isn't that what happened more than ten years ago?"

Mesette remembered that Hua Jing was fighting with Master Ainz on a certain matter at the time, and the same struggle happened afterwards, and after a series of things, he became a companion. At that time, Hua Jing was only comparable in strength to her period as the Great Mage of the Dead, and she was still a thief. She dared to compete with Master Ainz, whose identity was already noble enough, and she was too self-conscious.

But this is also a common feature of thieves. Obviously he is a thief, but he has reached the realm of heroes, and he knows magic. If there were no dragons and players, he would indeed be brazenly proud.

Hua Jingjing: "It's not time to miss those things that year."

Messette: "Master Ainz is very gentle with favorite and rare talents. Unfortunately, if it weren't for a skeleton, if he had a skin like me, he would have more friends and would be willing to take the initiative to apprehend him. There must be a lot of people. Alas—"

"Indeed, that kind of appearance will definitely cause disputes in places without his influence." Hua Jingjing nodded and joked, "but there are also places that you can envy. The sand just now made you embarrassed, once. Ainz and I traveled through the sandstorm together. Ainz didn't do any protection, and walked in the dust without anything. I can only hide in his cloak, envy it."

Messette: "Ha, even if the sand gets into his skull, it will leak from the head to the soles of the feet, of course it's okay."

Hua Jingjing: "Hahahahaha, for this reason, I really went to a lot of places with harsh environments in my spare time. I know there are so many identities, but there is nothing busy at work. Are nobles like that?"

Messette: "Not necessarily, there are also busy guys. In fact, the master is very busy."

Not long before I met Hua Jing, there was really no free time for a while. To become a nobleman, he has to learn all kinds of etiquette. Mesette recalled with a bit of joy that Ainz had come to beg her to teach him to dance, and attended several dances held by kings of different countries. The dance partner—it was her, of course. Mordred's original identity seemed to be higher, but the "monkey" seemed to be no good at it.

During that time, Master Ainz often practiced the noble rituals of different countries in front of the mirror. The details were jaw-dropping, including sitting postures, sitting down movements, waving hands to express impatience, and slapped tables in anger, and no noise. Actions, gestures used in various dialogues with subordinates, etc.

The genuine "One minute on stage, ten years of work off stage", was once met by her who was holding a magic book to talk to him about a problem. For some reason, she was so embarrassed that she glowed green. Obviously Mesade admires Master’s point very much. She recalled that after she retrieved part of the memories of her life, she was asked by the family to learn all kinds of elegant language and movements. I feel that the dress is so hard to do all kinds of exercises, and I feel that Master Ainz is so great, and he can really perform a lot of volume without changing the appearance...Speaking of which, the skull face can't change the appearance.

In short, the response of Master Ainz to the undead at that time was very funny and very rare, and it was engraved in my heart.

A piece of communication magic came along the line pointing to the soul among the towering giant trees.

"Master Ainz?!" She suddenly looked back at the huge tree canopy that shaded the sky under the night.

"Contact? Then I will help you watch it first, you can concentrate on communicating." Hua Jingjing turned and sat outside and said.


[Master Ainz, it’s Master Ainz, how are you doing inside? Are you ok? 】

[Um...ooh, so far so smoothly. Already close to 40%. 】

【what? It's been so long, is it only 40%... Is it okay, can the supply keep up? 】

Mercedes knows the difficulties faced by Ainz’s tactics. If he is in the "time and space" of "Yggdrasil", he should have the best companions, as well as get the most advanced supplies, consumables, and equipment to fill the infinite backpack. Means, just the first stage of the tree-climbing operation does not have to be so troublesome.

Using such a huge military force to carry out life-consuming cover operations is a manifestation of the serious shortage of equipment and props required for exploration.

Now it seems that even if they offset considerable consumption by this, do they still face shortcomings in the canopy maze?

And Ainz explained as if to make him not worry—

[No, that's not the case. I forgot to tell you. For me, exploring the way forward only accounted for 40%, and the final decisive battle accounted for 60%, which means it has been smooth so far. UU reading www. This is also fortunate that I have chosen a partner worthy of my peace of mind, even if it is only temporary. 】

[Really, that's great. Master Ainz is the best at fighting, dealing with that kind of single-handed monsters, there must be no problem. 】

[Thank you for your kind words, Messette, how is the other mission going? 】

[Oh, it's about the follow-up observation of Alice Hiero's superposition magic that covers the summons of the black goat cubs, right? 】

[Yes, it is a super magic that I have never mastered, but if I guess correctly, it should be one of the incarnations of the black goat goddess. The question is what capabilities it has. 】

[So there is something that Master doesn’t understand? 】

[If you think that I am omnipotent and omnipotent in magic and its use of tactics and strategies, you would praise me too much. If I declare that the battle is over before it starts, it is naturally a confirmation of the confidence that all intelligence is fully prepared. But at other times I may also make mistakes. 】

(to be continued)

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