Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 133: The upgrade experiment of betting life

After listening to Doriad's explanation and speculation, Kraunpith directed the same question to the other three people.

The racial difference in Beelzebub is too great, but Kodia and Oska are "as if it might be the case".

"Ahaha, maybe it is because Kodia and Oska are more convenient than my race in terms of reproduction, so don't pay as much attention as we do, just follow the feeling, right?" Doriad said mockingly.

In this way, not only did the level of the three goblins get a reasonable explanation, even the level of Beelzebub did not move. As a result, they were judged here as a summoned unit that could not be upgraded, which disappointed Kraunpith, who was thinking about using it to do more.

"Boom!" There was a sudden loud noise.

It's no surprise. Someone outside used an attack that would shake the ground, but the sound was strange, and Kraunpith didn't remember anyone who could use the type.

There was no new combat unit in the induction. She turned her head to the direction of the sound, and saw that there was a giant nearly ten meters tall and wrapped in armor on the inner city wall, or a fellow like Graham, using martial arts [ Lei Ya] Throwing the huge stone out, the stone turned into an electromagnetic cannon and rushed into the monster group, exploding several heads.

"Then what?" Kraunpisi used Alice No. 0's contract connection to sense it, it turned out to be Kuka Kalika? !

Obviously, the alchemy body of Kuka Kalika is basically a blonde nun, where is such an exaggerated fighting form?

"It's Kuka Kalika." Doriad slowed down and told Kraun Pace the answer.

Cordia and Beelzebub expressed their envy, jealousy and hatred—

"I heard that her subordinates are still something. What secret treasures have been obtained from going to the sea city with Sariel, using that form to get the form after Master Mijiaris grants a new body. I also want a crystal giant. ~"

"Oh my God, as long as the race bears the name of a fairy, does it matter if it is a plant faction?"

"That is to say, it is large, and its level is almost better than Oska. If it is something that interests me, the'Dark Archmage Three Stars' will definitely bring it back." Kraunpis quickly lost interest. I lay lazily on the wall and said, "Doriard, you are the patriarch with the largest number and scope of the Titaniya ruling race. I am tired. After observing for so long, you should also understand the battle flow pattern. Come on, can I hand over the command to you?"

"Eh...Yes, if the enemy's layout does not change, I think it's okay. Then if there is a change, can you allow me to ask you, Master?"


"Then, I want to report: A main attacking team has also appeared. They are divided into two groups. One is outside the fortress to help us fight, and the other is fighting the flying monsters in the air. What should I do?"

"If they really relieve our pressure, just let it go and thank you afterwards. If you drive a train, please come and call me."

"Take... the train?" The poor dryad patriarch said that the automatic translation of this different world language did not understand.

"Ah, if they deliberately gather monsters to attack the fortress, call me, understand?"

"Understood, Master. Execute it immediately. You guys come with me."

After Doriad left with the other three, less than a quarter of an hour later, she ran in again, with a more tense expression on her face.

"Report, Master. The number of monsters has doubled!"

"What?!" Klauen Pith's hips turned upside down, but she quickly calmed down due to fearlessness, lifted her chin and analyzed, "From the time the monster arrived here from the edge of the map, it is Ainz Ur. Is it time for Christine and Meiyou to come, so I can't expect them to relieve the pressure."

With that said, she turned her head and glanced at the battlefield outside. San Luoli seemed to be working hard, and the side of the castle where they were indeed relieved the pressure.

Because of the sudden reduction in pressure in that area, Kuka Kalika also took advantage of her huge body to jump outside to help.

When Klauen Pith hadn't been liberated from the chagrin of not being able to gain experience and had a new idea—

"Boom!" Suddenly the remaining ceiling also collapsed in the explosion on the top.

"Master, be careful!" This is the second time, Doriad turned around and opened his arms to expand the magic circle, blocking the falling and splashing of various rubble with non-chanting low-level defensive magic.

"Well, are you afraid of getting me dirty again? It's good, but... Did Adam blow up the chamber too? It feels really unlucky." Crown Pith leaned out from behind Doriad and looked at the gunner. Several people who were embarrassed by the blow up but did not hurt much, took advantage of the trend to give out their inspirational thoughts as commands—

"The situation has changed. All of your 18th patriarchs went out of the city to face off under the protection of the walls and defensive towers. Anyway, the number of Sofia's heavy magic guided cannons has decreased. I will arrange for those with a lower level to handle the cannons."

Doriad lowered his head to take the lead, and asked anxiously: "This is indeed the way to maintain the front. As long as we are not besieged, we are indeed capable of defeating those monsters. But what about physical problems?"

"Since you are my contracted unit, I can naturally use my magical power to keep you on the road, is there a problem?" Kraunpisi said lightly.

"Then, even if you have level 100, if you give us so many people battery life..."

"Yes, so I only give you battery life, don't expect me to improve your strength. This can always be solved with the existing potion reserve."

"Understood." Doriad was ordered to leave.

The corner of Kraunpisi's mouth raised slightly, because in the previous maze strategy, several sub-level characters were upgraded too quickly and ignored. Then she remembered: If Lu Ji's leveling experience is different from pure game characters, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Compared with the number and intensity of killing monsters, indigenous killing monsters will also gain experience points or upgrades. However, experience points are related to the difficulty of killing monsters. Then it is better to slay them instead of letting them slaughter them safely. Go to the forefront and fight the monsters.

This should be able to get experience points.

The results returned made her more satisfied.

Forced to face the danger head-on, even if there are six hundred or even more than one hundred and a large number of tank guns and heavy magic guided cannons, the 18th patriarch still has various dangers, but the level has begun to rise. The bloodline of the game characters depends on the number and intensity of killing monsters, and the difficulty of killing monsters and the increase of life danger for the natives are really unfair, but at this time, Kraunpisi is happy for these patriarchs who rushed to fight.

As for their own thoughts, they don't bother to care about it.

This is a good experiment. Even if he is dying, Kraunpith will not hesitate to use the power of his body to hold them in a sigh of relief.

(to be continued)

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